Adorable Monster
Adorable Monster always kept a cup that they would often drop. It should have been an odd exercise, to me, but not to the Monster, who expected that the idea was wonderful. Strangely, a cup was the thing that was chosen.
Adorable Monster craved for a block of cheese that they would occasionally put in the bath with him. It should be a bizarre thought, to my neighbour, but not to the Monster, who considered it would be breathtaking. Who would have thought, a block of cheese was the thing that was chosen.
Adorable Monster carried a bottle of beer that they would occasionally try to balance on their head. It should have been a fairly different approach to life, to you, but not to the Monster, who felt that this idea was simply life. Bizarrely, a bottle of beer would be the item that was opted for.
Adorable Monster found a stretchman that they sometimes put in the bath with him. It was considered to be a strange operation, to my neighbour, but not to the Monster, who considered that the idea was epic. Remarkably, a stretchman being the item selected.
Adorable Monster desperately craved for a helmet that they sometimes embrace. It would be a fairly bizarre suggestion, to me and my children, but not to the Monster, who expected that the idea was spectacular. Strangely, a helmet being the item selected.
Adorable Monster had a pint of cider that they sometimes demolish. One might say this is an original proposal, to me and my wife, but not to the Monster, who thinks that it was in fact, epic. Remarkably, a pint of cider was the item that was selected.