Exploration-s23w3 /Outdoor Cooking.
Assalamu Alaikum,
Hello everyone,
I am @selina1
From #Bangladesh
Starting by wishing good health to all steemit friends. Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah I am very well. Come to participate in a great engagement challenge. This week's engagement challenge theme is Exploration-s23w3 /Outdoor Kitchen. So let's get started.
Tell us about your experiences with eating out, what do you like to prepare, do you enjoy the process?
I am a housewife so my main job is to cook for the family. But I usually cook at home but sometimes I also cook outside. So I think cooking in two ways creates two different experiences.
Indoor cooking is common where when you cook, things are pre-arranged or you have a general feeling that you always cook there.
But cooking outside will give you a different feeling. Because there you usually cook a certain food and to prepare the food you have to prepare the stove and find the tools to start the fire. It's a great feeling for me. Also when we get together with cousins or friends, cooking outdoors makes it feel different and fun.
Because the joy of cooking together is different when cooking outdoors. And when I cook it alone for my loved ones, my sense of joy is also high. Because I happily take out cooking preparations.
Prepare two of the 3 recipes explained in the course and present them in a creative way.
It's Ramadan so my husband has been telling me to eat kebabs for a few days now. Besides, we have a traditional prepared food in Bangladesh that is Kebab. Whenever there is a function or social event in our country, it is cooked outdoors. A picnic or a get together of friends and cousins makes kebabs through outdoor cooking and the recipe is relished by all. Another recipe is Hunter's Bread. Although I've never made this bread before, I will learn from this engagement challenge and make it. I hope you all will like it.
So anyway today I will make two recipes to participate in this engagement challenge.
- Kebab
- Hunter's Bread
There are different types of kebabs and according to people's taste, kebabs are prepared outdoors. I will make my husband's favorite kebabs today. Below are the ingredients I need to make this kebab recipe,
- Necessary materials:
Name | Amount |
Country chicken breast meat | four pieces |
Tomato sauce | One tablespoon |
Chilli powder | Half tablespoon |
Salt | as much |
lemon | slice |
raw green tomato | one |
ripe red tomato | one |
Onion | one |
sticks | two |
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Prepare method
- Step 1 : First I cut the meat and marinate it with tomato sauce, pepper powder, salt and lemon juice for seven to eight minutes.
On the other hand, I cut raw tomatoes, ripe tomatoes, onions into squares and soak them in salt for about 5 minutes.
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- Second step : Now in a stick, first red tomato, then onion, then raw tomato and pieces of meat will be taken. I will create another step like this. Now I will make two sticks in the same way as kebabs.
- Third step : For outdoor fire, I will make fire with bricks on both sides with chalk in between. After the fire catches, 90% of the fire will be coal after burning.
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- Fourth step: Then I will put the kebabs on the coals. For best results, it must be turned and cooked. Otherwise, the kabab will remain raw.
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- Final Step : Alhamdulillah my kebab is ready now I will take it out of the oven and plate it.
On the other hand below is what I will need to make my hunter bread.
Materials Required:
Name | Amount |
Flour | Half cup |
Sugar | Half Tablespoon |
Salt | as much |
water | like |
sticks | two |
Prepare method
- Step 1 : First I will make a draw with sugar salt and water as usual in the flour.
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- Second step: Now I will make the dough draw long with the help of hand. Then stick the dough round round and stick it long.
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- Third Step : Now I will light the fire for a while longer and keep the coals burning in the outdoor stove that I have built. Then I will put the stick of Hunter bread through the brick on the stove and cook it by turning it every now and then.
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- Final Step: When my walking bread is done, I will take it out of the oven and plate it to serve.
Which recipe do you find easy and difficult? Why?
Here I have made two recipes. One is Kebab and the other is Hunter Roti. I found hunter bread easy to make and kebabs difficult. because,
*Hunter bread requires very few ingredients and takes less time to make. It cooks in less time when making bread with flour. It also saved me time and I was able to make it very easily. Besides, I didn't have to go through much trouble looking for ingredients.
- Secondly I have to combine different ingredients to make kebabs and this recipe takes a lot of time to prepare. As the fire goes out after the fire is lit and one has to take time and patience to flip and turn the kebabs over the burning coals very precisely. If you cook this recipe perfectly, it tastes delicious.
Which Steemians would you invite to eat your preparations and why? How do you invite him?
As I am a housewife and I often cook. So I understand the pain or the joy of cooking. Whenever a radhuni cooks, she puts all her efforts into making delicious food. Radhuni takes great pleasure when a person praises her by eating or seeing food.
I often share cooking recipes on the Steemit platform. Many people appreciate my cooking recipes and I like it very much. But a Bangladeshi friend of mine @max-pro comments very well on many of my recipes which I like very much. If someone appreciates my food, it increases my interest in making more different recipes. So I will invite @max-pro friend to eat this prepared meal of mine.
Although I don't have his personal number. But of course I will invite him by contacting him on Discord.
Assigned tasks must be graphed with images and at the end a selfie with the dish ready.
Whenever we make any food, we try to make it delicious. But I think it is very important to decorate the khala to make the delicious food look attractive. Because the more attractive the food is, the tastier the food is. So I will take one last selfie by plating two of my recipes. Taking selfies with my recipes makes me happy.
Anyway I am very happy to participate in this engagement challenge. Because I love to cook outdoors. This was my presentation today.
Thank you all for reading my post |
I would like to invite some of my friends to this contest. They are, @ahsansharif @memamun @ngoenyi @miftahulrizky @suboohi @uzma4882
X promote : https://x.com/selinakhan90316/status/1898667127839531402?t=Y57uDQQ4RfcBp-ugQFxdFw&s=19
ইনশাল্লাহ কোন একদিন জঙ্গলে ক্যাম্পিং করতে গেলে এই রেসিপি রান্না করে খাব 😚
হ্যাঁ ভাইয়া অবশ্যই চেষ্টা করবেন এই রেসিপি খেতে খুবই সুস্বাদু। তাছাড়া বাহিরে রান্না করার মজাই আলাদা।
হ্যা চেষ্টা করবো, যদিও আপনার মত প্রয়োজনীয় ঘাস পাতা নেই তবুও চেষ্টা করব 😃
ভাইয়া এই ঘাস পাতা গুলোর মাঝে অনেক পুষ্টি রয়েছে, তাই খাবেন শরীরে পুষ্টির অভাব পূরণ হবে। ধন্যবাদ কমেন্ট করার জন্য।
ধন্যবাদ চিকিৎসা মূলক উপদেশ দেওয়ার জন্য 😚
Gosh.. It is very delicious, it can be seen from its perfectly ripe color and texture.
The hunter bread you make looks evenly cooked, and it must taste very good.
Very interesting participation, Good luck.
আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ ভাইয়া,আপনার পর্যন্ত সময় ব্যয় করে আমার পোস্ট পড়ার জন্য এবং দুর্দান্ত একটি কমেন্ট করার জন্য।
Wah pekerjaan anda sungguh luarbiasa. Resep sate tusuk dan sate pemburu anda memang luarbiasa. Pekerjaan anda memang hebat.
Daging dicampur tomat dan bawang bombay memberikan cita rasa yang lezat dengan bumbu pilihan anda dan saya menyukai itu.
Semoga anda sukses teman.
যদিও আমি বাহিরে খুব কম রান্না করি তবে এই খাবারটি সত্যিই অনেক সুস্বাদু ছিল। আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ অর্থপূর্ণ মন্তব্য করার জন্য।
salam teman hidangn nya penuh warna membuat terasa begitu indah sekali saya rasa ini pasti lezat sekali semoga sukses teman
হ্যাঁ বন্ধু এটা দেখতে যতটা লোভনীয় খেতেও ততটা সুস্বাদু,ধন্যবাদ বন্ধু।
অগ্রিম অভিনন্দন জানাই খুব সুন্দর ভাবে কাজ সুসম্পন্ন করার জন্য আপনি দারুন গ্রেড অর্জন করেছেন। এবং রান্নাটা খুব সুন্দর নিখুঁতভাবে সুসম্পন্ন করেছেন। সত্যিই আপনার রান্নার প্রশংসা করতে হয় বাইরের রান্না করার অভিজ্ঞতা আসলেই আপনার দারুন।
আমরা যারা গৃহিনী তারা বেশিরভাগ সময়েই ঘরের ভিতরে রান্না করে থাকি খুব কম সময়ে আছে যখন আমরা বাহিরে রান্না করি। এটা সত্য যে বাইরের রান্না আমার জন্য দুর্দান্ত ছিল। হ্যাঁ খাবারটি বেশ সুস্বাদু ছিল। আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সুন্দর কমেন্ট করার জন্য।
আমি জানতাম এটা অনেক সুস্বাদু হবে। আমি অপেক্ষা করেছিলাম তবে এটা আগুনে পড়ার কারণে বেশি বুঝে গিয়ে তিক্ত হয়ে গিয়েছিল। আমি জানতাম যে এটা আগুন জ্বালানোর পরে যে কয়লা থাকে তাতে পড়ানো উচিত ছিল।