Who has the most influence on children?

in Steem For Lifestyle2 months ago

Children are like soft clay; therefore, people around them can shape them easily. Most of the parents in this busy world find it difficult to stay with their children. In such moments, grandparents, caregivers, and relatives are the people who determine a child’s future. But, with this article, let’s explore who has the most influence on children's destiny.

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Who has the most influence on children? Explain with convincing reasons.

Parents are the first teachers of the child; therefore, in my opinion, they are the most influential people on their children. It is the parents who shape the thoughts, behavior, and values of children from the beginning of their birth. Even in this modernized era, children take their parents as role models. For example, when parents show kindness and honesty, children naturally learn these qualities. Children watch how their parents handle challenges, interact with others, and manage emotions. These actions of parents influence children more than their words. Therefore, I believe parents are the most influential people in children's lives. Therefore, no matter how the parents are, they must prioritize their involvement with their children’s lives. They influence, not only shaping the child’s future but also the society they grow up in.

Who influenced you most during your childhood?

Normally, children are mostly influenced by their mothers. But in my childhood, my father influenced me more than my mother. I am not saying my mother didn’t influence me, but my father was the most influential person during my childhood.

He used special ways to teach us life lessons. For example, he gave us freedom to explore and make our own decisions. He taught us all to assume responsibility at an early age.

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He frequently took us outdoors to admire the beauty of the natural world. In addition, he taught us more from experience than from books. For instance, he described to us how rivers move and how trees support the ecology throughout our family's journey. Our learning was interesting and enjoyable thanks to this kind of instruction.

More than anything, our father trusted us. This trustworthy built our confidence, and it valued our honesty and independence. Even today, the lessons he taught through his actions guide us to overcome difficult situations. My mother also trusted my father's teaching method. His influence helped us to be the people we are today.

Do you think children can retrain themselves even when they have good backgrounds/home training? (You can give examples, if any)

Indeed, in my opinion, they can also keep themselves. Even a child who grew up in a loving and disciplined home may still be influenced by bad company or social pressure. But because of the solid foundation their parents gave them, they are always able to find their way back. Despite the child having made mistakes, the basic values, such as honesty and respect, that their parents had taught them help to turn their lives back. It is because home training never disappears; it always serves as a guiding light.

Even if their children make mistakes, parents should not give up on them and should communicate with them consistently to help them find the right path.

How are you influencing the younger ones around you?

I lead them by actions rather than words, just like my father did for us. For instance, whether in public or at home, I always treat people with respect. This helps the younger generation to teach the value of showing kindness to others.

I also encourage them to learn by actions. When they ask questions, I help them figure out the answers on their own. For instance, if they are interested in plants, I take them to the garden and explain how they grow; if they are interested in the sky, sun, stars, and moon, I take them outside and expand their knowledge by explaining.

In addition, I share my own experiences with them to teach them values. I teach them how I corrected my childhood mistakes. Furthermore, I improve their attitude by teaching them to trust them first.

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Me gustaron tus argumentos a cada respuesta. Creo que la metáfora de los niños como arcilla que responde al moldeado d elas personas que viven con ellos es perfecta. Me gusta el tema. Así que realizaré mi participación. Suerte.

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 2 months ago 

I am failed.

Indeed, parents is the first teacher of a childrens who nurture and guide them on what they can do and what is not totally accepted in the human society. Teachers in their various schools only try their own best but parents especially mothers influence their child in a positive way. Children at younger age watch the behavior of their parents on how they interact in a good manner with people that are surround them. Thanks for this write up

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