NFT Art | | A Colourful Tiger Vector Art | | 10% beneficiaries to TFC

in Tron Fan Club10 months ago

Hello everyone

This is @saikat01 from Bangladesh. I hope everyone will well by the grace of Allah. I am also well. Today I am going to share a nft art of a colourful tiger vector with you. Let's start.

  • My Art

  • Untitled51_20240520213500.png

  • Ingredients

  • Step -01
  • IMG_6114.png
    • First, I entered the ibis paint x app on my mobile and opened a white page of my choice of 1:1 size.

  • Step -02
  • IMG_6115.png
    • Then, using a black brush, I first art the roaring face of the tiger and art the teeth.

  • Step -03
  • IMG_6116.png
    • Art the tiger's nose and face well with the Eru black paint brush and also art some designs.

  • Step -04
  • IMG_6117.png
    • After that, with black paint brush, I art the tiger's eyes, ears and different designs to make the tiger look unique.

  • Step -05
  • IMG_6118.png
    • Then I painted black in the tiger's mouth and brown on the tongue. Then use dark brown on the nose, red on the eyes and more blue, purple and orange colors on the head

  • Step -06
  • IMG_6119.png
    • Then I painted the rest of the tiger with blue, yellow, green and red colors and lightly painted orange on the white part of the face.

  • Step -07
  • IMG_6122.png
    • Then I made a little design using black and khari colors and made many spots with drops of dark khari colors. Basically this is what makes my art unique.

  • Final Output
  • Untitled51_20240520213500.png
    • Finally saved my today's art to my mobile and got the final output of my today's art

  • The concept of my art.

  • Friends you all know that I am a nature loving person and I always do nature art. But since last 2 weeks I have been doing more nature art along with nature pictures. To that end today I made a colorful tiger vector art. Earlier I did a tiger face vector art. So today I made a vector art of tiger using many colors to make the art different. In today's tiger vector art I have arted the face of a tiger as it roars. And I have used different colors on the tiger and also made different designs. Finally I designed some under the tiger's head using black and charcoal colors and also designed phota phota using dark charcoal colors. I have tried my best to art the image well. Hope you like it.

    CategoryNFT Art
    DeviceIphone 12
    LocationDinajpur, Bangladesh

    So friends this is my today's post. I hope everyone will like it and support me. Mistakes will be seen with forgiveness.

    Thanks all.


    Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

    A Colourful Tiger Vector NFT Very nice art. Thanks

    A Colourful Tiger Vector Art is an awesome art. I love it.

    You have made beautiful art.. I like to see beautiful art. Constantly share all the great works with us. I like it very much

    Wow, I really like your art. Perfect design was much better.

    Wow very nice art done today. If such beautiful arts can be done constantly, then it is very nice to see.