PHOTOCHAIN Challenge TESTNET - Edition number 70 [ENG | ITA]

in Italy3 months ago

Puoi trovare la traduzione ITALIANA dopo la fine della versione in lingua INGLESE.

You find the new key-subjects after the rules section.

Usually, I tag the previous participants in the post. If you no longer want to be tagged, use the comment section to inform me. Thank you. :)

All rights reserved.
All the uses of the contents herein - and their derivatives - are strictly prohibited.

Hello World!

This is the 70th Edition of the Photochain challenge TESTNET on Steem. The Photochain Challenge is a blockchain-like photography contest. If you would like to know more about, read the Photochain TESTNET Edition ZERO on STEEM. There, I explained the functioning of the contest and how to join.

In this post, I'll announce the 2 (two) winners of the Edition Sixty-nine of the TESTNET contest. Within the next 72 hours, I'll reward both of them with 1.5 STEEM - as previously explained - and will post in the comment section of the EDITION SIXTY-NINE.

And the Winner is...

The edition number sixty-nine of the TESTNET phase counted 7 (seven) valid participants.

The two Key subjects were:

Branch and Eye

These are the 2 (two) winners of the edition:

Winner 1


with a selfie near a statue and a bush of flowers.

The personal subject is Stone.

Winner 2


with a nice selfie.

The personal subject is Pink.

Even this week we concluded with a good participation, so I though to add two special awards to two honorable mentions (for the just-ended edition): 0.75 STEEM each.

The first honorable mention is:

by @lupega

and the second honorable mention is:

by @xiao-aine

Congratulations to the authors of the photos.

Thank you EVERYONE for participating in this week's contest!
@gems.and.cookies @henryclive @dim753


I explained in the TESTNET EDITION NUMBER ZERO Post that you can participate by submitting a photo in the comment section: you must be the author of the photo.

The photo must contain the two Key-Subjects - I will write below - and another key-subject of your choice (the subject must be contained in the photo). I also explained HERE how the key-subjects will change and the criteria with which I'll choose them. Below, I'll mention all the rules. If you have any doubt, follow the practical examples in the TESTNET ZERO EDITION and learn about the contest there. If you post on your blog, remember to use the #photochain tag.

STEPS and RULES: first part


  • The photo that contains the two Key-Subjects;
  • A Comment with the two Key-Subjects + another subject of your choice but CONTAINED in the photo. (If you posted the image in your blog, you can post the link to that page, but you must add your photo in the comment section anyway);

2) ONLY IF YOU WANT: mention another person you think would like this challenge;


4) WAIT FOR THE NEXT WEEK: time limit to join is to 3 hours before the edition post Payout; I'll announce the winners after that moment.

RULES: second part

  • You can join with 1 (one) photo only each edition.

  • The PHOTO MUST BE TAKEN BY YOU (any device, like professional camera, smartphone, and so on).

  • Key-subjects must consist of a single word; multiple words are allowed only if the combination indicates a well-defined object/subject (for example "street lamp").

  • The entry photos MUST CONTAIN the two key-subjects indicated in the launch of the edition.

  • The entry photos MUST CONTAIN the third key-subject indicated by the participant.

  • The third key-subject has to be different from the first two key-subjects.

  • The duration of the contest is: from the start announcement post to 3 (three) hours before the post payout time of that post.

  • I'll advance with the prize-sending 3 (three) days approx after the finish of the weekly edition. I'll write the transaction ID in the winners' announcements post (practical example for educational purposes only: after 72 hours about from the winners' announcement, whoever wins the 10th edition will find a comment under the launch post of the 10th edition, containing the transaction identification link).

  • Participation is open in Italian and English. Not having knowledge of different alphabets, I ask those who want to participate to first make a translation of the proposed key-subjects together with the photo.


  • No SPAM!

  • Basic editing is allowed.

  • Each color cover is allowed, including Black and White.

  • You mustn't use graphic design and/or add part of other image and/or use deep editing like Photoshop-guided rebuilding processes: this is a photography contest!

  • GIFs are allowed only 1) if the duration is less or equal to 10 seconds; and 2) if it represents a view of the same objects/subjects and not a rebuilt-video; and 3) if the key-subjects remain in the foreground for the whole duration of the GIF.

  • I ADVISE you about the photo you want to propose: there are some Law rules in each State, and I know that using photo of people or photographing private properties could get you into some troubles. Make sure you're not infringing on anyone's rights when you post your photos on the web.

  • Each Theme is allowed: no censorship except for extremely explicit content. The nsfw contents are allowed but, if I choose a nsfw photo as a winner, I will not insert it as an image in the official post (only as a mention or a link to the published post).

  • IMPORTANT: I invite the participants to use fairly large categories as subjects so as not to sabotage participation. You mustn't use proper names (of cities, places, mountains, species, etc).
    Another example: don't use words like London, or Danube, or Mark, or Blue Crab; or don't use the snow bear subject, just animal or bear. Naturally, in case of equally deserving photos, I will consider a photo of an animal that isn't often photographed in a more relevant way than a simple domestic cat.


The more general the category of the meaning of the word used as a subject is, greater the participation in the competition will be, greater the prizes and the fun will be in the future.

Are you Ready?


This weekly edition is the:

70th Edition of the Photochain Testnet

The KEY-SUBJECTS for this week are:


The sixty-ninth edition is now archived with seven valid participations. Thank you everyone for participating. Three of you were excluded from the awards, but I hope you can try again very soon. The first useful attempt arrives this evening, with the new - the seventieth! - edition of the contest. This week we have a couple of subjects already seen: Stone and Pink. We'll see who among you will be able to take home a nice nest egg. I say goodbye and wish you as usual...*



Now it's your turn.

Quella di seguito è la traduzione ITALIANA del post.

Puoi trovare i nuovi soggetti chiave dopo la sezione contenente il regolamento.

Di solito taggo nel post i partecipanti delle edizioni precedenti. Se non volessi essere taggato nei prossimi post, usa la sezione commenti per informarmi. Ti ringrazio :)

Tutti i diritti riservati.
Tutti gli utilizzi dei contenuti qui presenti – e ogni loro derivato – sono strettamente proibiti.

Ciao mondo!

Questa è la Settantesima edizione della Photochain TESTNET su Steem. La Photochain Challenge è un concorso fotografico dal funzionamento di base simile a quello di una blockchain, cioè "a catena". Se vuoi saperne di più, leggi l'Edizione ZERO della Photochain TESTNET su STEEM. In quel post spiegavo il funzionamento del concorso e come poter parteciparvi.

In questo post annuncerò i 2 (due) vincitori della Sessantanovesima edizione della versione TESTNET del concorso. Entro le prossime 72 ore ricompenserò entrambi con 1.5 STEEM - come spiegato in precedenza - e pubblicherò nella sezione commenti della SESSANTANOVESIMA EDIZIONE.

E il vincitore è...

La sessantanovesima edizione della fase di TESTNET ha visto 7 (sette) partecipazioni valide.

I due Soggetti-chiave erano:

Ramo e Occhio

Questi sono i 2 (due) vincitori dell'edizione:

Vincitore numero uno


con un selfie vicino a una statua e un cespuglio di fiori.

Il soggetto personale è Pietra.

Vincitore numero due


con un simpatico selfie.

Il soggetto personale è Rosa (inteso come colore).

Anche per questa edizione abbiamo avuto una buona affluenza, per cui ho pensato di aggiungere (per l'edizione appena conclusa) due premi speciali da assegnare a due menzioni d'onore: 0,75 STEEM per ognuna di loro.

La prima menzione d'onore è:

di @lupega

e la seconda menzione d'onore è:

di @xiao-aine


Grazie a TUTTI per aver partecipato al contest di questa settimana!


Ho spiegato nel Post dell'EDIZIONE NUMERO ZERO della TESTNET che puoi partecipare inviando una foto nella sezione commenti, e che devi essere l'autore della foto.

La foto deve contenere i due Soggetti-Chiave - che comunicherò più avanti in questo post - e un altro soggetto-chiave a tua scelta (il soggetto deve essere contenuto nella foto). Ho anche spiegato QUI come cambieranno gli argomenti-chiave nel corso del tempo e i criteri con cui li sceglierò. Di seguito menzionerò tutte le regole. Se hai qualche dubbio, segui gli esempi pratici che trovi nel post dell'EDIZIONE NUMERO ZERO della TESTNET e scopri tutto quello che hai curiosità di sapere. Se pubblichi i post sul tuo blog, ricordati di utilizzare il tag #photochain.

PASSI da seguire e REGOLE: prima parte


  • La FOTO che contiene i due SOGGETTI CHIAVE;
  • Un COMMENTO con i due Soggetti chiave + un ALTRO SOGGETTO a tua scelta che sia contenuto nella foto. (Se hai pubblicato l'immagine sul tuo blog, puoi pubblicare il link a quella pagina, ma DEVI COMUNQUE AGGIUNGERE la tua foto nel commento). La ricerca sui tag o le notifiche hanno spesso mostrato problemi e non posso garantirti che riuscirò a trovare la tua partecipazione se non segui questa procedura;

2) SOLO SE VUOI: menziona un'altra persona che ritieni possa apprezzare questa sfida;

3) NESSUN FOLLOW, UPVOTE, RESTEEM RICHIESTI (ma sarò più che felice di riceverli);

4) ASPETTA LA SETTIMANA SUCCESSIVA: il tempo limite per partecipare è fissato a 3 ore prima del pagamento del post di lancio dell'edizione; la proclamazione dei vincitori verrà effettuata dopo questo traguardo.

REGOLE: seconda parte

  • Puoi partecipare con 1 (una) sola foto per ogni edizione.

  • La FOTO DEVE ESSERE SCATTATA DA TE (con qualsiasi dispositivo, come fotocamera professionale, smartphone, e così via).

  • I soggetti chiave devono essere costituiti da una singola parola; sono consentite più parole solo se l'insieme indica un oggetto/soggetto ben definito (per esempio "street lamp" che è la traduzione inglese di "lampione")

  • Le foto proposte DEVONO CONTENERE i due soggetti chiave indicati nel post di lancio dell'edizione.

  • Le foto proposte DEVONO CONTENERE il terzo soggetto chiave indicato da ogni utente che proponga la propria foto.

  • Il terzo soggetto chiave deve essere diverso dai primi due soggetti chiave.

  • La durata del concorso va dalla pubblicazione del post di lancio di ogni edizione fino a 3 (tre) ore prima dell'orario di pagamento di quel post (che avviene circa 7 giorni dopo).

  • L'invio del montepremi avverrà circa 3 (tre) giorni dopo la conclusione dell'edizione settimanale. Comunicherò il codice identificativo della transazione in un commento al post di lancio dell'edizione vinta (esempio pratico a scopo soltanto didattico: chi vincerà la 10a edizione troverà un commento sotto il post di lancio della 10a edizione, contenente il link alla transazione).

  • La partecipazione è aperta in lingua italiana e inglese. Non avendo conoscenze di alfabeti differenti, chiedo a chi voglia partecipare di effettuare prima una traduzione dei soggetti chiave proposti assieme alla foto.


  • Niente SPAM!

  • È consentito l'editing di base (colori, saturazioni, luci e ombre, nitidezza, contrasti, eccetera).

  • È consentita qualsiasi versione cromatica, incluso il bianco e nero.

  • Non è consentito utilizzare grafiche e/o aggiungere parti di altre immagini e/o utilizzare editing profondi come per esempio processi di ricostruzione di immagini guidati da Photoshop o da altre intelligenze artificiali: questo è un concorso fotografico!

  • Le GIF sono ammesse solo: 1) se la durata è inferiore o uguale a 10 secondi; e 2) se rappresenta un'inquadratura degli stessi soggetti/oggetti e non un montaggio video; e 3) se i soggetti-chiave rimangono in primo piano per tutta la durata della GIF.

  • UN CONSIGLIO riguardante la foto che vuoi proporre: ci sono alcune norme di Legge in ogni Stato, e so che usare foto di persone o fotografare proprietà private potrebbe metterti nei guai. Assicurati di non violare i diritti di nessuno quando pubblichi le tue foto su Internet.

  • Ogni Tema è consentito: nessuna censura, tranne che per contenuti estremamente espliciti. I contenuti nsfw sono ammessi ma, se scelgo come vincitrice una foto nsfw, non la inserirò come immagine nel post ufficiale (ma soltanto come menzione e con un link al post pubblicato).

  • IMPORTANTE: ho invitato e invito i partecipanti a utilizzare come soggetti chiave categorie abbastanza ampie e "generaliste", così da non sabotare la partecipazione. Non è consentito usare nomi propri (di città, luoghi, montagne, specie, ecc.).
    Un altro esempio: non utilizzare parole come Londra, o Danubio, o Mark, o Granchio blu; oppure non utilizzare l'oggetto orso delle nevi, ma soltanto animale o orso. Naturalmente, a parità di risultato, considererò più meritevole la foto di un animale che non viene fotografato spesso rispetto ad un semplice gatto domestico.


Più il significato della parola che userai come soggetto chiave sarà generale e ampio, maggiore sarà la partecipazione al contest, maggiore sarà quindi il divertimento ed eventualmente il montepremi per le edizioni future.

Sei pronto?


Questa edizione settimanale è la:

SETTANTESIMA edizione della TESTNET Photochain

I SOGGETTI-CHIAVE per questa settimana saranno:

PIETRA e (il colore) ROSA

Sessantanovesima edizione ormai archiviata con sette valide partecipazioni. Grazie a tutti per aver partecipato. Tre di voi sono rimasti fuori dalle premiazioni, ma spero che possiate rifarvi molto presto. Il primo tentativo utile arriva già da stasera, con la nuova – la settantesima! - edizione del contest. Questa settimana abbiamo una coppia di soggetti già visti: Pietra e Rosa, inteso come colore. Vedremo chi di voi riuscirà a portare a casa un bel gruzzolo. Io vi saluto e vi auguro come al solito...



Adesso è il tuo turno.


Hello @davidesimoncini, Thanks for keeping this fun contest going. I really enjoy the game and found sweet friends here.

Here we go for the Edition 70. My Entry 👇

Stone/Pink/Shell (Beach)

Just coming back from the swimming pool this morning. Before I entered the house, I was looking for something pink around. A group of neighbors who's having a chat after their badminton practice pointed at the pink rose apple's tree. I saw the fruits, it pinkish. I plucked the fruits and take it home. But When I try to capture some pictures of the pink fruit on my front yard's stone path, my Lemon who's a bit drunk🤣 keep his head, tail and feet in frame. Goodness, I told him that I don't need a cat model today. He left to eat his crazy roots again, but I lost my passion on the fruit.

Definitely not for the contest, just a bonus

I remember that I didn't wear my pink beach shoes while swimming this morning, I look into my bag and here we go! I took some shells from the beach in my hometown 2 years ago, hubby put it in a pot. So my imagination is roaming. Let's walk on the stone path with the pink beach shoes to find the shells. 🤞 Don't let me win🤭 or I can't join the next edition😭 beaches are so far away from my house, now. Though I don't mind digging up my photo collection to get one, but make sure the second word is the sun or the boat 🤣🤣🤣 JK!

Congratulations winners and participants ❣️❣️ Thank you 😊 🙏 everyone for a lovely and lively photo chain comments contest. Goodness, what a 🥠 🔮 fortune!!

Friends, I'm ready to see your entry... Better be something funny @xiao-aine @henryclive, @gems.and.cookies, @lupega and my dear @olivia08

 2 months ago 

That's very pink like a candy cane! If wet the color changes? The last time I visited a pool was a SPA some wellness resort. Wellness as canned sardines, touching people, slippery tiles and an empty wallet ,😞 but my siblings had a new experience. Now I need to recover from the vet's bill and the sibling staying.

The company makes a super model. Is it a Garfield shaped type?

Tbh, I'm not a pink fans😄 but hubby told me, when you're in the pool, ponds, river or lake, you'd better wear something shocking so people can easily find you if unexpected accident happened. That's why I bought the bombastic color😆 but the reasonable reason is it's cheap 😆 only 2 steem. Quite nice to walk on slippery floor at the pool.

Oohh my Lemon is a local species, not Garfield shaped type though I wish to make him looks like Garfield 🫣 he can't get fat no matter how much I fed him.

I hope you can recover from "empty wallet" soon. A lesson learned 🤞

 2 months ago (edited)

I am not a pink fan either, or any shouting colour but I bought turquoise slippers a bit shaped like yours but more holes.
I find them very comfortable to walk during summer because it feels like walking barefeet (my feet always hurt if I wear shoes ☹️/It's worse than the Little Mermaid experienced whose life was short).
Btw, My son doesn't like it if I wear them in town but I did as I travelled and walked through Freiburg. It was so nice to feel the warmth of the coblestones underneath my feey. It reminds me of my childhood where I always walked bare feet till the weather changed and shoes were needed.


Hahaha.. you really wear it while walking in town? 🤭 It's a special shoe made for beach, or something because it dries easily.
Yours are a better version of mine😁 price could tell... I love cheap things because I won't use the shoe everytime I'm at the pool or river, beach. And .. of course to show off in this kind of contest 😆🤣 my hubby and I would laugh at my pinky small things which made him eary. I bought it for him just for fun 🤣🤣🤣

 2 months ago 

Actually, they were very cheap and indeed I wear them in town or nothing. I don't care too much about what people think, painful feet are worse. I also walked as a teenager on wooden shoes. Rarely no one did at that time but why should I care? I liked them and it's not easy to walk with if your feet aren't used to it. They are warm during winter especially if you use newspaper or hay. Gosh, I really miss that (warm feet). So if you see someone walk by with these slippers you know it's me. 🤣
I bought them to prevent me from stepping into glass and keep my feet a bit cleaner. However, I don't think I can swim with them; one step into the water and they are gone. For swimming (mainly little children) they sell plastic sandals. Extremely heavy but so are the sportshoes you have to swim with if you want your swimming diplom (swimming with clothes and shoes is part of it).

aahhh I know, I think I have something similar in the past but still it made of plastic and more like slippers than a shoe, LOL. You are right, who care about what we wear as long as we are happy with it. I think that what's "you don't walk in my shoes" phrase all about (I know, it's not the correct meaning).

I have a special sock for swimming here to prevent my toes from broken pool's floor until I found this pinky cheapy thingy shoei. I use it to protect my feet from the plastic silicon frog fin/flipper. I'm kinda a beginner who wear everything before I jump to the pool. The finger's fin. the swimming cap, ear plug, bose clips, frog fin and of course swimming suit, hahahha. My friends at the pool can't help but sigh when I go to the deepest part of the pool alone after 3 times of swimming with them. My hubby is a good trainer and I'm a quick learner. As long as I have my swimming equipments, I can spend hours in the pool.

I wonder whether you have any boots in your collection .. LOL

My wife is not a fan of the common 'girlish' pink color either, especially not in the dress. There aint much pink stuff in our house. 😁

 2 months ago 

I am not a fan of pink. No idea why everyone seems to think all girls like it. Same for shopping, handbags and shoes. All no hobbies of mine.

Freiburg, in Germany? You live near this place?

 2 months ago 

Near is an overstatement but I stayed there several times for several weeks. It's a good place to be. Have you been there?

No, never been to Europe. But I am still hoping to make it there, health permitting. Germany is quite the country. Lots of castles and beautiful churches. When Steem moons, I'll be in the first flight out 😆

Wow, not only a comment, it's a post :D
Thank you for joining, you found a perfect entry. Welcome to the current edition and a big good luck :)

 2 months ago 

How about your entry?

He is cracking his mind to find something pinky i guess 😂 @gems.and.cookies, don't let the kitties wear pink robe!!

No I won't lol 😆

Haha.. comment also a post, isn't it? It's simple and easy to create as long as you give us the Clue 😉 .. thank you, but... I'd better not winning or you'll lose me in the next edition😆😆 but nevermind, I'll come around to keep you busy reading the comments anyway 😄

Ouch 🤪

A masterpiece, if you ask me. There are more than enough of each of the keywords in the photo. You can't miss them. But the photo itself triggers so much good memories of beaches and swimming and sand castles. It is all about summer and fun. 🏖🌞🛶🏄‍♂️🏊‍♀️

Good choice over the one with Lemon photobombing your pink rose apple shoot. (Oh, by the way, we call that fruit macopa here in our country). But even that would have been a good one too. Best of luck to you and I'm so happy you have found a fond liking to this Challenge. 😊

This is one of the comments contest I anticipate with all my heart. Because I can read and find it amusing 🤭 thanks for your support and nice comment as always, see you here and there 🤗

I guess more here than there. But yes, see you 😊

 2 months ago 

Is it summer with you?

Officially not yet. In three months time, it will be official. Here in our country we only have 2 seasons- wet and dry. The dry months are all year round except when the monsoons and typhoons come and visit us. Then we are all wet. Since we don't have a fix time for summer, we usually refer to it as when the school year ends and students take their summer break. So summer is when the kids don't have school and beaches are a favorite place to be. But since the dry season is all year round we can go to the beach anytime if it isn't raining. It's a bit complicated but I hope you get the gist of it. 😎

Hello! @davidesimoncini, here my entry today while drinking my cup of tea. I took a photograph for your challenge and I got a beautiful support to week edition. Its my pleasure being with you and the beautiful people around here. Keeping this challenge got good engagement . I love it.
Its about the pink flower with the stones and butterfly.

My personal keyword is Butterfly

Where are you @nengste @jurich60 and @jiva24 @luciannwage @solperes

Nice shot, I like the composition in the box. Thank you for your new participation. Welcome to the edition number 70 and a big good luck! :D

Yes my dear, its represents earth layer to heaven like a n arrangement of a flower there is a basic way how to arrange it.

OMG!! Do you do interior design? This is beautifully arranged sister. So classy and upscale. Wow, wonders never cease. I love this creation and you do PhotoChain proud. I am so happy you seem to have found a home here. Best of luck to you, but if you ask me, I might as well start chasing butterflies for the next Edition 🦋 😉

Thank you for the beautiful word. 7 years in steem taught me a lot about photoshoot and love to be a part of the #photochain

@wakeup.kitty.pal are you here?

You are most welcome, mother dear. You have indeed learned a lot. Let's continue to share and encourage one another this 2025. Looking forward.😊

Is that the real butterfly? My wife would never drink the tea with butterfly around... Somehow she's afraid of the beautiful creature called butterfly

I don't think it is a real butterfly but it looks alive and it's big. I wonder why your wife is afraid of butterflies.

The fear of butterflies is called lepidopterophobia. (Google AI)

I looked it up in Google. There really is a name for this fear of butterflies.

You can ask @cicisaja.. she told me long ago, a big butterfly bigger than her face was flying straight to her face incidentally and she fell on the bathroom floor, fainted. Nobody around until her consciousness back naturally. She's fine with butterflies anywhere as long as it doesn't fly to close or she'd killed it.

You truly colored my days. Thank you so much for your support @steemcirator08

 2 months ago 

It's a good thing to have you around @gems.and.cookies otherwise I would have never found this contest. How should a newcomer find it?

@marcoteixeira here is the place where you can share your piece of art that is if you ttok a photo with stone and pink

My entry

If you do your best you discover tje stone. Unlike @cicisaja I was not on my way to the pool but took the bag outside because my son left it behind after a summer without much exercise (it is the bag we use for at least 15+ years to visit a beach, swimming pool or thermal bath).


Stone - pink - chain

@sbamsoneu you said you would comment more take a photo with stone and something pink!

Whooaaa.. that old bag is a witness of 15 years going for fun in the sun close to the water during summer time. Goodness the chain🤩 ahaaaa... It's perfect!!

To me this looks like a study of contrast. The bag, although you say is 15+ years old already, still looks very new and hardly used. Its color is still bright and vivid and not faded as one would expect from a decade and half old bag. The structure behind, however, looks so old and almost deserted. It looks like a storage place for leftover and forgotten materials. Putting them together in one photo evokes a feeling of contrast between the new and the old, the drab and the colorful, and the animated and the lifeless. Very profound, if you ask me. Awesome compostion @wakeupkitty.pal. Don't worry about the stone. I see them all around. 🧐 Hoping the best for you on this entry 🙏

Thanks for joining this contest. Your presence has brought in a lot of eyes, interest and participants. How to make it known, not only to newcomers but old timers as well? I guess by word of mouth is the best as what you and some of the regulars are doing. We may not grow as fast but we will have a group of dedicated regulars who have a lot of fun and creative challenges. I cannot ask for more 😊

That's fine, a strong long-life bag! Thank you for joining and inviting new faces, Wakeupkitty. Welcome to the new edition and a big good luck!


Congratulations! Your comment has been upvoted through @steemcurator04.


Curated by : @dasudi

Hi @davidesimoncini. Here's my participation for this week.

This was taken in our garden. We have a Temple Tree with a big rock beside it supposedly for aesthetic reasons. My wife also put one bougainvillea plant beside the tree as well. Fortunately, for PhotoChain purposes, the flowers are pink. I found some crushed gravel and put in the finishing touches to the photo.


My Personal Keyword is TREE.


Awaiting your entries @soulfuldreamer, @wakeupkitty.pal, @dim753, @jiva34, @jhellenmgjr, @bedarg, @henryclive, @xiao-aine, @jpegg, @lupega and @olivia08.

I wish you'll win 😍 I like trees, oohh.. I can't wait to post an old Durian Tree with a single fruit on it😆 whooaa.. pink bougenville is everywhere. Tell me, where did you pick the stones?

Those little stones? We have a section in the garden that has loose gravel. I picked up some small ones to spell the word Pink. We used to have small white stones like the ones in your photos but got lost eventually because of changes and additions to the garden.

Cool that you have it in your garden, I can't imagine that if you need to walk a long tge road sides to pick some 😆😆 JK brother 💪

I would have used this if the stone steps were pink 😅


 2 months ago 

If I could just pluck those pink flowers and wrap it around Auggie's head, I could actually win this time🤣

Oohh Henry .. ooh henry, not the flower tiara for Auggie, but pink hat would do 😉 just don't color him pink okay..

 2 months ago 

Y'all just wait. I'm gonna find me a water color...

Poor Auggie 😍 but it must be fantastic

 2 months ago 


Paint it over his stripes 🤣🤣🤣

That was a good one 🤣🤣🤣

Remember what I said earlier, you shouldn't be too hard on him, you know like dressing him in pink and that includes wrapping pink flowers around his head. But you just might win if you can pull that off hahahahahahaha

 2 months ago 

Yes, I've read that comment 🤣 You never run out of beautiful ideas for Auggie, Gems. Haha!

We don’t have pink flowers here, but maybe I’ll just paint his face pink instead 🤭

Perfect entry, beautiful composition. Thank you for joining also this week Gems. Welcome to the 70th edition and a big good luck :)

My pleasure as always 😊

 2 months ago 

I struggle with the stone in the cave but am on my way.
Good pick pink

Yay you're participating. Can't wait to see what the genie in the cave of wonders is going to give you. 🤔🤔🤔

 2 months ago 

I arranged something after I climbed some hills to reach my goal. I stayed inside like I'm used to.

Eagerly anticipating what you had to climb the hill to arrange. 🫠

Nice composition 👏👏 why do you use tree as your personal keyword? Not Shadow, grass or trunk 🤔 because those 3 words are more obvious in this photo

My wife would be the happiest if you win 🤦 you can find any trees in her phone gallery 🤣🤣 she loves talking to the tree

Good question. I chose tree because it has been a long while since tree was a prompt for the week. And also I know this is a very easy word so more people will be motivated to join. The more the merrier 😃

 2 months ago 

Hi photochainers,
Here's my pink and stone entry straight from the cave of wonders. It's messy and that stone doesn't belong there plus I touched some stuff. Time to sneak out and pretend I never been inside. Can I use pile Davide? If not I go for shadow. Thanks for the mention. You are great! A super playday with or without Pink! and Rolling Stones.


pile (or shadow)

@eveetim @fajrularifst how about a picture of a pink rock?

Awesome 😍 you did it!!! I was thinking about a shadow too, but as I said.. I need to hold my excitement and give others a break to be creative too. That pink books looks yummy for the brain🤩 oohh I wish you win!!

Stone and Pink, two seemingly opposite things, bringing them together is a good idea for peace.

Pretty convincing! What is that boulder doing there, if I may ask ?!
a pink rock? you are welcome!

A lot of book.Pile is ok, thank you for joining again the contest Xiao-aine. Welcome to the current edition and a big good luck, as usual :)

A pink book!!! 💗 Only you could have thought of that. What an ingenious entry. The stone as a bookend makes it belong to the photo. And once again, a successful venture into the cave of wonders. 😊 Good luck to you 🤞

This is a unique entry, tbh.. because the key words are there and weird presents of the stone didn't raise any question at all. I thought you need the stone as instead of hammer 😁 to fix the bookshelf 😀

Good luck 🍀

Take a bow, @jpegg. This is one interpretation that is unique and, to my mind, a brilliant one. Very impressive. 👌

Did you just stumble upon this during your post Christmas vacay? This looks like a game we call Sungka here in the Philippines. But we use shells instead of colored stones. 7 small holes with 7 shells on each side of the board with an additional 2 larger holes, one each after the end of the smaller ones. Here's how it looks. Photo courtesy of Google.


Anyway, just thought you might like to know about this. Best wishes on your elegant entry. ✨️

Yes, I liked to know it indeed. I have apparently the same desk, you considered perfectly what it was! We call the game 'Kalah' but it is not a Russian name. The game originates from Central Asia and is called "mancala". The modern version of the game was adapted and patented by the American William Champion in 1940. William named his game after the Kalahari Desert, where he claims it is still played by locals.
We obtained it to play with our growing babygirl, and I should say all those gems (not just colorful pebbles, but samples of different rocks, some of them are real semi-precious stones) gave the game sufficient part of its charm.
Our game looks exactly like this, if you are curious:
The cowrie shells I see in your photo are beautiful creations of nature, I adore them!
p.s. thanks for alerting me about the new round of Photochain.

Aah, there you are. A few days late but a child was born on Christmas day. A belate but meant merry Christmas to you.

What is that game?

@ wakeupkitty


Thank you, thank you! @wakeupkitty
Nice kitties - they have such an intrested and promising eyes ;)

As for the game. Kalah is a great game for two players, for a pleasant pastime, ... and it helps for a kid's mind to develop. The rules of course are not clear for the first time, but literally after the third time you become a pro :)
What are you supposed to do: stones are distributed to you and your rival equally, in all small holes. The task is to move stones from your holes to collect them in a large hole ("base") - to win, one should collect more stones than his rival. Stones might be moved according to a certain rules. You take all the stones from one (any) your hole and drop one stone in each and every next hole (including your "base" and your opponent's holes). The movement goes counterclockwise. If your last stone gets you to your "base" - you can make an extra move. If you get into your empty hole - you take this last stone and all the opponent's stones from the matching opponent's hole, and add them directly to your "base".
NB -
stones cannot be taken out of the holes to count them :)
Sounds simple ... simple but addictive! when you have nice stones or cowrie shells in your hands, it's also nice to play and spend time on it.

I thought a Siamese twin would be a great idea for me and @aneukpineung78 but we unexpectedly ended up being a trio (and we can't sing) so Bing mixed a few keywords it heard before and left us a bit of Asian look. 😁

I never saw a game like this. It's intriguing. It reminds me of the wooden plates at my grandparent's place meant for snacks (nuts) and in a way how we played a game with marbles.

I need an empty house with only a few nice items. A bit art, this game, plants (green green green), a fireplace and a bed 😁.

It's not cold where you are?
Thanks for the explaining but I still have no clue. Btw, do you play Go-Go?


I need an empty house with only a few nice items.

oh! I need much more. wooden shelves for books (many shelves), shelves for ceramics and various stuff... big boxes or shelves for papers, photos, and art (I dream of a special cabinet for storing large-format papers - newspaper editorial offices used to store their materials in such cabinets... but this is a unique thing, now you can’t buy this in a regular store); big windows for a lot of light, lamps, electricity, owen to cook, a place for cat ofc, and more and more and more; the more I think - the more I need. haha. you see.... my case is quite a contrary to minimalistic yours.

It is rather cold here; temperature fluctuations at my city happen very often, sometimes 2 times a day (!). The snow falls and melts, falls and melts, then falls again - that is why the roads in Russia are very bad: no wet road surface can withstand such abuse for a long time.

And note - the cold is not so hard to bear under dry conditions; but when combined with high humidity (my case), and a constantly blowing wind (again, my case) - even not very low temperatures, like -5C - are perceived very painfully. I try not to go outside when I can :)

About Kalah: to put it simply, the game is about moving pebbles according to some rules / limitation. Each player do this in their turn, and the one who by the end of the game has collected the most pebbles - become a winner. The game is extremely simple, but despite this, exciting.

Best regards
You created exclusive and quality content
Team 01 - Steemit Explorers Team



I try to imagine it. Give me some more time.

I just checked out your game. It's basically the same except that you only have 6 small holes on each side while ours have 7. I used to play this hours on end when I was younger and was fairly proficient at it. In fact, I think we still have the board or desk as you call it somewhere in the house. 😀

What is a revelation to me is the fact that it is an international game played in the tropics to the desert to Europe and America. Amazing 😊

it is an international game indeed, yaw!!! 😊

It is a stone and it's pink, wow.. that's perfect!

A very pleasurable gem, let me assure you. This piece was a ground (polished) rose quartz.

I see, i think have that one too.. but 🤦 I forgot where I kept it

A good entry, beautiful mix. Thank you for joining again, Jpegg. Welcome back and a big good luck! :D

 2 months ago 


pink fish!! wow.. that's beautiful! another entry without flowers is cool!

 2 months ago 

Pink fish!! hahaha, in fact there are few fish of this color in the fish tank, I give a different touch to the contest.

you'll give me a headache if you won... goodness !!

 2 months ago 

hahaha,You can rest easy, you won't get sick hahaha, with just one pink fish I had no chance, but I participated anyway

I absolutely love this. One of the best for me in this Edition. Your entry just gave our host a lot of headaches 😩 It's going to be hard to choose a winner and you just made it even harder for him. Win or not, congrats for this awesome entry. 👏

 2 months ago 

Thank you very much, we await the result

Yes, we await 🙏

Thank you to join, Dim753. A good entry. Welcome to the current edition and a big good luck :)

 2 months ago 

Thank you very much, just one pink fish, I hope it makes a difference, if not it doesn't matter, I like your contest

Thank you for joining so frequently :)


I think @cicisaja missed this pictures because the rose bud we had in our front yard was not in this color before. It's white with a pinkish petals. It's a bit hard to keep the keys words on clear focus, but I hope this one count 😎

It supposed to be a white rose, but after several times of flowering it getting more pinkish. Perhaps the original parents was white and pink.

Good luck everyone

Welcome to PhotoChain @dipoabasch. Many thanks to @cicisaja for inviting you over to the coolest, most awesome and most challenging contest I have ever had the pleasure to join. 😀

Your entry is spot on for this week's keywords and I am intrigued with your comment that this pink rose was actually blooming white roses before. Never heard of anything as peculiar as that. Well anyway, good for you because you were able to use it for this week's challenge. Best wishes to you with your entry. I absolutely like your personal prompt, by the way. 👍

Welcome again to the PhotoChain. I do hope you can become a regular here 🙂


Thank you for the warm welcome 🙌 I can't find the first flower photo from last year which was a white rose from the same bush. Cici and I love white, black and red roses. Never the pink one😁 so we bought the colors we love. The black one (which actually dark red) and the red one couldn't survived. The white one is still kickin'. Who knows, now it turns out to be pinkish 😁

Actually it's not peculiar, because roses are a type if plants which easy to cultivate and it has thousands of varieties. The cultivators did the grafting or inter and cross planting. I guess that my rose is a grafting one too.

Let's see whether I can find something for the next week edition then. Thanks 🙌

Yes I can see it! It really is white! Interesting. But I see your point about cross grafting and planting. The same thing I think our gardener helper did for one of our bougainvillea. It's not entirely pink but interspersed with white.


Please wait for the winners to be announced before looking for your next entry. Sometimes the combination can be really out of this world 🌎

Oohh I missed this, why it getting pinkish today? A bit blurry but I think this fine. Welcome to the photocain contest🤗

Thanks... You left me again just to have fun here

Super fun, I should say. Right @cicisaja? 😃

Undoubtedly yes!!

A perfect photo to join this week's edition. Welcome to Photochain @dipoabasch. Thank you for joining and a big good luck for your first participation! :D

Thank you... You gotta blame cici for her craziness on commenting 😆 gotta follow her around to make sure she didn't messing up too much

Haha, you're both welcome :D

Best regards
You created exclusive and quality content
Team 01 - Steemit Explorers Team



 2 months ago 


your pet is a good model, just like my cat! is that pink sakura decorative flower?

 2 months ago 

It's not my pet but I treat it as if it were, we'll see who wins the contest @davidesimoncini he has work here.
I wish you a happy start to the week

It's Peluffo again this time crouched indoors surrounded by branches of beautiful pink flowers. Another unexpected interpretation of this week's keywords but I've grown quite used to your unorthodox take of keywords which makes this Challenge so much more fun. Good good luck to Peluffo and you 😉

 2 months ago 

I'm not original at all hahaha, again PELUFFO, I just saw some bushes and roses hahaha, I'm NOT lying to you, I even took the photo, look at it , well, I changed the keyword, pet NOT dog , I'm original here, this contest is very nice especially because of the comments hahaha.

I wish you a happy start to the week

A nice finding. Thank you to join again, Lupega. A big welcome and a big good luck :D

 3 months ago 

Congratulazioni ai vincitori e ai menzionati, le parole sono molto semplici, proverò a gareggiare anche questa settimana.

I'm waiting... I'm waiting, let see how your sweet dog hiding in pink 😂😂