SLC22-W4 // Mermelada de (mantequilla de maní con chocolate amargo)

in Steemit Iron Chef2 months ago (edited)


Steemit Iron Chef
dark chocolate peanut butter

Hello everyone, I am very happy to be able to participate this time which is held by our great teacher @dasudi @lirvic, especially since this theme is the one I have been waiting for. I am a fan of jam, especially if it is chocolate jam, I can finish several slices of bread with it.

¿Usted ha preparado Mermeladas? Cuéntenos su experiencia

As I said, I am a lover of chocolate peanut butter, of course I have made this chocolate peanut butter at home as a stock of jam for my white bread and my child loves chocolate so I always stock this homemade chocolate peanut butter at home, because I like chocolate jam that comes from dark chocolate in my area, it is very rare for anyone to sell it, even the price is relatively expensive compared to other chocolate jams, so I decided to make my own dark chocolate jam

Presente una receta de mermelada, puedes realizar la receta presentada en éste curso o la receta de su preferencia (detalle utensilios, ingredientes y paso a paso)

Here I will make a family favorite chocolate peanut butter recipe, I use dark chocolate as the main ingredient, I like this type of chocolate because this type of chocolate contains more cocoa than regular chocolate and this chocolate tends to be dark black in color.



150 grams of dark chocolate
50ml of UHT milk
100 grams of peanuts
2 tablespoons of margarine

How to make:

  • The first step is to roast the peanuts first until they turn slightly brown. Don't let them burn, otherwise it will ruin the taste of the jam and make it bitter.

  • Then grind the roasted peanuts in a blender and add a little milk to the blender until smooth.

  • After that, melt the dark chocolate with the addition of 2 tablespoons of margarine using the bain marie system while stirring so that the dark chocolate melts perfectly. After melting, add 50 ml of milk and stir until the milk is perfectly mixed with the chocolate.

  • then pour the ground nuts into the melted chocolate until evenly mixed, then add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and stir again so that everything is mixed evenly and perfectly.

The dark chocolate peanut butter is ready, the color tends to be black because I use real dark chocolate, it's not as black as this 🍫🥜





¿Presentó alguna dificultad en la elaboración de su mermelada?

It seems that I have no difficulty in making this peanut chocolate jam because I have often made this peanut chocolate jam so it makes it easy for me to prepare this jam with the experience that I already have before.

¿Tienes algún consejo especial para la elaboración de mermelada? Compartelo.

I have some special tips in making jam

📌Always stir and use low heat when making jam so it doesn't stick and burn.

📌Use quality ingredients, especially if it's chocolate jam, use quality chocolate because this can affect the results later.

📌sterilize the jam jar and store it in the refrigerator so that the jam lasts longer.

📌If you make jam with fruit, use fresh fruit so that the jam results are good and tasty.

Si tuvieras que elegir un alimento para acompañar tu mermelada, ¿Que sería? Presenta tu elección mostrando como disfrutarias de ambos ingredientes juntos

Here I will enjoy this chocolate jam with white bread and I also often enjoy chocolate jam with whole wheat bread because this is a delicious combination for breakfast. White bread and this sweet and savory peanut chocolate jam are so delicious.


I also invite friends to join this interesting contest @ulfatulrahmah @stef1 @chant


Hi Readers and Steemians, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the iPhone 11 pro Smartphone.

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Who is @yaumilahya?

yaumilahya is a housewife
whose hobby is cooking, traveling, gardening and likes something unique, likes the latest things and challenges, but this is where I channel my talents, and start to learn a lot more from all my friends, and I am very happy to be able to make friends with my great friends who come from various countries, happy to be friends with everyone, I hope you never get bored of reading my posts, and if your friends like it, don't forget to reblog my post, greetings friends from yaumilahya❤️

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @yaumilahya

 2 months ago 

Amiga que creativa tu presentación, debe ser una explosión de sabores probar esta mermelada, el chocolate y la mantequilla de maní son un buen equipo de sabores.

Usar ingredientes de calidad es muy importante y seguro es la mejor manera de obtener un mejor resultado.

Te deseo lo mejor en tu participación, saludos y bendiciones ☺️🥰

salam teman terimakasih banyak atas komentar baik nya anda benar sekali cokelat dan kacang adalah perpaduan yang sempurna 🤗

 2 months ago 

Wow amiga mi hermano amaría está mermelada, le encanta mantequilla de maní y ni hablar del chocolate, estos dos ingredientes juntos es una explosión de sabores. Me encantaría probarla.

Gracias por participar 😊

salam guru @lirvic anda benar sekali ini adalah perpaduan yang sangat lezat antara 🍫🥜 jika
kita dekat saya akan mengirimkan selai ini kepada anda hehe semoga harimu menyenangkan🤗

 2 months ago 

Que forma creativa de juntar dos deliciosos ingredientes para hacer una crema untable.

salam teman terimakasih banyak atas komentar baik nya , anda benar sekali cokelat kacang adalah 2 bahan yanh sangat ideal dijadikan selai semoga sukses selalu untukku kawan🤗


Ini yang paling spektakuler. Setiap jemari anda menyentuh dapur maka akan keluar hasil yang indah. Saya suka dengan resep selai Anda, selain indah, menarik dan juga pasti tak kalah rasa dan aroma kacang dengan kombinasi coklat yang meleleh di langit-langit lidah.

Mantap, semoga sukses selalu.

bek tuwe bagi🤤. 🤭

terimakasih banyak teman atas komentar baik anda ,selai cokelat kacang nya sudah dihabiskan oleh 👦🏻🤣😂

Aduh😪 gak kebagian lagi deh.