The love of thousands of people is lost for money.

in Italy3 months ago

Love is one of the most sacred and powerful feelings in human life. It connects people deeply with each other and gives them the strength to find meaning in life. The power of the love that used to sacrifice their lives was so strong that it would overcome all obstacles but in today's time love and relationships have become a yardstick meaning people now look for financial security and benefits more than love in a relationship.

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A few examples will make the matter more clear.Many times a beautiful relationship breaks up just because one of the two is financially weak.In selecting a bride or groom, financial stability from the family is given priority over important factors like love, character and values. Ignored When money dominates love love loses its own dignity Love is a spiritual and emotional thing it is a feeling that money cannot buy but under the influence ofmoney people often forget the genuine feelings of love.


There is no denying the importance of money, it is essential for life, but when money becomes the only goal, human relationships begin to suffer from emptiness, and when love comes into account, relationships become just contracts. People's self-esteem and appreciation of feelings has decreased. If children are taught by family and society that love is a spiritual matter and that relationships should prioritize mutual respect and trust rather than money, this tendency may be reduced.

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Money can give temporary happiness but love gives people true happiness A financial crisis is possible to overcome but if the foundation of the relationship is weak then it is more likely to break up so love should be prioritized over money in important life decisions. This conflict between money and love is not new but If people understand the true meaning of love and value it more than money then there will be a positive change in society Money makes life easy but love makes life meaningful so if love is lost for money then it will cause a great loss to society the power of love Who does not neglect It should be prioritized in life because at the end of the day not money but love is the real wealth of human life.