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RE: [ESP-ENG] SEC - S17W2 | "Personas sin hogar en mi país"

in Scouts y sus Amigos11 months ago

Your country should look for a way and address the pressing issue of homelessness. In countries like Venezuela, the number of homeless individuals, including children is just too much. What really causes this problem in your country are mental illness, abuse, alcoholism, and drug addiction contribute to this crisis.

Is good to know that the government's has response to this issue, though the effort they put in is not enough to provide decent shelters or social assistance programs. It is important that your people that is well to do should come together to support those in need by creating foundations or shelters, and investing in programs to provide housing and employment opportunities.


Saludos amiga muchas gracias por haber leído todo mi post y dejarme una gran reflexión del tema
Pero este problema pienso que es difícil de acabar si todos no colaboramos tanto el gobierno como la.empress.privada deberian avocarse a solucionar esto