The Role of Humans To Preserve the Universe
Camping and traveling are two activities that cannot be separated from scout education. The morning was bright and the air was still cool. We rushed to tidy up the tent and clean up the environment around the camp area.
The next goal is that we will travel to one of the waterfall tourist destinations. First, our step is out of this camping area and into the urban area. The trip from downtown Takengon will take us back to Bener Meriah.
From the center of Takengon City we are moving towards the northern route which will take us to our dream place. Traveling by motorbike only takes 1 hour to arrive at the waterfall location. The path that we passed was only about 5 meters wide.
Along the way we were presented with a beautiful natural panorama. We passed the village and coffee plantations. We enjoyed the beauty and cool air that morning.
All the teams that are involved in this trip are very happy. The Gayo Mountains region, especially Takengon and Bener Meriah, are very famous for their natural beauty, culture, arts, and strong istidat customs. This region has a number of tourist destinations that are very beautiful and soothing to the eye.
The natural scenery that spreads out so spoils the eyes. In addition, this region is also a coffee producer. Coffee in this area is very famous and has been exported to foreign countries.
The taste and enjoyment of Tanah Gayo coffee is truly delicious and distinctive. Because it is processed in a traditional way and maintains the values of local wisdom. So, do not be surprised if this area is very much visited by tourists.
We were lucky that morning we were able to visit to enjoy the natural beauty of Bener Meriah. We visited one of the waterfall tourist destinations not far from the city center. From the direction of Takengon, this waterfall is located on the left on the main road of Jalan KKA-Takengon.
This tourist spot is called the Peteri Pintu waterfall. A waterfall destination located in the wilderness. From the entrance to the waterfall, there is a gate that reads Peteri Pintu Waterfall Tour.
This is one of the newly explored tourist destinations and is known to the general public. To get to the location of the waterfall, we have to pass through a gravel road. On the left and right of the road, there are community plantations that stretch out wide.
The challenge is when we are on an incline. You have to be very careful when carrying your train on an incline full of clay and rocks. Not infrequently, our motorcycle tires have to exhaust themselves and sometimes get out of the road.
At least we have to exhaust about 20 minutes to arrive at the parking lot. A location not far from the waterfall. From here, the sound of birds chirping and water droplets began to be heard in the ears.
From the parking lot, we had to return to exhaustion on foot. The distance to the waterfall location is about 500 meters from the parking location. Now is the time for us to start entering the wilderness.
The beauty and trees are still natural at this location. On the way we encountered a number of monkeys. They seemed to start roaring with their distinctive voice.
The wilderness at noon had suddenly turned boisterous. We walked slowly over the bridge that the residents had built here. Entering the forest area, the echo of the universal voice began to clear.
This waterfall has a height of about 100 meters. The water flows into the rock crevices. The flow was quite heavy with a very natural roar.
Our journey that day taught us many lessons. This is our process to adapt and appreciate the universe that has been created by God. The universe and everything in it holds a million natural luxuries and mysteries.
Continue to love the environment and be part of the people who live with a very high concern for the environment. Because the natural environment is the support and support for the continuation of mankind. Be a good human being and let us create beauty and goodness on this earth.
Who Am I ?
Learn about my proposal for scouting education :!/@ponpase/1yv4keet5
Thanks to leader Scouts Community @fjjrg and support.
Cc : @steemcurator01
Best Regard,
Discord : ponpase#2931
Indonesian Scouting Movement

Cc : @steemcurator01
Best Regard,
Discord : ponpase#2931
Indonesian Scouting Movement
Sangat indah sekali
Terima kasih banyak bang.
Excelente esa caída de agua de más de 100 metros de altura, impresionante.
Los humanos desempeñamos un papel importante para la preservación del medio ambiente, debemos educar a nuestros jóvenes para que amen la naturaleza y puedan disfrutarla.
Una maravillosa publicación.
Thank you very much.
I really like your post, I will share your post, always healthy bro and have a nice trip bro@ponpase
Thank you!
You're welcome
Por favor, puede escribir en español?
Bonitas fotos.
Buenas tardes amigo @ponpase.
La Comunidad Scouts se complace en hacerle llegar una serie de normativas que empezaron a regir desde el 01 de Junio de los corrientes.
En virtud de que ud ha sido un miembro que ha participado ya con varias publicaciones, queremos que lo siga haciendo bajo las normas que ya se señalan.
Un saludo fraternal y un apretón de mano Izquierda.
C.C. @aleravago, @fjjrg, @karianaporras. Moderadores.
Thanks For Notification.
I think the Scout community will grow if it contains the concept of globals. Scout Globals / World Scouts. So don't just focus on the community in your area. Let's look for Scout Ambassadors from each country, there will be more contributors and fraternities after that.
Good Luck.