in Steemit Iron Chef3 years ago (edited)

Hello Iron Chefs!

I hope you all had a great weekend and getting ready for the start of the new week!

You all merit a nice resting time after another amazing round of epic competition in the 3rd round!

Now after the rest...time to start working on your entry for the 4th round which is based on PUMPKIN, a vegetable which is loved by nearly everyone and very versatile too - we can do so many dishes with it, from salads to soups, main course to desserts...

Today I will talk a little bit deeper on the marking sheet that @progressivechef uses to judge each and every entry each round!

The reason I will share and explain more on this sheet is to make the contestants aware of how they can score a lot of points while writing their entries into the contest each week!

Official SIC Marking Sheet

Above is the excel sheet @progressivechef uses to do his judging each sheet per participant.

We have 5 criteria on which the participant scores - a minimum of 1 point to a maximum of 9 points.

So the minimum someone's valid entry can get is 5 points and the maximum is 45 points (perfect!!!)

Criteria Number 1 - Presentation

Presentation is how the contestant is dressing/plating his dish on plate to make it looks attractive!

Never forget...we eat by the eyes first...the more attractive = the more points for the entry!

Below are couple of past entries of SIC 2021 which scored a lot of points on the presentation side!

As you saw, these plates were clear to read and very nice to look at!

TIP: Select well which plate you gonna use for your can be more creative by using other materials other than plates too, like a piece of wood, or marbles, or simply a stone!

Criteria Number 2 - Creativity

This is a very important point is SIC! Creativity is what I am looking for each week!

Whenever you discover the product of the week...take your time to think about the different ways that you can work on the product!

Please just don't do a simple carving or a soup/cream - this is not creative! And a piece of cake on a plate will give you only 1 point out of 9!!!

Here is an entry which scored a lot in round 2 where the participant worked the tomato in many ways!

TIP : Work the product in different ways and the product must be the center of attention and not dominated by another product!

Criteria Number 3 - Description

With description I mean - your post must be enjoyable to read!

I am not interested at looking at cooking details happening in your pans...simply make a nice list of ingredients used and explain a little how you proceeded!

Below is a near perfect post that we received in round 3! What a nice read and the contestant finished 2nd as she scored a lot on the description side!

TIP : Use simple wordings and add some fun happenings while you were preparing your entry - add anecdotes/story etc...make it fun to read.

Criteria Number 4 - Respect Theme

On this criteria, I don't have a lot to's quite straight forward!

By respecting theme I mean - be sure to use the product of the week, cook the product of the week - not just peel and place on plate, and you must transform the product - make it better!

Criteria Number 5 - Photography

Well well even if you could not make a great can earn points on your photography skills...

Let me share some past photos of SIC to let you get some ideas of what we are looking at to be the best up to now!

All the above entrants have been scoring a lot of points on their photography making them finish among the top each week!

So here we are my dearest friends, I hope the marking sheet/way is clear now.

You can make a great dish...but if you made a badly written post with low quality photos, then you can find yourself not in the top place as expected!

All the 5 criteria must bring you some good points to be in the top 7...

Wish you all a pleasant day ahead!
Thank you!


Nice write up
Educating .....

The above guidelines will help a lot to improve the post quality for sure! Thanks!

 3 years ago 

Muchas gracias por todas las orientaciones amigo, las tomare muy pero muy en cuenta a la hora de preparar mi próximo plato, agradecida un abrazote.

muy bellas sus presentaciones. felicitaciones

Buen día, muy buena la presentación, lo tomaré en cuenta🤗