Peaceful Place at Molopolo Beach Resort

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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Everyone agrees for sure that sometimes we need a place to avoid stress. A place where it feels like we isolate ourselves from everyone. Not just from the unending unfinished works to do but sometimes from toxic people. I do not disagree with the phrase, "no man is an island." We need someone that helps us to fulfill our desire and our happiness. However, sometimes it's not always because we feel like being suffocated and that is why we need a peaceful place like this that can be found at Molopolo Liloan Southern Leyte, Philippines. 

Approximately 30 minutes traveling from the national road we can reach this beach resort. Just a reminder because it is important for someone who wants to be in this place. Make sure you ask whenever you feel like it takes too long to travel and you still have not arrived. Liloan is an island so expect many turns because of too many corners. This small village named Molopolo is literally small.

This beach was popular here because of its pure white sand. You can tell shortly when I'd show you more shots of its view. The thing is that this beach is currently being renovated. After typhoon Odette, nothing is left on this beach. From the cottages, attractions, and others. For now, they don't have better establishments and with lesser cottages. Not to worry by the way because you can find nearby stores if you ever need something to buy.

First, let me show you the old-fashioned cottage named "Bahay-Kubo" which is a popular house among Filipinos.

The parking area for those who will bring vehicles.

Now, let's go to the shore which is why this beach resort is popular. The long beach is filled with pure white sand. It's not that long, by the way, it also has a wide area where you'd take a few more steps from the cottage to reach the sea. For sure, people will enjoy playing anything here. Running, playing volleyball, or any kind of play they want.

I was walking along the seashore and it brought me to this rocky part of the shore. I saw people hiding under those big rocks, drinking and eating. It's allowed to stay anywhere but after you paid the entrance fee. No worries because it's too low that you can enjoy this beach more than what you paid.

If I just had more spare time when I visited this place. I would have waited for the sunset viewing because according to them you'd feel like the sun was near here. The colorful view of the sunset will give someone a nice view of it. Well, it's too obvious of course by seeing how near the horizon is by just sitting along the shore.

If I just had more spare time when I visited this place. I would have waited for the sunset viewing because according to them you'd feel like the sun was near here. The colorful view of the sunset will give someone a nice view of it. Well, it's too obvious of course by seeing how near the horizon is by just sitting along the shore.

Wait, there is more fun to see on this beach. Have you seen those two islands not far from the shore, right? If you can rent a boat or hire someone that owns a boat, it will be perfect for island hopping. Too bad I haven't tried it because when I was there I didn't have much time. My sole purpose in visiting this place was to see it. I heard good things about this place and that's why I was curious and itching to see it for myself.

Don't worry if you think this place will be crowded because it's popular. Unlike other beaches, the Molopolo beach resort is owned or managed by Brgy. Council. I'm telling you this for you to understand that anywhere you go you are allowed to go. The whole shore of this small village is okay to use and never forget that this whole shore has white sand all over it.

That's why you will have a wide space to use if you want to be alone or with companions. There are also interesting things you can find on this beach. If you'll continue walking you can arrive at that rocky part and then it's like a mountain next to the shore. Just be careful because some part of the place might be in danger and might be a threat to you. Remember that some places are yet unexplored. 

Thank you for reading 

*All content is my own unless otherwise noted

If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.* 


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<sub>Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, you can tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine. Together, let's explore the world by broadening our thoughts. If you need a shoulder I can lean you mine and I hope I can lean yours. The world is fun when living is not being alone but with someone. 





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