Their Funny UnicornsteemCreated with Sketch.

Their Funny Unicorn always kept a cheese grater that they would occasionally break. It might be an astonishing activity, to many, but not to the Unicorn, who thinks it was wonderful. You wouldnt have thought, a cheese grater is the thing to select.

Their Funny Unicorn desperately wanted a rubber johnny that they would occasionally cuddle. One might consider this to be a strange thing to do, to my grandma, but not to the Unicorn, who considered that the idea was wonderful. You wouldnt have imagined, a rubber johnny would be the item chosen.

Their Funny Unicorn desired a stapler that they would occasionally throw. This seems to be a fairly peculiar operation, to my grandma, but not to the Unicorn, who thinks that this idea is awe-inspring. Remarkably, a stapler is the item that was chosen.

Their Funny Unicorn craved for a bag of flour that they would occasionally smash. One might consider this to be an odd suggestion, to me and my parents, but not to the Unicorn, who expected it would be spectacular. Honestly, a bag of flour was the thing that was chosen.

Their Funny Unicorn searched for a chocolate bar that they would often insert somewhere. It was a fairly extraordinary idea, to you, but not to the Unicorn, who assumed that it was in fact, awe-inspring. Who would have imagined, a chocolate bar is the item to opt for.

Their Funny Unicorn desperately wanted a radiator that they would occasionally try to balance on their head. This seems a fairly funny action, to you and me, but not to the Unicorn, who thought that it was in fact, entertaining. Remarkably, a radiator is the thing to opt for.