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RE: NewStoryGame 5 - Radici di Vita

in Italy10 months ago

Mother's Day turned into a battlefield
Groups of men arrived shouting: eco-farmers are bad for the planet, mothers stay at home! They threw paintballs and stones, vandalised the farm and at the centre of the violence was Arturo, unarmed, smirked.

La festa della mamma si è trasformata in un campo di battaglia
Gruppi di uomini sono arrivati gridando: gli eco-agricoltori fanno male al pianeta, le mamme stanno a casa! Hanno lanciato palle di vernice e pietre, hanno vandalizzato la fattoria e al centro della violenza c'era Arturo, disarmato, che sorrideva.


Maria, tremante ma risoluta, prese il microfono. "Difendiamo il diritto a un mondo pulito e giusto," annunciò, con voce acuta, mentre la folla iniziava a pulire i detriti, trasformando la distruzione in resistenza. Poi guardando Arturo con occhi di fuoco proseghì "Non lasceremo che avidi interessi soffochino la nostra voce”…

Maria, trembling yet resolute, took the microphone. "We defend the right to a clean and just world," she announced, her voice sharp, as the crowd began to clear the debris, turning destruction into resistance. Then, looking at Arturo with fiery eyes, she continued, "We will not let greedy interests stifle our voice”.,,

Maria knew she needed a friend. she took out her little phone and searched for his name . she can remember why she wrote his name on the phone (The Good Earth). she tried to call and the answer was unexpected. I know what you're going through (I'm coming)