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RE: Pennichella si.. pennichella no.. / Nap yes.. nap no.. [MULTILANGUAGE]

in Italy8 months ago

I live in Lahore Pakistan,where temperature is about 38,40 now a days with 80%+ humidity with no air flowing. Sleep always hard in these conditions with on/off of electricity loadshading. I think your city has much better conditions


Now I just found out that in countries out there, like where you live, for example, Lahore, Pakistan, the temperature can reach 38-40°c. It's very hot, how can you survive with that super hot weather. If I really can't stand it, I have to have an air conditioner so I can withstand such hot weather, my friend @ayesha0018😱

Average 40% population have air condition. Other helped by GOD surviving

That's right, friend. Not everyone has air conditioning at home, so this hot weather feels torturous, sometimes I like to sleep under a shady tree to avoid the hot weather.