A Grumpy Chimp
A Grumpy Chimp desperately needed a chocolate bar that they would sometimes experiment on. This might appear to be an extraordinary operation, to my mum, but not to the Chimp, who feels that it was in fact, out of this world. Strangely, a chocolate bar was the thing that was chosen.
A Grumpy Chimp always kept a stretchman that they would sometimes demolish. It should be a strange action, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Chimp, who considered it would be exciting. Bizarrely, a stretchman is the thing to choose.
A Grumpy Chimp always kept a big sponge that they sometimes sit and look at. One might consider this to be a fairly original activity, to most, but not to the Chimp, who had decided that this idea was entertaining. Bizarrely, a big sponge would be the thing that was selected.
A Grumpy Chimp always kept a lava lamp that they would sometimes throw. It might be a fairly weird operation, to most, but not to the Chimp, who had decided that it was in fact, epic. Strangely, a lava lamp being the thing opted for.
A Grumpy Chimp desperately looked for a lava lamp that they sometimes break. It is considered to be a surprising operation, to my grandma, but not to the Chimp, who thinks that this idea was entertaining. Honestly, a lava lamp being the chosen item.
A Grumpy Chimp carried a cucumber that they would sometimes hug. It would be a fairly extraordinary proposal, to my grandpa, but not to the Chimp, who had decided it was fun. Honestly, a cucumber being the chosen thing.