Who has the most influence on children.

in Steem For Lifestyle2 months ago

Hi friends, thanks for having me participate in this great discussion organised by our lovely lady @okere-blessing.


Who has the most influence on children? Explain with convincing reasons.

Speaking about what or who influences a child, I would love to say that there are many factors and people who influence this generation of gen Zs. In our days, we followed in our parents' footsteps. But nowadays, children are being influenced by social media and social media personalities and celebrities.

Another personality that influences children is teachers. This depends on the child's age, mostly 1–8 years of age at most. Children of this age range tend to listen to and follow their teacher's advice rather than that of anyone else. I have a son who is under this age range. Most times when I'm helping him with his homework or when we discuss, you hear him say "my teacher didn't say that" or "I'll ask my teacher."

One day, I was so disappointed, I had to sit him down and tell him that I'm his mother, that he should follow my instructions and believe in what I said to him. We spoke for minutes, giving him reasons why he should believe in me rather than anyone else. In the end, I was happy. He's a child, he had a brief understanding of what I said, and he stood up and hugged me with a loud smile.

On the other hand, let me answer the question who should influence a child? Parents! If not both, at least one should influence their children positively.

I mean, the parents are the closest to the children, they live under the same roof and feed on the same dining. Why should they not take a lead in their children's lives? Parents should be able to capture their children's hearts through positive behaviours and actions.


Who influenced you most during your childhood?

I'll say my parents. I grew up under the very great influence of my dad, who raised me like a military man. Every decision I made and the things I did were because of the fear of my father. So that I won't hurt him or get him angry. He needed not to speak to me before I did the right things, his facial expressions directed me right.

I will say that I have gone this far as a result of my father's intimidating influence on me. Both my parents taught me to be hard-working by being hard-working themselves. I remember my mother during her younger age, and now there is no difference even to the pains she is going through as a result of sickness, she is still very hard-working.

Both my parents taught me to be resilient, thoughtful, diligent, truthful, compassionate, kind and brave.

Do you think children can retrain themselves even when they have good backgrounds/home training?(You can give examples,if any)

It's possible for anyone to change due to environmental, technological and psychological factors and many more. Well, I have seen children with good home training maintaining it wherever they go without changing. And I have also seen others unlearn what they were taught by their parents.

We live in a world of change due to modernisation, technological and educational advancement where a lot of things have changed. Apart from that, children also learn from their peer group, it's possible they unlearn and learn in a better way than they've been taught.

Picture of myself and my students

How are you influencing the younger ones around you.

I am a teacher, a parent and a leader. I do so much knowing that I have people who are watching me.

As a first child and daughter, I tried my best to be at my best in order to set a good example for my siblings to follow.

  • With the help of God, I made sure I faced my education and got to the higher institution in the midst of people who had no interest in education and completed it.

  • To others, I am diligent, hard-working, truthful, compassionate, kind, caring and thoughtful, knowing there are many people who are looking up to me.

In class today at school, I did something just casually. I asked my students to write on a piece of paper how I inspired them. I mean I was amazed at the writings. One of the students wrote that her teacher "sticks to what she teaches, she does what she teaches." I was like wow!

  • As a leader, I stick to doing the right things that are required of me, knowing that my actions can inspire people positively or negatively. And so, I stick to being positive and doing positive.

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