PHOTOCHAIN Challenge TESTNET - Edition number 68 [ENG | ITA]

in Italy3 months ago

Puoi trovare la traduzione ITALIANA dopo la fine della versione in lingua INGLESE.

You find the new key-subjects after the rules section.

Usually, I tag the previous participants in the post. If you no longer want to be tagged, use the comment section to inform me. Thank you. :)

All rights reserved.
All the uses of the contents herein - and their derivatives - are strictly prohibited.

Hello World!

This is the 68th Edition of the Photochain challenge TESTNET on Steem. The Photochain Challenge is a blockchain-like photography contest. If you would like to know more about, read the Photochain TESTNET Edition ZERO on STEEM. There, I explained the functioning of the contest and how to join.

In this post, I'll announce the 2 (two) winners of the Edition Sixty-seven of the TESTNET contest. Within the next 72 hours, I'll reward both of them with 1.5 STEEM - as previously explained - and will post in the comment section of the EDITION SIXTY-SEVEN.

And the Winner is...

The edition number sixty-seven of the TESTNET phase counted 5 (five) valid participants.

The two Key subjects were:

Guitar and Pearl

These are the 2 (two) winners of the edition:

Winner 1


with a group of pearls near a guitar.

The personal subject is Stripe.

Winner 2


with old-style CD cases.

The personal subject is Animal.

Even this week we concluded with a good participation, so I though to add two special awards to two honorable mentions (for the just-ended edition): 0.75 STEEM each.

The first honorable mention is:

by @henryclive

and the second honorable mention is:

by @wakeupkitty.pal

Congratulations to the authors of the photos.

Thank you EVERYONE for participating in this week's contest!


I explained in the TESTNET EDITION NUMBER ZERO Post that you can participate by submitting a photo in the comment section: you must be the author of the photo.

The photo must contain the two Key-Subjects - I will write below - and another key-subject of your choice (the subject must be contained in the photo). I also explained HERE how the key-subjects will change and the criteria with which I'll choose them. Below, I'll mention all the rules. If you have any doubt, follow the practical examples in the TESTNET ZERO EDITION and learn about the contest there. If you post on your blog, remember to use the #photochain tag.

STEPS and RULES: first part


  • The photo that contains the two Key-Subjects;
  • A Comment with the two Key-Subjects + another subject of your choice but CONTAINED in the photo. (If you posted the image in your blog, you can post the link to that page, but you must add your photo in the comment section anyway);

2) ONLY IF YOU WANT: mention another person you think would like this challenge;


4) WAIT FOR THE NEXT WEEK: time limit to join is to 3 hours before the edition post Payout; I'll announce the winners after that moment.

RULES: second part

  • You can join with 1 (one) photo only each edition.

  • The PHOTO MUST BE TAKEN BY YOU (any device, like professional camera, smartphone, and so on).

  • Key-subjects must consist of a single word; multiple words are allowed only if the combination indicates a well-defined object/subject (for example "street lamp").

  • The entry photos MUST CONTAIN the two key-subjects indicated in the launch of the edition.

  • The entry photos MUST CONTAIN the third key-subject indicated by the participant.

  • The third key-subject has to be different from the first two key-subjects.

  • The duration of the contest is: from the start announcement post to 3 (three) hours before the post payout time of that post.

  • I'll advance with the prize-sending 3 (three) days approx after the finish of the weekly edition. I'll write the transaction ID in the winners' announcements post (practical example for educational purposes only: after 72 hours about from the winners' announcement, whoever wins the 10th edition will find a comment under the launch post of the 10th edition, containing the transaction identification link).

  • Participation is open in Italian and English. Not having knowledge of different alphabets, I ask those who want to participate to first make a translation of the proposed key-subjects together with the photo.


  • No SPAM!

  • Basic editing is allowed.

  • Each color cover is allowed, including Black and White.

  • You mustn't use graphic design and/or add part of other image and/or use deep editing like Photoshop-guided rebuilding processes: this is a photography contest!

  • GIFs are allowed only 1) if the duration is less or equal to 10 seconds; and 2) if it represents a view of the same objects/subjects and not a rebuilt-video; and 3) if the key-subjects remain in the foreground for the whole duration of the GIF.

  • I ADVISE you about the photo you want to propose: there are some Law rules in each State, and I know that using photo of people or photographing private properties could get you into some troubles. Make sure you're not infringing on anyone's rights when you post your photos on the web.

  • Each Theme is allowed: no censorship except for extremely explicit content. The nsfw contents are allowed but, if I choose a nsfw photo as a winner, I will not insert it as an image in the official post (only as a mention or a link to the published post).

  • IMPORTANT: I invite the participants to use fairly large categories as subjects so as not to sabotage participation. You mustn't use proper names (of cities, places, mountains, species, etc).
    Another example: don't use words like London, or Danube, or Mark, or Blue Crab; or don't use the snow bear subject, just animal or bear. Naturally, in case of equally deserving photos, I will consider a photo of an animal that isn't often photographed in a more relevant way than a simple domestic cat.


The more general the category of the meaning of the word used as a subject is, greater the participation in the competition will be, greater the prizes and the fun will be in the future.

Are you Ready?


This weekly edition is the:

68th Edition of the Photochain Testnet

The KEY-SUBJECTS for this week are:


Sixty-seventh edition just ended, with slightly lower participation than in recent weeks. As expected, the difficult pair of key subjects has claimed victims. Thank you everyone for participating. I couldn't reward everyone, but I hope you'll try again with the edition that starts now. This time we have an unusual couple, but - perhaps - not so difficult for people with a pet or a pinch of imagination within reach: Stripe and Animal. Will we be able to increase the turnout a bit? We'll see. In the meantime...



Now it's your turn.

Quella di seguito è la traduzione ITALIANA del post.

Puoi trovare i nuovi soggetti chiave dopo la sezione contenente il regolamento.

Di solito taggo nel post i partecipanti delle edizioni precedenti. Se non volessi essere taggato nei prossimi post, usa la sezione commenti per informarmi. Ti ringrazio :)

Tutti i diritti riservati.
Tutti gli utilizzi dei contenuti qui presenti – e ogni loro derivato – sono strettamente proibiti.

Ciao mondo!

Questa è la Sessantottesima edizione della Photochain TESTNET su Steem. La Photochain Challenge è un concorso fotografico dal funzionamento di base simile a quello di una blockchain, cioè "a catena". Se vuoi saperne di più, leggi l'Edizione ZERO della Photochain TESTNET su STEEM. In quel post spiegavo il funzionamento del concorso e come poter parteciparvi.

In questo post annuncerò i 2 (due) vincitori della Sessantasettesima edizione della versione TESTNET del concorso. Entro le prossime 72 ore ricompenserò entrambi con 1.5 STEEM - come spiegato in precedenza - e pubblicherò nella sezione commenti della SESSANTASETTESIMA EDIZIONE.

E il vincitore è...

La sessantasettesima edizione della fase di TESTNET ha visto 5 (cinque) partecipazioni valide.

I due Soggetti-chiave erano:

Chitarra e Perla

Questi sono i 2 (due) vincitori dell'edizione:

Vincitore numero uno


con un gruppo di perle vicino a una chitarra.

Il soggetto personale è Striscia.

Vincitore numero due


con delle custodie per CD vecchio stile.

Il soggetto personale è Animale.

Anche per questa edizione abbiamo avuto una buona affluenza, per cui ho pensato di aggiungere (per l'edizione appena conclusa) due premi speciali da assegnare a due menzioni d'onore: 0,75 STEEM per ognuna di loro.

La prima menzione d'onore è:

di @henryclive

e la seconda menzione d'onore è:

di @wakeupkitty.pal


Grazie a TUTTI per aver partecipato al contest di questa settimana!


Ho spiegato nel Post dell'EDIZIONE NUMERO ZERO della TESTNET che puoi partecipare inviando una foto nella sezione commenti, e che devi essere l'autore della foto.

La foto deve contenere i due Soggetti-Chiave - che comunicherò più avanti in questo post - e un altro soggetto-chiave a tua scelta (il soggetto deve essere contenuto nella foto). Ho anche spiegato QUI come cambieranno gli argomenti-chiave nel corso del tempo e i criteri con cui li sceglierò. Di seguito menzionerò tutte le regole. Se hai qualche dubbio, segui gli esempi pratici che trovi nel post dell'EDIZIONE NUMERO ZERO della TESTNET e scopri tutto quello che hai curiosità di sapere. Se pubblichi i post sul tuo blog, ricordati di utilizzare il tag #photochain.

PASSI da seguire e REGOLE: prima parte


  • La FOTO che contiene i due SOGGETTI CHIAVE;
  • Un COMMENTO con i due Soggetti chiave + un ALTRO SOGGETTO a tua scelta che sia contenuto nella foto. (Se hai pubblicato l'immagine sul tuo blog, puoi pubblicare il link a quella pagina, ma DEVI COMUNQUE AGGIUNGERE la tua foto nel commento). La ricerca sui tag o le notifiche hanno spesso mostrato problemi e non posso garantirti che riuscirò a trovare la tua partecipazione se non segui questa procedura;

2) SOLO SE VUOI: menziona un'altra persona che ritieni possa apprezzare questa sfida;

3) NESSUN FOLLOW, UPVOTE, RESTEEM RICHIESTI (ma sarò più che felice di riceverli);

4) ASPETTA LA SETTIMANA SUCCESSIVA: il tempo limite per partecipare è fissato a 3 ore prima del pagamento del post di lancio dell'edizione; la proclamazione dei vincitori verrà effettuata dopo questo traguardo.

REGOLE: seconda parte

  • Puoi partecipare con 1 (una) sola foto per ogni edizione.

  • La FOTO DEVE ESSERE SCATTATA DA TE (con qualsiasi dispositivo, come fotocamera professionale, smartphone, e così via).

  • I soggetti chiave devono essere costituiti da una singola parola; sono consentite più parole solo se l'insieme indica un oggetto/soggetto ben definito (per esempio "street lamp" che è la traduzione inglese di "lampione")

  • Le foto proposte DEVONO CONTENERE i due soggetti chiave indicati nel post di lancio dell'edizione.

  • Le foto proposte DEVONO CONTENERE il terzo soggetto chiave indicato da ogni utente che proponga la propria foto.

  • Il terzo soggetto chiave deve essere diverso dai primi due soggetti chiave.

  • La durata del concorso va dalla pubblicazione del post di lancio di ogni edizione fino a 3 (tre) ore prima dell'orario di pagamento di quel post (che avviene circa 7 giorni dopo).

  • L'invio del montepremi avverrà circa 3 (tre) giorni dopo la conclusione dell'edizione settimanale. Comunicherò il codice identificativo della transazione in un commento al post di lancio dell'edizione vinta (esempio pratico a scopo soltanto didattico: chi vincerà la 10a edizione troverà un commento sotto il post di lancio della 10a edizione, contenente il link alla transazione).

  • La partecipazione è aperta in lingua italiana e inglese. Non avendo conoscenze di alfabeti differenti, chiedo a chi voglia partecipare di effettuare prima una traduzione dei soggetti chiave proposti assieme alla foto.


  • Niente SPAM!

  • È consentito l'editing di base (colori, saturazioni, luci e ombre, nitidezza, contrasti, eccetera).

  • È consentita qualsiasi versione cromatica, incluso il bianco e nero.

  • Non è consentito utilizzare grafiche e/o aggiungere parti di altre immagini e/o utilizzare editing profondi come per esempio processi di ricostruzione di immagini guidati da Photoshop o da altre intelligenze artificiali: questo è un concorso fotografico!

  • Le GIF sono ammesse solo: 1) se la durata è inferiore o uguale a 10 secondi; e 2) se rappresenta un'inquadratura degli stessi soggetti/oggetti e non un montaggio video; e 3) se i soggetti-chiave rimangono in primo piano per tutta la durata della GIF.

  • UN CONSIGLIO riguardante la foto che vuoi proporre: ci sono alcune norme di Legge in ogni Stato, e so che usare foto di persone o fotografare proprietà private potrebbe metterti nei guai. Assicurati di non violare i diritti di nessuno quando pubblichi le tue foto su Internet.

  • Ogni Tema è consentito: nessuna censura, tranne che per contenuti estremamente espliciti. I contenuti nsfw sono ammessi ma, se scelgo come vincitrice una foto nsfw, non la inserirò come immagine nel post ufficiale (ma soltanto come menzione e con un link al post pubblicato).

  • IMPORTANTE: ho invitato e invito i partecipanti a utilizzare come soggetti chiave categorie abbastanza ampie e "generaliste", così da non sabotare la partecipazione. Non è consentito usare nomi propri (di città, luoghi, montagne, specie, ecc.).
    Un altro esempio: non utilizzare parole come Londra, o Danubio, o Mark, o Granchio blu; oppure non utilizzare l'oggetto orso delle nevi, ma soltanto animale o orso. Naturalmente, a parità di risultato, considererò più meritevole la foto di un animale che non viene fotografato spesso rispetto ad un semplice gatto domestico.


Più il significato della parola che userai come soggetto chiave sarà generale e ampio, maggiore sarà la partecipazione al contest, maggiore sarà quindi il divertimento ed eventualmente il montepremi per le edizioni future.

Sei pronto?


Questa edizione settimanale è la:

SESSANTOTTESIMA edizione della TESTNET Photochain

I SOGGETTI-CHIAVE per questa settimana saranno:


Sessantasettesima edizione appena conclusa, con una partecipazione leggermente inferiore alle ultime settimane. Come volevasi dimostrare, la difficile coppia di oggetti chiave ha mietuto vittime. Grazie a tutti per aver partecipato. Non sono riuscito a premiare proprio tutti, ma spero che vogliate tentare di nuovo con l'edizione che comincia adesso. Questa volta abbiamo una coppia insolita ma forse non così difficile per chi ha qualche animale domestico o un pizzico di fantasia a portata di mano: Striscia e Animale. Riusciremo a innalzare un po' l'affluenza? Lo vedremo. Nel frattempo...



Adesso è il tuo turno.


My Entry:

Stripe/Animal/Candle(personal key is candle)

Stripe, Animal and Candle

I have no animal inside the house instead I got this teddy bear who is not allowed inside the room. They throw it away but I kept and hide for my grandkids so I took it to the bathroom with a tiny stripe on the wall and got the chance to participate today's edition. I hope there's enough time to be in. Thank you @davidesimoncini for this challenging task .

Invite @wakeupkitty.pal @solperes and @jurich60

No worry, you're in, Olivia! Thank you to join the contest again. Welcome to the new edition and a big good luck :)

Nindot gyud ka mag set up sa photo shoot ba. Social kaayo tan-awon. Ngano dili sila'g teddy bear? Ka cute gani. Glad you made it. Good luck to you mader. 🤞

Happy New year Brother, daghan salamat sa support.

A stuffed animal is an animal as well. How easily people throw away what is good. Nice shot.
We wish you a Happy New Year.



Will it count 😜

Stripe/animal/branch (tree)

Perfect entry, Soulfuldreamer. Welcome back to Photochain. Thank you for joining and a big good luck! :D

I think this is a perfect entry . Good luck hoping for a win.

Absolutely!! Two keywords in one. And I love just how clear and dazzling the stripes are especially when the photo is magnified. Great shot. And I must say it's great to have you back with this entry. Best wishes to you on this one 😊

Congrats brother Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you too sister 😊

Merry Christmas din sa buong pamilya mo

Thank you :)

I took this picture from a moving vehicle! So I was a bit unsure whether to submit it or not. A good shot or not: Nevertheless it's fun!

I dont have such splendid zebras...


...but I found this funny musical ad in Q magazine, plus a striped-tail animal figurine (not in the know who it is); both seem to match well. So,


Very well. Thank you for being with us also this week. Welcome to the current edition and a big good luck :D

 3 months ago 

It's funny indeed and your pictures are always special. I like it.

What a really cool representation 😎 of our Keywords. I was curious about the animal so I looked it up. It's called a Ring-tailed Lemur. Very nice entry. Good luck to you. 🙏

 3 months ago 

Congratulations to the winners


 3 months ago 

I wonder about the size of this horse. Did you visit a christmas market? All wood or? I love it.

 3 months ago 

I visited a park with Christmas lights, I immediately saw the horse and took the photo, by the way I did NOT leave quickly as always hahaha, normally I take the photo and leave almost running, I am NOT lying to you, all to participate in the contest, but it is worth it, I like the contest and I have a lot of affection for the contest designer.
I wish you a happy night

I feel you @lupega. It is the same with me 😊

 3 months ago 

Buona fotografia, mi piace, metterò la mia per competere, spero che avremo fortuna questa settimana

Bellissima proposta. Benvenuto nell'edizione di questa settimana. Un grosso buona fortuna e buone feste :)

This reminds me of my childhood days when we use to ride this what we called rocking horse. But this is the first time I've seen a striped one. Even the rocker is striped! Very festive entry. Good luck. 👍

Transfers to the Winners: COMPLETED

The Winners:

Tx 01
To @soulfuldreamer

Tx 02
To @gems.and.cookies

then two special honorable mentions:

Tx 03
0.75 STEEM
To @dim753

Tx 04
0.75 STEEM
To @olivia08

Congratulations, excuse me for the delay, and thank you to join the contest! :)

Happy new year and thank you for the blessings.. I am so happy to find you here during my comeback.

 3 months ago (edited)


Sometimes we have to do things against others' will... I used HB pencil btw.

I don't know if the little dog was so happy about it 🤣
A funny entry, thank you to join again, Henryclive. Welcome to the current edition and a big good luck :)

 3 months ago 

Thanks David😅 oh no, that's not a dog... It's a crossbreed of a bully and a zebra 🤣

 3 months ago 

Fat! Are you bullying him? where did you use the pencil?

(Published through Steemit Dapp

 3 months ago 

Because he's literally fat...😅

I drew stripes on his head haha I need to improvise so...

🤣🤣🤣 goodness this is hilarious and cute

 3 months ago 



I know I said your entry will be awesome. I didn't know it would be awesomely hilarious XD 😆

My grandson and I just couldn't stop laughing hahaha. Good one @henryclive. Now you know why this contest is so much fun :D

That Auggie? Poor doggy. He looks confused hahaha

 3 months ago (edited)

Yup, that fat boy's Auggie 😄

I know I did something bad, but if it’s for the greater good—like knowing you and your grandson share a laugh—I think Auggie might let it slide...

I just hope the marks come off easily—haha!

My grandson and I won't mind if they don't come off at all hahahaha we are still laughing just thinking about him hahaha

 3 months ago 

I tried wiping it with a wet rag, but it wouldn’t come off. I guess I forgot I used a pen as an outline before tracing over it with a pencil.

Look where my creativity got me, Gems...brilliant, right? Haha

Well it was worth it, you know, spreading joy and laughter this season. Well worth it hahahahahahaha 🤣🤣

 3 months ago 

I guess you're right! 😆 On the bright side, I ended up with a crossbreed of a bully and a zebra after all 🤣🤣

A fat, confused and funny looking one hahaha Poor Auggie 😅

 3 months ago 

If you are bored make a drawing. You can start with this animal. Just a few lines (stripes) and unlike this book I say: Don't make corrections.
Ugly? Not a look alike? Can be this is your personal style or a bit more practising does the trick.
I agree where it is said at the start of this book you shouldn't say: "I can't" but "I will learn it".

This animal is called in Dutch "Luiaard" (sloth, lazy)


animal - stripes - drawing

@pousinha @cicisaja @liasteem all you have to do is taking a picture of an animal + stripes and post it as a comment and share your personal keyword.

A good entry and an interesting tutorial for newbies in this art. Welcome back to Photochain and thanks for joining. A big good luck for your entry, Wakeupkitty :D

What a coincidence 🤣 I was picking up my Rambutan by climbing up to the roof and my fur brother followed us and he's waiting for me to come down before he catches up 😂

Thank you for dragging me here Kitty 😘

 3 months ago 

you are welcome and I like your cat. He looks better than my son's who suffers from kidney failure. I am babysitting it and the nights are long. Today I took the bench back into the kitchen so I will lock him in because I am tired of wiping floords, blood, pee and want to catch a few hours more sleep. It doesn't feel as if I am home alone for two weeks.

 3 months ago 

I love sloths very much. I should see ones in my next holidays, as the apartment is into a wildlife sanctuary. About the contest: I'll see whenever possible, as I'll have soon the update exam of my driver's licence renewal...

 3 months ago (edited)

The ones I remember most were in a pet shop in Duisburg (Germany) they freely climbed veeery slowly above the heads of the customers. I liked to go there and watch them just like the ferrets they had for a while.

I believe it was megazoo but I forgot the exact name and my connection is too slow to check it. I like shops like these. During my childhood I have good memories of real petshops those with animals and not just selling some food.

That update exam took extremely long. I hope soon it's all over and you have the paper you need.

 3 months ago (edited)

Yes, dear friend: it took until today. The exam wasn't easy (I spoke about it in this last DiGinnasio context (from the Digitaly magazine, as I returned from the DMV). Working while studying takes time and in addition, technical subjects like these, involving vehicles, aren't my strong suit😂).

 3 months ago 

I was on my way reading you. You still have very busy days and it doesn't sound relaxed at all. The main question is: Do you have that paper?

 3 months ago 

Do you mean if I have the paper of the updating driver's licence exam?
Yes, terribly busy days...

Reminds me of Flash the sloth in the movie Zootopia. Good thinking, this entry. I would never have thought of something like this, really. It's so uniquely you. Well done and best of luck to you on this Edition. 👏

 3 months ago 

Your photos always look like art and it's good to see you didn't show a painting with stripes only and the text added that if we look very closely we'll see all the animals we want to see which reminds me of a song about a guy who sings: Quess what I see if I am drunk, animals , animals, they are everywhere, crawling over the ceiling and walls...

and the text added that if we look very closely we'll see all the animals we want to see . . . .

You lost me there. What text? Anyway, I also haven't heard the song. But in my experience I never see animals when I get drunk. He must be taking something heavier imho.

Your photos always look like art

Thanks for the nice words but honestly I don't quite see it at that level yet. With practice I'll get there, I hope 🙏

 3 months ago 

Congratulations to the winners , this is my entry


Nice finding. Thank you for joninig, Dim753. Welcome to the new edition and a big good luck :D

 3 months ago 

Le parole sono semplici, mi piace il tuo concorso

 3 months ago 

Tried out that chair for a free massage? That dog looks satisfied. Bought all three? Wonder who would decorate with those stripes and what the effect will be. 🤔

So that's what kind of chair it is? Interesting. I also think the painting will look good on the wall. It's abstract art and you'd be surprised how most do enhance the ambiance of the room or place where they hang. I did a post in the other blockchain on abstract painting which I saw in an art gallery. It's been a long time but in that post I showed an abstract painting that looked like mumbo jumbo to me and felt the same way you did about who would want to decorate with that. But the same painting hung on a wall in a part of a house had a very stunning effect that completely changed my view about abstract art. If I find that I'll show them to you. Might change your mind too 😊

 3 months ago 

I look forward to see the mumbo jumbo art although I doubt that type will ever decorate my walls. I am not that modern and I like something that fits to me and the way the house it (not too modern just like me). Next to that the walls are not too good and it's better to let them empty to avoid the trouble them come down.

That chair looks like a massage chair. You sit in it, push some buttons and the thing vibrates (massages) back or neck or.. well everything that touches the chair. I try to remember where I saw them, perhaps at some airport where you could use them to relax (or shake up after a long journey or while waiting till the next flight).

Will be working on this tonight. I just hope the internet speed is strong enough to allow me to go back over past posts. I'll make sure to show the mumbo jumbo art.

Oh, I've seen these type of chairs but haven't tried them and don't intend to. I just might break a bone or something 😅

Found the post. Click here for the link. This was 3 years ago. If you find the time to check this out, don't miss out on the comments section, particularly the two where I attached some photos. That's what made me change my mind about abstract art 🎨

 3 months ago 

No hahaha, I took the dog and the painting, placed them and took the photo, this is Home Center, a place where they sell everything you need for the home.

 3 months ago 

Did you go over there to take this composition? No one asked what you were up to?

 3 months ago 

I pick up the objects, arrange them and take the photo, I immediately return all the items to their place, nobody says anything, I continue doing my shopping for the end of the year just like other people.

 3 months ago 

Taking photos is what shops complain about around here as if it matters. O mean what if you like to show it at home or ask if the item is okay or just a reminder?
A great new year!

Awesome entry. Great composition of the two keywords. I wouldn't mind hanging that painting in my room. Wishing you the best in this Edition. 🙂

 3 months ago 

The words for this week are very simple, it was easy to get the photo

Stripes/Animal/Roof (Slate)

I wish I could scared my fur brother Lemon, so I can capture his stripes 😅

I saw them, the entry is perfect. Welcome to Photochain @cicisaja, I hope to see you here more frequently. Thank you to join the contest and a big good luck to you :D

Thank you 🙌 you can read his story in this post 👉👈

I was inspired by this game 😉 you need to translate first. I have hundreds of his pictures but really hard to choose the best one.

Oh there are stripes on his head. You captured them quite clearly. And I love Rambutan too. It's the red spine-like hairy fruit with whitish flesh inside that's like lychees or longan. Delicious fruit.

Anyway, welcome to PhotoChain, thanks to @wakeupkitty.pal, our resident head hunter 😀 Hope you can be interested enough to be a regular here. Looking forward to it 😊

That's why I said, I wish I could make him show us his full-body stripes 🤣 his stripes is cute especially when he starts to fight the invasive stray cats🤦

The stripes would appear also when he's taking his crazy roots (acalypha indica). Thank you🤗 for the warm welcome. Yes, my Rambutan also a delicious one and sweet. but too bad, we didn't have much this season because of the heavy rain when the flowers were ready to pollinate a few weeks ago.

I'll try my best to be a regular then, it's exciting to see the pictures and the comments too.

 3 months ago 

I can see the stripes clear and well no need to fight. My cat always been beaten up by stray cats but he fought back and arrived home wrecked. Great you snapped the cat. Looks the same as @henryclive's dog. You can use "fat" too. The question is where I find the animals and stripes. Better check for the deadline. Being late is my... Good luck and a happy new year to both of you.

(Published through Steemit Dapp

Lol... You know what, I have an idea😉 find a bee or mosquito, do your best macro photography thingy💪 go for it!!

Happy New Year

 3 months ago 

Both are hard to find. It's winter even my snake hibernates nut found a substitute. Am bad at taking photos but who knows try it if I spot one... dead

Ooh... 😂 Winter😮‍💨all those creatures are hiding except the wolf I think, use your imagination then... There must be something among the Christmas trees💪

 3 months ago 

Am not sure if all creatures hide. Hares, foxes, deers, birds of prey they all eat, sheep survive well. They bring a fur coat along.

Among the tee are mainly the same trees other vegetation isn't fond of it. No idea of animal life.

 3 months ago 

and there are striped between the tiles!

(Published through Steemit Dapp

ohh you shall see the first photo; the one above is

Remarkable. His stripes are clearer in this photo. Wow. And they come and go depending on his mood. Amazing. And he's one big cat too. You're fortunate to have such a beautiful one.

Just stick around longer and you will not be sorry you did. Welcome again 🫠

 3 months ago (edited)

Before I go watch a film with the family my entry. Plenty of stripes and the animal hides underneath the radio.
Nope: not the cave of wonders helped me out this time because of a lack of stripes but my brother (twice je found a way to use the TV screen to watch a film online without my dead laptop).



So, a big thank you to you for joining and a big one to your brother for helping ;D
Welcome back and a big good luck, Xiao-aine :)

 3 months ago 

I'll thank him or not LOL
A great Evening! You have special snacks for tonight?

They were, before I ate them :D
A happy new day to you :)

 3 months ago 

Snacks meant for this day? You are them all? I had to work but the left treats were free and good. Also had to use my phone so the guests had music.

Quite, yes. I hope your work went well

So this is the small and sneaky find. Looks deadly. That's a really really old fashion radio. I haven't seen one in ages. Does it still work?

Do you know we have the same personal keyword? EYES. If we both make it, the two keywords become Eye and Eye. That will be interesting to see 😊

Good luck to you. You have a very interesting entry.

 3 months ago (edited)

The radio still works but soon all that's left is digital so it can no longer be used.

I noticed it later. Davide didn't want the eye & eye or an eye for an eye LOL. Time to find some.
A happy New year and take care of the eyes.

Happy New Year too. 🎆✨️🎈🎉🎊🎇

 3 months ago 
