SLC season 22 wk 4 || Apple Jam ...🍎🍏||

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago (edited)

Greetings Everyone

Assalam o alaikum friends welcome to my blog I hope you all are good ,today I share my home task in week:4 in Steemit challenge pastries course ,as usual this week,s lesson too good and informative.After whole lesson understanding I got knowledge about fruits Jan Red fruits jam,tropical fruits jam and citric fruits jam and I love followed the recipe as given in course but used apple instead of Guavas.So guys with out ado let's move on myApple jam recipes along with step by step procedure and relevant images and also my Practical experience during the procedure.

Have you ever made jams? Tell us about your experience

The truth is that I never individually made jam ever but yes I helped my mother in low during the process Whenever she cooked and below I share the recipe of jam belongs to her recipe , which were similar the recipe given in course but few changes,I love to make Apple Jam 🍎 in winters we juice fresh apples easy available at my country so we it in large quantity and saved it in glass jar and after used stored in fridge to preserved long time fresh and delicious 😋 🤤.

Present a jam recipe, you can make the recipe presented in this course or the recipe of your choice (details utensils, ingredients and step by step)

Friends I share here the recipe of apple jam that I learned from my mother in low so guys by first I share ingredients and utains


Ingredients list
Apple 1 kg
Sugar 1/2 kg
Water 1 glass
One Cinnamon stick
Black seed 1/2 tbs
Few drops of Red food colour


Utensils list
Big pot
Knife 🔪

Step by step Making Apple Jam 🍎

  • Step : 1

First of all I washed the apples then perl off skin from knife ,then cut it into small pieces then gain washed .


  • Step : 2
    Now I took a pan and added apples prices in it and add 1 glass of water ,make sure cooked on low flame and covered it for 20 to 15 minutes apple prices were become soft and tender then off the flame .

  • Step : 3
    When apples were completely soft put all mixture in blender jug and made a fine paste .

Now again pour in pan the paste of apples on flame ,add sugar in it and constantly stir by spetulla and prevent jam from burning or over cooking.

Step : 4
Now on this stages add cinnamon stick,black seeds and lemon juice in it and flame must be low .


When the mixture became thick add few drops of red colour before off the flame.For correct constancy check drop the few amount of Jan on glass plate if it would settled down not moved it means it's done .


Final presentation

Hey guys it's done after cool down I shifted on glass jar for longer use .I recommended you stored in cool ,dry place or in refrigerator.Tjis image I put jam in glass blow and decorate with fresh apple slices at the corners of the bowl I hope you all enjoyed my publication.


Include a handwritten identification sign with your jam containing my username and date

Did you encounter any difficulties when making your jam?

Well not exactly but yes little bit confused when I saw the colour of my jam but when I put some drops of red colour it's looking fantastic as I wanted the colour of my jam ,over all nice experience I also kept in mind the advisese given by the teacher in lesson so everything done perfectly in very short time,my kids liked apple jam made by her Mon ☺️☺️. Always fresh and seasonal fruit gives fresh and juicy taste in jam ,I never liked preservatives or tin packed fruits used for fruits jam.

Do you have any special tips for making jam? Share them

  • Avoid preparing jam with spoiled fruit, it is important that they are fresh and ripe.

  • It is important to cook over low heat, stirring constantly to prevent sticking or burning.

  • For right thickness definitely do the cold plate test to check that the jam is ready as I said above.

  • Store in a cool place and before filling it make sure your container would be germs free for that keep the glass jar boiled in hot water that will make our jam longer fresh .When we try something new little bit mishandling or perfection not we got but exploring new recipes my passion and I love try new innovation in my baking and cooking world.

If you had to choose one food to accompany your jam, what would it be? Present your choice by showing how you would enjoy both ingredients together


The answer is only one Bread slices and jam the yummest ever combination at my home we all love to spread on white bread sliced on apple jam or any fruit jam .The simple and easy solution for me to put in my kids school lunch boxes .The ideal and healthy breakfast fast for me I took my bread jam sliced with my hot and Strong cup of tea ....they made for each others 😀😀.

Contest post link share here
I hope I deliver my best to submitted in this publication, always new recipes and details we got from lesson.Before I like to invite my friends @chant ,@yenny47 ,@suboohi ,@jyoti-thelight and @nishadi89.


I kept my apple jam in clean and dry glass jar to enjoy the fresh taste every time 😋🤤

So friends it's all about from my side,See you soon with my new blog ,at the end I would love to appricate the efforts of our lovely teacher @lirvic and @dasudi , both did great Job same as they done in last season many good wishes and prays for the teachers and off cause to Steemit team who organized Steemit learning challenge and every season really fruitful for all of us we learned and polished our skills by SCL.

Never stop learning, Because Life never stop teaching, Every experience weather good or bad holds a lesson in every challenge, there's growth every failure offers wisdom



Me gusta tu presentación esta vez, pero en mi zona ¿es demasiado caro hacer mermelada? Tuve que buscar otras frutas más baratas para hacer una mermelada deliciosa.Gracias por compartir y la nueva receta. Nos gusta

Hola amiga que buena receta de mermelada de manzana, me encantan todas las mermeladas para compartir un lindo momento.

Hola amiga
Excelente preparación de la mermelada de manzana es muy rica
Lastima que en mi país está fruta es muy costosa. Sin embargo tengo otras opciones
Me encantó tu explicación y el resultado final te deseo éxito

 2 months ago 

In winter season juicy Apples available at reasonable rates in Pakistan,you will share on your convenience and thanks for your beautiful words about my blog .
Thanks dear for your valuable comment

El aprendizaje en casa al lado de nuestro seres querido nunca acaba y cuando se sabe aprovechar seremos multiplicadores. Gracias por compartir tu experiencia y tu receta. Exitos en el concurso ☺️ Bendiciones ❤️