Weekly Contest - Best Diary Game | Green thumb meets the green-finger pepper seedling

in Steem For Pakistan23 days ago

Hello fellow steemian, friends and folk,

Diaries are best things which someone remains to keep, unforgettable and always be a memorable. Inwhich today, an inspiration to share another great diary which I have here and since this community conducting a contest pertaining to best diaries.

So now I am inspired to share it today regarding with my backyard gardening activities at home and at the same time my usual hobby when I am just stuck in the house. Which all I have to do was spent my time in planting in our backyard. By the way, are you a green thumb? So join me here, lets plant for a cause and explore my world of gardening, because for now I want to propagate another group of pepper in replacement of my matured peppers in the house and also inspired to have a green sorrounding. Actually I commonly used some damage basin, water bucket and bottles considering as my planting pots.

Homesteading activities in the house is really fun, and honestly I had our different plant in the house because my wife also inlove in planting a different kind of ornamental plants. Then for myself I was also inspired to plant some different variety of vegetables and spice plant.

Which just this earlier, I had now another set of pepper seedlings at home, and for the continuation of my homesteading activity, here I am now propagating another batch of other kinds which I'd tried this green finger pepper spice seedlings, and I just simply scatters its green finger pepper seeds on a damage basin and pail. And now look at it, the tiny seedlings where started to grows it's small leaves.

Then tansferring it to the pot, which this particular spice plant are such really needed and a very useful ingredient into our everyday viand recipes. And at the same time it is really beneficial to the body because it has a lot of health benefits and nutrients, a good source of vitamin A and C, and most specific it is very useful in some ingredients for our daily menu, that's why how I am patient and to plant this spice plant.

After my planting, I'll cover it used with a metal screen protection, a basic alternative that will help prevent from attacker, and inorder to protect the seedlings from the attackers. Because from my last experienced, this newly-planted seedlings are very prone to attackers, such as worms, insect or even chicken and ducks, since I have also this raised animals in the house, and its because tiny seedlings are the favorite appetite of this animals and insects which they eats the tiny leaves which can cause baldness to the seedlings leaves and the reason it will dies.

Backyard gardening was really my passion, which I inherit this traits from my parents in the province, which the main ways of living was really gardening and farming. So that is why when I lived in the city, I'd still carried this kind of a trait, infact pass to generation to generation.

So that would be my diary ends, and I invited my newly found friends, @yoieuqudniram, @cassyjanine, and maam @jes88, so 'til next diary, thank you!


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

This is wonderful! For sure you have unlimited free fresh food. Thanks for inviting me to join this diarygame sir natz! By the way, how do you do that adding picture wrapped with words!

Naa sa tuo imong picture, kani gamita.


Naa sa wala imong picture, kani gamita.
