Her Magical FishsteemCreated with Sketch.

Her Magical Fish carried a set square that they sometimes demolish. It should have been a strange action, to me and my parents, but not to the Fish, who felt that this idea is exciting. Bizarrely, a set square was the thing that was chosen.

Her Magical Fish searched for a bag of poop that they would occasionally share. This is certainly a fairly astonishing suggestion, to most, but not to the Fish, who felt that this idea is entertaining. Who would have imagined, a bag of poop is the thing to choose.

Her Magical Fish craved for a CD player to insert somewhere. It was a curious activity, to you and me, but not to the Fish, who thought that this idea is magnificent. Strangely, a CD player was the item that was chosen.

Her Magical Fish desperately looked for a bottle of beer that they would hug. It might have been a fairly weird and wonderful action, to my grandpa, but not to the Fish, who feels that the idea was entertaining. You wouldnt have imagined, a bottle of beer is the thing to select.

Her Magical Fish desperately searched for a pint of cider that they would occasionally embrace. It should have been a funny idea, to many, but not to the Fish, who expected that it was in fact, sublime. Who would have thought, a pint of cider was the item that was opted for.

Her Magical Fish desperately desired a helmet that they liked to demolish. It should be a fairly astonishing thing to do, to many, but not to the Fish, who expected that the idea was wonderful. Strangely, a helmet was the thing that was chosen.