Recipe of the Day, Week No. 55: (Pork Sauce with Rice)

in Steemit Iron Chef8 days ago

Hello to all the amazing chefs and foodies in the house. It is another moment with me to share my recipe of the day with you all. Today’s recipe is about pork sauce with boiled brown rice.

Rice with Pork Sauce.

The following ingredients were used to prepare the meal.

  • Pork meat
  • Fresh Tomatoes
  • Basil
  • Garlic
  • Celery
  • Onion
  • White pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Brown rice
  • Parsley
  • Seasoning cube
  • Salt
  • Green bell pepper
Steps to Prepare the Meal

I removed my pork meat from the freezer though it was frozen but had no issue with defrozing it. I cut the meat into desirable slices and washed it with hot water and salt. I always use salt as a disinfectant to wash my ingredients before use.



Washed meat

After washing the meat, I put it in the pot, chopped some onion and added it to the meat. Added some seasoning cube and salt to taste. Allowed the meat to boil at normal heat for about 25 minutes.

IMG_7735.jpegChopped Onion

IMG_7737.jpegBoil Meat

I proceeded and take my fresh tomatoes and wash them with clean water and salt. I cut them into halves and put them in a blender to blend. I did not want it to be a paste, so I blended it a bit and pour into the already-boiled meat.

IMG_7738.jpegWashed fresh tomatoes

IMG_7739.jpegpour blended tomato into the pot.

Allow the tomatoes to boil for about 10 minutes on high heat. Then chop your onions, green bell pepper, basil, parsley and garlic and add to the tomatoes and meat and allow to seamer for about 5 minutes.





Add your white pepper and also add your vegetable oil. The quantity depends on the amount of sauce you intend to prepare. For me, I usually cook in a way that I preserve some in the freezer for future use. I stirred a bit and my sauce was ready.

Sauce ready

For my rice, I prefer brown rice to white rice because it is healthy. I heated water and used it to wash the rice. For the remaining boiled water, I added a bit of salt and seasoning cube and poured in my rice. Boiled it at normal heat for about 30 minutes and my rice was ready. I served a plate for myself and enjoyed the meal.


It was delicious and everyone enjoyed it and I hope reading through was a pleasure. Until my next recipe, enjoy the meal in picture 😋😋. I will invite @suboohi, @eliany and @josepha to participate in the contest.

 7 days ago 
Saludos chef @canto, quiero felicitarte por este post tan bonito ante nuestros ojos, que receta tan deliciosa y práctica para hacer, me encanta como quedó esa salsa, su color fascinante, también uso la pimienta blanca para muchos de mis platos, gracias por compartirnos tu receta 😊

 3 days ago 

It gladdens my heart to see that my little efforts to come out with this recipe are being appreciated. Thank you for your support.

 8 days ago 

Thank you for your support.


Hi, @chant,

Your post has been manually curated!

 6 days ago 

A very good recipe where you put meat with rice. This is a popular dish among Bengalis as well. When we have guests at special occasions and at home, we like to entertain them with this type of rice and meat. We are also very used to eating with rice and meat because Bengalis like to eat meat a lot. It can be any meat, it can be beef or chicken. So, best wishes to you for your recipe.

 3 days ago 

I am also a meat lover but recently I've been trying hard to reduce my intake of fresh meat. I like it smoked to reduce its effect on my body.