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RE: DIGITALY #57 - Official Magazine of the ITALY Community / Rivista ufficiale della Community ITALY

in Italy5 months ago

These are schools in Hungary but in NL isn't much better. I remember how jewelry was collected before gymnastic and swimming class. After the lesson that box was always nearly empty.
Refunded is nothing they will say: you should have left it at home!

I once bought a huge stuffed animal for my daughter a German Sheppard. She took it to class to show. The teacher ordered she had to leave it behind in the class during the 20 minute break. After the break was over the dog was gone. 😐

The teacher shrugged and said it was my daughter's fault (she was 4 or 5). Till today she is angry about it because it was her birthday present and she only had it for a day or two. And I still search for a replacement 😥

 5 months ago (edited)

Aren't there in Netherlands trials against schools? Such schools deserve to be sentenced to pecuniary terms. But who do steal in schools? I hope not the same teachers to be the thieves.

I tried but school inspection does nothing not even if a group of toddlers is raped and the inspectors are good for locking up (prison) parents, sueing them or they take the children away.

Good question who steals if all children are sent outside and only teachers are in the school (except for two who should be on guard).

 5 months ago (edited)

Don't the laws against schools work in your country? All parents together should protest and strike against such a shameful scholar pattern. The government should close such schools.