I believe after Elon Musk is forced to Purchase Twitter- he will buy Steemit.com from Justin Sun and integrate steem into twitter as the leaked Twitter Project Blue Sky white paper hints at, with help from CZ from biannce

in Wall Street Bets2 years ago

When the steemit whales and witnesses who would downvote people and ruin the fun of the platform ... got millions of steem taken from them and built HIVE to create a new ponzi ... many saw it as just a lesson in karma.

With the introduction of the steam block chain to to Twitter and a new system for upvotes downvotes and rewards without downloading of rewards I believe that we could see a new social media Renaissance on Twitter that could allow every Post an every account to remain permanently on a block chain but where the twitter.com front end becomes something like D.buzz .. a front end for the steem blockchain or a FORK .. allowing steemit and steem to become a developer network where people like me will be seen for the avante garden geniuses we are ... who else has been here for years posting our best ideas with the smartest developers on Earth.

A lot of the issues surrounding steam it and I have simply had to do with the fact tbut the fact that you had people with large stakes that ninja mind these stakes supposedly unfairly able to downvote rewards of strangers that they never met just based on their political opinions or for petty arguments

Of course there is also the problem of exchanges voting and taking over a block chain but this problem lies solely on all of the idiots who kept all of their steam on the exchange effectively forfeiting their voting rights.. It was pathetic to see high developers and whales trying to Sue steam steam it as if steam block chain has to follow some sort of financial rules from the old traditional world.

Also it's pretty clear to me that the name for hive was chosen as far back as 2014 since weekleaks 100% exposed the high block chain as a CIA spyware tool used for possibly assassinations but definitely for spies in the field and this is all apparent on weekly leagues vault 7 and 8. Honestly I don't see how the hive steam whales that made hive were uninstalwere unable to predict the takeover the take over of the steam block chain when they knew very well that anyone could power up all of the steam on an exchange and vote the whale's out of power as witnesses.

The entire thing seemed to be an exercise in block chain revolution which was was demonstrated with golos IO and Golo's ID. You see Dan Larimer and ned Scott create created a Russian version of steam it called golos which means voice voice in the Russian language which is a whole another ball of wax that we can get into later since voice.com was another scam created by block one and the people at EOS who are now in revolt against the block 1 people but you see I could just keep going with this story all day and explaining this c***.

The people at Golo's IO were kind of like the people at steam it and they decided to lose large chunks of golos in a hard drive fire or so they claimed and then they got the golo sweetnesses to fork golos in a regular type of hard 4 so that the golos boss I'll main cyberfund bank or whatever was able to get all of their lost golo Back. So the Golo's users that didn't like this created a fork called Golo's ID where all of the real talent and developers went where are they took away all of the equivalent the equivalent of ned Scott Stephen stakes all of the large stakes they took that away from the Golo's block chain and made it more of a fair block chain.After this happened hive was forked from steam in the same manner taking away all of the steak from the main steamer account allowing allowing the whales that colluded together to create hive to control their new block chain which is fair.

But what was childish was the way they complained I mean these people were the same people downvoting anyone they disagreed with even when it wasn't a political disagreement.. These steam and hive whales constantly downvote people that they believe shouldn't be getting paid money that they paid for I mean honestly if you have steak and the delegated proof of stake block chain the rewards should be yours and yours alone and it is no different than mining bitcoin.

Honestly the only chance any of these chains has to become popular is a fork similar to blurts where we have no downloading of rewards and all rewards are our permanent after that upvote button is clicked. If someone doesn't like the rewards of another user the only thing they should be able to do is downvote the visibility of that post using their stake but the money made on those posts should never be able to be taken away by some angry individual who happens to be richer than someone else.

The whales that disagree with me on this are the reason the price of steam and hive never went up because there's just going to be too many p***** off people who just think that this is a c***** system and that is why hive is still 50 cents and why steam isn't even a dollar anymore when steam steam token used to be $8 has never gone backup to that price although I've got close with a $3 price last year in the autumn.

But until we take away the downloading our rewards we will never have anyone serious or wealthy waste their time buying a token which they can't even make money off of through proof of state yes yes we all know that hive has its own stake base rewards but if you can't upvote your own posts or your friends posts thend posts then what is the point of buying something that someone else can just take away the rewards for?

I am planning to organize a fork of hive or steam which will use the alert system where there will be no downloading of awards and all downvotes will beUsed to only minimize the visibility of a post but but this will only happen happen on specific front ends.

The main steamer.com and hive.blogWebsites should have drop down menus to allow 4 different typesOf political spectrums so that someone someone who has their political your political viewpoints as a left leaning person will be able to Dor to downvote someone who is a right leaning person but their votes won't matter on the but on the right leaning front end. This way we can actually see who who is being downloaded by what political faction


@justinsunsteemit and cz from binance did nothing but play by the rules set for them by the blockchain code ... by definition anything that can physically happen is fair gane

I risk having my hive account downvoted for simply having this opinion i am writing here today

But honestly I think it's important that I have the ability to type my ideas here and not be downloaded into obscurity. The point that I am going to make is that although unpopular and although 5 whales and developers are emotional about this they had no right to complain Complain about 26 million dollars worth of tokens at the time to be taken from their account because it was done with the consent of the stakeholders and these people that thought they controlled the block chain actually didn't. Some of you might say well the finance CZ people created a cartel and it was unfair and blah blah blah but that's just baby talk honestly what happened was they used the blocked change rules to destroy the concept that the previous owners were relying on in their arrogance.

The fact is steam it has become vertically integrated and controlled by one entity and that has how it always was and simply ned Scott the X CEO yo esteem it never had the audacity and balls to do what Justin's son &c Z did.

By powering up all of the steam in the exchange the CZ finance cartel simply used what was theirs ever heard of not your keys not your coins?

It was completely fair what they did because let's be honest steam it and hive are both dark Web block chain unregulated system and unregulated systems that aren't governed by any laws of any countries and you might say well steam it is but it's really not because it's just basically the steam block chain and the whole steam company was kind of unregulated and they've unregulated and they didn't like have any other users forced to pay any sort of taxes and it was all just wild West

Honestly I believe a lot of this could have been avoided by simply removing the ability to downvote rewards perboth rewards. The ability to download should 100% be included in a new steam or high fork but what we should remember is that nobody should really have the right to take away someone else's rewards and if it was like that from the start nobody would be arguing so vehemently that that's the way it has to be people are just used to that.

Honestly if we had started out with a system where the upvotes and downvotes simply led to more or less visibility and we had 4 different front ends one for ad friendly authoritarian strict censored version 1 for the version 1 for a libertarian anarchist on it's an uncensored version and then 1 for the actual left and 1 for the right wings of politics a lot of our debates could have been avoided and we all could have seen who I've seen who is actually the main stakeholders of steam it or high And whether political allegiance is lie

I came up with an idea a few months ago to have the ability to not just vote up-and-down but to vote left and right horizontal upvotes and downvows so that you could actually vote for something to be politically left or right leaning honestly honestly this is what we need so that people can see who controls the block chain and if need be we should have an AI or bot that kind of sorts the posting updates and downloads of the different whales and developers on hive because a lot of them are in denial about their political Allegiances

it's kind of dishonest to make steam or hive out to be some sort of free speech platform when you have people like hive whales going around downvoting Anyone that they politically disagree with justifying it by saying that your views are extremist views honestly they are no better than the people on Twitter or reddit And in fact I would argue that they are worse than Twitter or reddit because they are centering us on the platform that we worked for for years and help develop and paid for with our stake.

We are supposed to be CO owners of this block chain and yet they go around policing it yeah like they are trying to make sure the government doesn't come in arrest them for posting hate speech or something ridiculous like that!

I honestly do believe that there is a conspiracy on hive to download anyone who questions things like the Ukraine war or the vaccine rolled out or covid 19 so that people who are openly unanonymously Working on hive won't be arrested or blamed for inciting and hosting hate speech.

The arrogance is just incredible that these people started on steam it during a time when Donald Trump was president and these liberals had no problem going against the status quo but as soon as Joe Biden gets into power they decide that they are going to go with the left wing Democrat agenda ring Democrat agenda and start censoring via downvote anyone Who questions reality

I would like to continue discussing how the people who cried foul during the takeover of steam it by Justin son would do the same thing if they were in justin's position. Perhaps if they didn't want steam it to be so centrally controlled to the point where they would have to forget to create hive which has the same central control well if they didn't like that maybe they should have made high and steamed less centrally controlled because they never really built any safeguards and honestly the ability to take away someone else's rewards single handedlyIt's not only rude but it just makes people turned off power down and sell their steam or hive. This may be why blurt was created to fork steam and create a block chain where you could only up for but the way that blurt blog was created was so lazy and a blatant obvious attempt to simply take away the bitcoin buy orders from steamBecause with every fork of steam you divide up the potential whales and buyers who use bitcoin

If we simply had a nice front end that allowed people to see the differences between the left and right politics and then the authoritarian versus the libertarian libertarian uncensored politics then then we could all have our own front end and we wouldn't have to worry about people getting rewarded with Tokens that were on the same block chain as us.

But there are just so many people that hate the idea that people day politically disagree with I'm making money on the same reward pool. But at the end of the day we all must use the same reward pool and Honestly it's no different from the US dollar which funds all US politics left or right

If we have 4 different front ends 1 for each corner of the political spectrum Then people could finally see which hive whales and developers side with which which political perspectives


If Twitter simply used the steam block chain and added a reward function like blur we could have an amazing system where people would love to invest in Twitter to get access to the ability to upvote and downvote rewards on a post

Honestly with a system like Twitter this makes sense where you can actually take away someone's rewards if you have a large enough steak because those people would simply be the advertisers. But Twitter would still have many types of steam and hive engine tokens and tribe tokens that would allow someone from their political spectrum to still make money off of this tribe token rewards

But on steam and hive. blog there should only be upvoting of rewards and we should not be taking away anyone's rewards after they've been upvoted.

To identify scammers we should have a button that actually allows someone to vote on whether or not a post is a scan and then that should be broken down into who upvoted and downvoted those user posts as scams and their political affiliations so that we can actually tell if the downloading of a downloading of a post as a scammer is rooted in a political disagreement

For example on hive there are whale accounts that are actively downvoting anyone who disagrees with Ukraine and their war with Russia it's Russia claiming that they must be Russian bots even if they are clearly American citizens who have been posting on steam and hive for over 5 years. The mainstream neoliberal politics of high whales is basically the same viewpoints expressed on CNN and MSNBC and this is just unacceptable for something that is touting itself as a alternative media source and centership free blog.

Of course I have noticed that unlike steam the hive blog has now become more of just some sort of neo liberal agenda democratic agenda with agenda with a few conservative viewpoints sprinkled in and honestly they have stopped claiming that they are a place for censorship resistance and they are now just claiming that they are they are more worried about what the outside world thinks of them and their delusional agreed has got the best of them

The people at high are honestly delusional if they believe that anyone in the mainstream is going to be purchasing something as nerdy and obscure as high. The people at telos are much more likely to get mainstream democrats and republicans to invest because telos actually has Built-in safeguards to prevent things like exchanges votexchange is voting and taking over a chain. Telos also has smart contracts which allow it to do things which steam and hive just have never been able to do. Tellos actually has its own tokens on the main net while steam and high have never even unreleased their smart media tokens ever

Now this is just really sad that we still don't have have an internal market on the main net of steam or high that allows people to buy or sell pegged tokens but we do have things like steam and high visit's like steam and hive engine which do have pegged tokens however it's all centralized under I'll centralize under one person like agrode who honestly is very fair but a fair but it's still dangerous to have all this money controlled by 1 group That's really just controlled by one individual on a on aside chain when we have plenty of other options like telosAntello's actually has maintenance tokens using P tokens.io

Now the EOS IO is now called antelope.io and it is an alliance between EOS telos and wax with a unified code base which is something I came up with and I'm proud to see in action. I also came up with the idea of a high telos partnership which stemmed from my original idea of a steam Tello's partnership but after steam had its problems and hive arose out of it they decided to go with a hive tellow's partnership with partnership which I was given credit for.

But sadly even after all the work I have done sacrificing multiple bitcoins and many years of my life and thousands of steam helping people in developing countries to reach their full potential central I am now being downloaded on hive by a single individual who simply disagrees with my viewpoint is a viewpoint on the Ukraine war. Perhaps they are in Europe and take the war personally and can not accept that I am an American that refuses to searthat refuses to support their war against Russia but they are simply unable to accept basic facts about that war and and like any war both sides are guilty are guilty of crimes. The biggest crime that I point out that Ukraine is committing is supporting neo nazis and every time I point this out the hive whales decide to bring up mainstream news articles that attempt to debunk this very factual information which even left wing news articles and media like vice news have been exposing since the year 2014

My posts which support many of the viewpoints of the Russian people Maybe downloaded by whales and then the visibility should be hidden on a front end that's tailored for mainstream audiences in the West but for them to tell me that I should have to go to blurt or to golos just to tell the truth about A-war thatEveryone had consensus on for almost 10 years it's just ridiculous.

The mainstream news has been worried about Ukraine's support of neo nazi groups like the Azov Italian for almost a decade but in recent the recent yearThe news has decided to do nothing but cover up the as off the Canyon and become nazi apologists And they are willing to call any sort of reporting of of Ukrainian incursions into Russian ethnic areas as propaganda from Russia even when the people of the dawn bass in Eastern Ukraine have clearly voted to join the Russian federation however they see this as some sort of Confederacy and act like the borders of Ukraine have to be the same forever even though they were simply carved out after the end of the cold war and Ukraine was simply part of the Soviet Union and the borders back then didn't mean as much but these people don't know their history. When it comes to Taiwan they will side with the people of Taiwan who do not want to be part of China but when it comes to the nets and the dawn bass we see the mainstream Democrat leftist refusing to honor the wishes of 90% plus ethnic Russian people who lived in what was formerly Ukraine and is now an independent country of course they won't recognize this independent Republic and it's wish to join the Russian federation and so any news about this they will download as Russian propaganda.

Honestly this reminds me of any information about the covid vaccine being downloaded by these same people and makes me wonder if they're just being mind controlled by some very advanced American Western propaganda becquestion propaganda because they honestly are.

Now more than ever a block chain like steam or hive is needed to allow people people to actually upvote stories they believe need to be seen and real debates to be had however instead we just have censorship by default from high whales that think that if they don't download any anti Ukraine postings postings that they will end up being charged with some sort of Crime of promoting Russian propaganda and maybe this is because some of these high whales are in the EU and they are simply afraid of being seen as someone not censoring Russian propaganda when they have the power to do so

All of this would be solved if we simply had A new block chain built on telos and the antelope.I ope.io code base which was formerly EOS IO and this new social media fork of steam or hive would simply have no downloading of rewards and it would allow users to choose which front end politics they wanted to see.

And if Twitter adopts a steam block chain as is hinted at in steamer's mentions in the leaked Twitter project blue sky white papers then a lot of the issues that Twitter faces with censorship could be solved overnight. Again multiple front ends for Twitter is the solution to keep Twitter free and allow everyone to keep an account permanently. They should see a Twitter account like a permanent record where yes even a criminal should be able to hold their account forever because it's something that law enforcement can you against them one day if they really want to. If they are so afraid of giving Russian spies Chinese spies or terrorists Twitter accountsWell then they should 100% support the idea of keeping their accounts and content permanent and on a block chain so that it can all be tracked in the future

That's one side of the extremist point and problem the other side has to do with censorship I will political nature and let me reminds you that 1 country's terrorist is another country's freedom fighter and it should be up to the people on the planet Earth to all vote on what they believeIs terrorism and what is liberation ideology or what is a freedom fighter because honestly these are different definitions created by different countries and different religions in different countries and different religions and different people.