I missed this entry of yours. You must have submitted this close to the deadline. I was constantly looking out for late entries but must have retired a few hours before cutoff. Anyway, you really stuck to your idea of how to show astronomy as a study. I think you did a good job showing the stars and their position in the sky. I was trying to read the text but it must have been in German or Belgian. Anyway, thanks for joining and inviting your friends to join as well. 🫠
Thanks to you for being here also this week. Welcome to the edition and a big good luck :)
Saya akan ikut serta kalau memang memungkinkan, untuk astronomi saya tidak punya bukunya hihihihi
I missed this entry of yours. You must have submitted this close to the deadline. I was constantly looking out for late entries but must have retired a few hours before cutoff. Anyway, you really stuck to your idea of how to show astronomy as a study. I think you did a good job showing the stars and their position in the sky. I was trying to read the text but it must have been in German or Belgian. Anyway, thanks for joining and inviting your friends to join as well. 🫠