How to Overcome Fear

in Italy7 days ago

If there is a common thing that people constantly face, I will say it is the effect of fear. When I actually looked at it closely, I discovered it is not avoidable. Whether we like it or not, everyone of us will certainly face the issue of fear most especially because of the type of life we live. There are a lot of things about life which can really causes fear. There are issues like fear of unknown and many more.

To an extent, I believe fear can really be beneficial but become something else when it is too much because it can affect us negatively. Most of the time, our fear can hinder us from achieving goals that will have move us forward in life. Not only that, when there is too much of fear, it can also have a negative effect on both our mental and emotional state. If we want to go far in life, we must certainly find a way of overcoming fear.

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We can not do without facing issues in life and generally obstacles. But the issue is when we are having fear, it prevent us to overcome those obstacles that might come our way. A whole lot of us are actually daily facing the issue of fear and it is not really that we did not want to overcome those fear, it is just that a whole lot of us did not know how to. In the journey of Overcoming fear, there are certain steps by steps that you need to put in place to overcome fear.

The first thing for you to do to overcome fear is for you to acknowledge the fear. There is no need for you to keep running away from your fear. You must first of all be sincere with yourself that you have the fear and you need to find a way to overcome them. When you first of all acknowledge the fear you have, it will help to position you on how and what to do next. In fact in several cases, it will help you to know the root causes of those fears. I forgot to mention earlier that fear always has a cause or a source rather.

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Just like the popular saying that when you know the source of a problem, it is already 50% solved and that is very necessary. For some people, the reason why they are afraid is because of fear of failure, for some people, it might be because of fear of the uncertainty of the future, for some people it might be because of what people have said and many more. One of the beautiful thing is that when you are able to note down the cause, it will be easy for you to actually overcome them. Yes I have witness it several time.

Another thing that you should actually focus on which can help you to overcome fear is for you to actually deal with your thoughts. Whether we like it or not, our thoughts always go a long way to determine our fear. Most of the time, when you have a negative thoughts, it has a way of accommodating fear within you which most of the time can be so difficult you to overcome. Most of the time, what I do is whenever I notice a negative thoughts within me, I alwuas tried to replace it with positive thoughts and it always goes a long way to help me overcome fear.

Fear is not as difficult to overcome as how many of us always view it. If we put the right structure, it will definitely help us to achieve that. One of the things I constantly do is to visualise myself to be bold and courageous instead of been afraid. In fact I have come to learn that the more I am afraid, the more I achieve failure and the more I am bold, the more I achieve success. It works like magic for me most of the time and I have seen it iber the time. When you have tried all these things, you can seek support from expert as sometimes it can be as a result of hormones that should not be in ones body also.