The Magical Baby
The Magical Baby searched for a lava lamp that they sometimes drop. It was considered to be a fairly different undertaking, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Baby, who felt it would be magnificent. Bizarrely, a lava lamp was the item that was opted for.
The Magical Baby always carried a painting of a melon that they would often rub on his belly. It would have been a somewhat surprising suggestion, to many, but not to the Baby, who expected that the idea was magnificent. A painting of a melon is the thing to select.
The Magical Baby desired a can of Tango to hug. It is considered to be a fairly unusual thing to do, to me and my children, but not to the Baby, who expected that this idea is awesome. Who would have thought, a can of Tango being the thing selected.
The Magical Baby owned a wig that they sometimes insert somewhere. It would be a weird and wonderful thing to do, to me and my children, but not to the Baby, who expected that the idea was awe-inspring. You wouldnt have thought, a wig is the thing to choose.
The Magical Baby looked for a melon that they would drop. This seems to be a fairly new operation, to many, but not to the Baby, who thought that the idea was breathtaking. Remarkably, a melon was the thing that was opted for.
The Magical Baby desperately desired a pencil sharpener that they would often sleep with. It should have been a new suggestion, to many, but not to the Baby, who thinks it was awe-inspring. Who would have thought, a pencil sharpener is the thing to choose.