RE: PHOTOCHAIN Challenge TESTNET - Edition number 71 [ENG | ITA]

Chain/Shell/Lock (Rustic)
I was having my swimming day with my hubby at a different swimming pool from a private swimming pool where I am a regular member. The swimming pool belongs to a group of family who built the place as a multi event resort.

the parking lot in front of the cafe which is an annex to the whole area
After swimming, we sat at the cafe and fill our stomach with chicken noodles. I opened SteemMobile and read this post🫣 goodness, thanks to @davidesimoncini for choosing "Shell". I told @dipoabasch, how can I find chain and shell, here? He appointed to the tamarinds which had fallen from its tree. We sat on a bench under the tamarind tree. He told me, tamarind has shell. I was confusing, but did an immediate research on Google 🤣🤣 yeap, the skin of the tamarind is called tamarind shell.
Then he pointed his finger to another tree nearby which has a chain around its trunk🫣 will the tree running away if unchained? I pick up the tamarind and bring it to the chained tree and voila 🤩 I found the third key!!!!
I couldn't wait to create this post (comment) to avoid spamming 😅😅 and told my hubby to find his own photochain😁.
Thanks and see you around 😊
#italy #photochain #phonephotography #indonesia #comments
So not you but your hubby has the great ideas. If you won it was him. You are lucky he is stalking you. LOL
Great shoot btw and that tree won't go anywhere. Seems what was attached to it is gone. I hope that chain doesn't hurt the tree if it grows and kills it on long term.
Did you eat the peanuts? A good day to you and your hubby.
That's not the peanut, it's called tamarind 😁 this one probably from Africa because it has short pod, the taste was sour, but I managed to finished it though
So the tamarind grows at a tree and drops on your head and the peanut underground. We had sour grapes due to the soil but the leaves tasted good. What is the taste like if not sour?
The Thailand variety of the Tamarind fruit is so sweet you can skip the sugar in your coffee and just nibble on the fruit while drinking your coffee ☕️
But here in our country, the variety is the sour kind and you can make a bet with anyone that he will surely grimace at the sourness after eating it and win.
Yes, the tamarind, also known as sampaloc here in our country, grows on trees. Huge trees. There's a couple of trees in front of my grandson's school and I took a photo of part of it with the fruit.
You nibble on the fruit while drinking like others take a cookie. How big is that fruit like kiwi or plums or smaller? Now I wonder if I saw it before. I'll check. Thanks for the info. A good day. I'm off.
That's just to illustrate how sweet it is. Of course, no one that I heard of ever did that lol. It will make them look wierd. The fruit is probably thumb sized, some longer than others.
Good day to you too 😊
Why do you have the sour kind?
I have the sour cherries but must say by now I am used to it and don't consider it sour.
Sugar in your coffee is unhealthy!
Thanks @wakeupkitty and @steemcurator08 for brightening up my day 😊
Our Tamarind here in the Philippines has always been of the sour kind. It is used mainly as an ingredient to a popular sour stew or what we call "sinigang". Everyone loves sinigang here in our country lol. Not all varieties, though, are of the sour kind. Some have manifested sweetness which I think the Thais realized and propagated until this new one replaced all their sour varieties.
I haven't tasted sour cherries but I am sure that if it were readily available here, it will be used as an alternative to tamarind in making sour stew 😜
They say that Stevia is a healthier option than sugar. It is as sweet and is natural. Only drawback is it's quite expensive. So sugar still remains popular and indispensable, especially with coffee ☕️ 😋 😏
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt... you gotta try tamarind from Thailand, it's so sweet that you'll miss the real taste of tamarind which mostly sour
I 1000% agree!!!! It is sweetness fruitified 😁
I didn't know about it, thank you for sharing this particular news :D
So... welcome to the edition and thanks for joining. A big good luck!
I don't think you have Tamarind growing in Italy, no? Thank you 👍
I couldn't tell you because I don't know the plant. If it exists, it's certainly not very common in the areas where I live.
don't worry about me, I know what other shells we have around us. Good Luck with the contest!
Best regards
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The chain looks so old and the lock maybe it is being used by a mad man.
Lol🤣 what an imagination, let me find out tomorrow when I return to swimming there again
Hahaha 😆 Now that's another way to interpret shell and I think that is so imaginative of you (or should the credit go to the hubby?). Regardless, I like the CHAIN photo. It's big and takes center stage. I enjoyed looking at your entry @cicisaja. Best wishes to you on your entry 🙏
Thank you as always @gems.and.cookies. I did my best just to find the most clear one
No worries. This one is as clear as a whistle 🌬👌👍