Weekly Drawing Contest || Week-39 || Draw Loquat Fruit

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"

Assalamualaikum Everyone.
This is @tammanna from #Bangladesh.


I took this picture with oppo 11 pro mobile

How are you all my dear friends hope everyone is well and having a safe day today I have come to participate in a drawing contest organized by @enamul17 the contest is to draw an Loquat Fruit and I have never drawn this fruit before but today I am trying my best To draw a beautiful Loquat Fruit, let's see how I have drawn a Loquat Fruit in full detail

✅ Draw creatively and share your art skills with us.

Drawing tools 👇🏾

●Drawing notebook
●A pencil
● white pen
●A rubber and
● colour pencil

The Process of Drawing


In the beginning, first I drew a large size Loquat Fruit in the drawing book with a pencil,



then I drew a half-shaped Loquat Fruiton the left side of the big Loquat Fruit and below it again I drew another half cut Loquat Fruit and inside it, I have drawn four medium-sized Loquat Fruit seeds



and then I have drawn the outlines of my whole image with yellow coloured pencils and then I have painted the inner half of the whole Loquat Fruit and the inner half of the half Loquat Fruit with black and khoiri colour. Lightly spaced with colour




then I filled half of the Loquat Fruitand orange colour Then I filled in both the fruit half and the cut half with orange and yellow and left some white space in the middle and filled in the seeds inside the thorn half with black and dark brown.



Then I prepared to draw the full fruit and here I have completed the fruit filled with yellow and orange colors and left some white on the top then I used pencil and white pen to draw water drops on the fruit and draw some water drops. done.



then I used black and brown colour and below to draw the shadow of the Loquat Fruit and sketched them lightly to draw



then I mentioned my community name my username and date next to my image and then completely drawing my drawing.




Completed and then I took a selfie with my image.


✅ Are you familiar with this fruit? Is this fruit available in your country? Have you eaten this fruit yet? How much is it worth in your area? (Include steem prices with your country prices.)

No, I am never familiar withLoquat Fruitand I have never seen Loquat Fruit face to face before there is no marketing ofLoquat Fruit in our area and I have never seen this mango fruit roaming anywhere in our rural and urban areas also Loquat Fruit Bangladesh is not much and slowly maybe Loquat Fruitand growth can get more but I haven't seen this fruit face to face yet and I have never eaten this fruit till date so I have no idea what is test like and also since I have never seen this fruit before there is no question of buying it so I have no idea how much it can be reasonably priced.

invited to,
@paholags and

Deviceoppo 11 pro
Thanks everyone for reading my post



Thanks alot for reading.gif

 2 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

El níspero es una fruta muy deliciosa... En la ciudad donde actualmente vivo no se da, pero en mi ciudad natal sí y cuando vivía allá, siempre comía jajaja.

Me gustó mucho tu dibujo... Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

 2 months ago 

মাশাআল্লাহ, অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে। আপনারা এভাবেই সামনের দিকে এগিয়ে যাবেন এটাই কামনা করি।

Tnax vaiya

Thank you for valuable support