Just like a said earlier, last year was a disaster for crypto but if you look at the Bitcoin blockchain, you will discover that it didn't skip a bit and the transaction was interrupted. What we taught it was going to do and it is no surprise to me that SBF didn't like Bitcoin because he can not control it. As you know that inflation is the confiscation of wealth but there is an outright confiscation. I am that some people in the troubled places of the world are looking for that fallback in case something really wrong happens to them in these countries. I believe that insurance policies that Bitcoin is probably the best insurance policy because you can be able to go to other countries and reclaim your wealth with Bitcoin.
The 2022 bear market was the fifth-largest and the second-longest in history. As we can see bitcoin finally has a bottom at 15,800 dollars, a 77% drawdown from its high in November of 2021. However, things considered when looking at the previous bear market, it really puts into perspective that this was all par for the course and a pretty standard for Bitcoin. Despite the drawdown, Bitcoin is still the best-performing asset class when put onto three, four, or five years time horizons. Bitcoin volatility has obscured the long-term returns despite five drawdowns greater than 75% since inception in 2009, Bitcoin delivered a positive annualized return over 3,4, and 5 years time horizon. On a five-year annual growth rate, the return of Bitcoin when compared to other asset classes is out of the park. Is at 280% followed by global equities at 6.1%.