UNFORGETTABLE ITALY Contest: Week 28 Steemexclusive - The Fibonacci Sequence

in Italy3 years ago

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144...

Can you guess the pattern?

It's the Fibonacci sequence!

12th century Italian mathematician from Pisa discovered this mathematical sequence which appears in nature in many surprising ways.

For example a sunflower's seeds are arranged in a pattern where they spiral outward from the centre in both a clockwise and counter-clockwise direction. I took the photo of this giant flower in Rothwell, Northants, England on the 3rd October 2021.

Camera: Nikon D5600 Lens: SIGMA 105mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM ISO: 320
Shutter Speed: 1/250 Aperture: f/3.6

If you were to count the number of seeds from the centre outwards in the clockwise spiral the number of seeds within the corresponding counter-clockwise spiral will be the next number in the Fibonacci sequence.

For example if the clockwise spiral has 34 seeds the counter clockwise spiral will usually have 55.

This is because when you divide a number in the sequence by the preceding number the result is a number known as the 'Golden Ratio'. A number which is found throughout nature... but this isn't a maths lesson! It's about my sunflower and its connection to Italy!


Miss Fruit has returned as Miss Sunflower! Who knows what other dastardly transformations are yet to come! Stay tuned to your favorite Italy Community to find out! 🍋🍓🌻🙈🙉🙊

🙌 Exactly 💁‍♀️ Very well said @famigliacurione You made me smile 🙃 I also really like the Unforgettable Italy contest here as I love a bit of a challenge. I enjoy thinking about different ways to hit the brief 🇮🇹 and stand out from the crowd 🌏

Creative people love color and pizzazz! Without them, the world would be bleak and boring! Thank you for the energy you share with us! Know that it is greatly appreciated!

I can’t agree with you more🍕🎨 That’s also very good to know 💁‍♀️ in regards to my future posts @famigliacurione Yes, of course, there will be more 🇮🇹Pleasure is all mine 🤝

Wow, this post is not only entertaining and interesting but also very informative.

Thank you ever so much @rosana6 💁‍♀️I am really glad that you stopped by and enjoyed reading this post of mine 🙌 There are always ways to make maths fun and relate it to what surrounds us in our daily life. Thank you for resteeming my post too 🤝 Hopefully it will be of interest to even more people.

I also shared my post on Twitter 💁‍♀️

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 23.36.59.png