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RE: PHOTOCHAIN Challenge TESTNET - Edition number 75 [ENG | ITA]

in Italylast month (edited)

It is not Eastern yet so I wish you all a Happy Valentine's day!



Uovo - Rosso - Padella

Egg - Red - Pan


Classic combination! What the 'Padella' is for?.. a saucepan?..

 last month 

to make the water boil faster because the kitchen is cold

You're in! Great shot. The eggs are brown and not the usual white that I am used to. I had to look it up. It says white feathered hens lay white eggs and brown feathered hens lay brown eggs. All the laying hens in your place must all be brown ones. We have a similar pan like this but it's colored black and is white in the inside. If you win, I will find a way to use it 😄

Best of luck 👍

 last month 

It's years ago I saw white eggs they are no longer sold with us no idea why (back then they gave some reason for sure it had to do with animal abuse or whatever)

I checked.. apparently it was forbidden for the plebs to buy white eggs because they were associated with the "chicken batteries" (small cages where the chickens were kept in for the eggs and this is forbidden since 2012 or so. Another fact: the industry was allowed to use the white eggs.

In a Belgium article I read that there will be sold more white eggs because it is better for the environment (I won't laugh) and the eggs are cheaper (50%) . How come it feels as if we are fooled by the egg industry?

Ah, you have pan like that as well? The very old ones with us were black or dark blue if I remember it well.

Well, I haven't really seen the actual conditions of the chicken cages, as you call them, here in our place. But I know they're usually stocked with white chicken or layers and fed laying mash. It's a type of chicken feed with a lot of nutrients and calcium fed to chicken who are actively laying eggs. I understand the chicken house is quite large. But I guess if it is stocked fully with little space for the chicken to move around, then makes no difference from small cages, right?

In the old days there weren't a lot of these layers. Most chicken were range chicken and laid eggs through the natural way, that is they get impregnated and lay eggs after a while. The eggs were gathered then and sold.

But I think we will never know if "chicken batteries" have been avoided by prohibiting the buying of white eggs. As I have mentioned, white eggs are produced by white chicken. Brown eggs by brown chicken. So since all your eggs are brown, might not the "batteries" be now involving brown chicken?

There something to your feeling about being fooled by the egg industry 🤔

Anyway, here's the pan I was telling you about. I also notice we have a similar kind of floor tiles 😊


 last month 

No we are not allowed to buy those eggs we have eggs from chickens they claim the can roam around. Roam as being in a large shed or partly outside It's still small since it's a certain amount of chickens per m2 so if it comes to it they can stretch their legs and pick at another or something. We have: scharrel eggs, vrije uitloop (free walk outside) eggs, bio eggs (a joke as if every egg is't bio = biological), mais eggs (corn) and more nonsense all very expensive.
All I know that the Barneveleder is a big chicken (I like it) and they lay an egg early every day.
I kept chickens and they lay anyway if they are old enough. No rooster needed and it's normal that if the temperature drops and fewer sun hours they stop laying eggs no matter what you feed them. That food is only to give them sufficient nutrition and keep the shell hard.

Thanks for sharing the pan. You floor tiles are like it? LOL

Well that's something new to me. I didn't realize they don't have to be pregnant to lay eggs. Amazing.

I found out something new as well. A banker friend told me that most chicken houses for breeders are now airconditioned. She said chicken growers found out that controlled temperature in these houses help spur growth and prevent sicknesses and infections. And there are already some houses for layers which are air-conditioned as well. That's progress for you.

Yes the color and pattern of our tiles look just like the ones in your photo of Red and Egg. 😁

 last month 

An egg is an egg... women are born with eggs.. they ripen and blooop. With a chicken that happens and with mammals as well just in a different way.

They have lamps for the chicken houses and heaters, more than I have 🤣



Perfect entry, thank you for joining in Valentine's theme. Welcome to the edition 75 and a big good luck! :)

Brown eggs? From chicken? Good luck , where is the red object?

 last month 

Yes, The scale years ago was white and we had brown now only brown.

The pan is red did you miss that?