RE: "Prime Minister For 24 Hours"
Brother, thank you so much for your participation.After reading you post.It seems that you would be a god option for the seat of Prime Minister.Becasue the reforms introduced by you are super impressive.I was also very sad when I heard the news of blast in Nowshera where 6 civilians were killed among with them one of the great scholar Hamid ul Haq was also killed in this socite bomb as you mentioned too.Also the father of Hamid ul Scholar was also one of the big Islamic scholar acd he was also killed just like this.Also I agree with you that the Media should not afraid but however this is also true that anyone who tells against the Government is sent to jail or he is being killed.Just like that Imran Khan Riaz was also killed just of this.You are also true that on government level we should support the Media! Besides this the education is also very important for the better future of Pakistan, so the step which you are thinking to increase its budget from 1% to 5% is good.Besides this skills should also be learned by the students becasue in today's era it is very important.Although you have clearly and greatly participated.I am highly obliged.Best regards brother.
Thank you very much brother to understand my words. And thank you very much to organize this contest.
Our beloved country, Pakistan is losing day by day and the present govt. is only giving the people short time solution just to show that they are really working. Media has been controlled by the present PM and there has been spread dictatorship in this country. Hospitals in Punjab has been privated due to deficiency of budget. Our natural resources are being used carelessly. 😪😪
Exactly brother.I agree with you.I hope for the betterment of Pakistan.By the way best wishes to you my brother.