Contest Photo Time Week 15-Settimana-15 | My Entry

in Italy2 months ago (edited)

I found this contest while scrolling through several posts to read, upvote and comments. Thanks to @italygame to host the contest🙌

I have been thinking about what kinda photo I would share for 2 days. Because I created a post about a rose that blooms in December and it already met the condition of this contest🤦 but I can't use the same used photos for this. It's not until yesterday when I got my third share of the stinky beans from the tree that grows in the mosque's front yard.

I remember that 2 weeks ago I did take pictures of the tree when the its flowering. So, I checked it out again and again. This morning, I took another picture to be able to participate in this contest.

Photo taken with Poco X3 GT on December 15th, 2024

I know my photography ability is suck🫣 but I hope you can see its incredible flower up there. I'm glad that I set the time of the picture taken on my phone camera, so it helps me to remember the moment.

photo taken with Poco X3 GT, January 2nd, 2025

This picture also taken with the same phone, but maybe I didn't stand at the same spot but the tree is. You can see the flowers have turned into fruits/beans. Ohh, I'm sure it's not the same fruits which sent to my house yesterday 😁.

Parkia Speciosa aka stinky beans or Petai

It was not until I joined the contest I observed the growth of this tree, I mean the beans. I think those beans in the second picture will be ready to be harvested within a week. I'll make sure to capture another picture for my collection then.

Fyi: I keep the photos in Google photo and it suggests me to edit the HD something and I did😔 I couldn't see the difference though, except the truth of those flowers really turned into fruits after 2 weeks.

I hope I didn't violate any rules and this post is eligible to be count as participant

Thanks for stopping by and let me know if there's anything I need to put my attention to, so I can be a regular poster. This is my first time joining the contest and subscribe the Italy community.

Thank you for stopping by and see you around

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I really like the photographs of vegetables you have shown. I don't know the name of the vegetables but you like it very much, it looks like it will be delicious. Thanks for presenting beautiful photography to us.

I forgot to add the information about it.. I'll edit the information ☺️ it is called petai, bitter bean, stink bean ...
It doesn't taste bitter though, sometimes after we boil it for a few minutes, it taste sweet and savory

Thank you.. oh i did make a story about food made from this bean few years ago maybe I'll create one for next week contest

Jadi, tadi pagi motret pohon petai untuk ini tah, cint?

Hehehe.. iya, kan tadi juga motret mie ayam sampai piringnya kosong juga buat ginian minggu depan🫣 atau besok2 motret timbangan aja? Tapi sepertinya udah mentok di 52,3 ☺️

Apa kabar cutkak,, Petai sudah menjadi cemilan sultan sekarang ya.. sangat mahal hehehe

Saya lebih suka jengkol direndang masak aceh yang berkuah dan kental dimasak pakai kuali tanah punya nenek-nenek jaman dulu. Duh enak kali ya?.. Entah kapan bisa makan jengkol lagi.

Klo petai disetiap warung pecel lele ada hmmm

Alhamdulillah baik, agak sibuk beberapa hari ini, bikin postingan di sana sini, jadi nggak sempat jenguk2 yg lain.

Jengki? No way!! Saya ndak suka jengkol 🫣 nggak biasa dimasakin mamak waktu kecil. Kalau pete sering.

Lhoo.. lhoo . Nggak ada jengki mangnya di TKB? Bukannya yg di Jakarta juga impor dari Lampung tah?

Kalau lagi musim, iya banyak dan murah. Tapi ntar bulan puasa dekat hari raya, barangnya mahal dan nyaris selalu kehabisan. Orang Betawi di sini, segala masakan utk lebaran pakai petai. Warung pecel Lele pun kadang nggak ada stok. Alhamdulillah, mumpung lagi banyak di depan mesjid, kita nunggu kiriman saja. Gratis .tis..

Lihat ukurannya hampir segede jengkol!!

Alhamdulillah semoga sehat selalu ya, saya sudah tiga hari malas x bikin postingan, nerjemahin bahas indo ke spanyol aga ribet ya.. jadinya nunda2 deh. padahal klo pakai bahasa indo dikomunitas lain udah bisa dapat 3 postingan hehehe

Belum pernah lihat saya pete segede itu, pasti tanahnya subur banget tuh. Di Lampung banyak jengkol cuma masakan jengkol disini ga ada yang enak. diwarung padang yang besar aja ga ada yang enak juga

Ngapain bikin postingan pake bahasa spanyol? Ribet aja😂 tapi ya gitu lah kalau mau masuk ke komunitas lain. Daripada begitu, mending bikin aja dulu yang mudah utk postingan harian. Ntar baru sambilan bikin yg bahasa spanyol.

Aku nggak pernah coba bahasa lain selain inggris, soalnya aku cuma bisa bhs inggris.

Oohhh.. karena di situ nggak ada yg jual jengkol olahan tah. Coba saja bikin sendiri, mana tahu malah bisa jadi jualan juga

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Thank you so much ❤️ but, you guys already voted once. You scared me 🫣

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