Weekly Drawing Contest || Week-41 || Draw Star Gooseberry Fruit.

Cover picture

Assalam O Alaikum!
Hello ladies and gentlemen! I am happy to show my skill in drawing. In this post I am going to draw star gooseberry. In Pakistan this is also called Amla. Star gooseberry is also famous for hairs. This fruit is used in different oils to make hairs strong and fall free. I also use Amla oil for my long hair. Let's start drawing.

I love to share my drawing step by step.

step 1

I draw a circle to cut the gooseberry. I show the fleshy side of gooseberry in this shape. I drew a seed in it. After doing this I drew another cut shape of gooseberry to show the outer side of it. For this I drew a circle and then curved down to up and complete it.


step 2

In the second step, I used dark green colour in the seeds of both shapes. After, I fill the light green in the fleshy area. The brown colour I used for drawing lines on the gooseberry to give a natural look. I used lemon yellow in the outer shape of gooseberry. The dark green colour I used for the inner area of this fruit.


step 3

I draw a circle to make one more shape of gooseberry. I draw a circle tracing pencil top , left, down and then again top. I make a node on the top of shape. I drew again one more shape and repeated the same process. I trace the brown colour in one shape of gooseberry.


step 4

In the fourth step of drawing I used parrot and green colour for colouring. I used brown colour to colour the top of star gooseberry. After that I draw the shape like a wheel. Inside it I add one more shape of gooseberry. I have completed my fourth step of this drawing.

step 5

I used dark green and light green colour for colouring gooseberries. After colours I prepare the background. I shaded the background with brown colour to make it a natural view. My final step is also completed with it.


My selfie with my drawing:


Are you familiar with this fruit? Is this fruit available in your country? Have you eaten this fruit yet? How much is it worth in your area? (Include steem prices with your country prices.)

This fruit is familiar to me. I saw and tasted it and liked it. It is very beneficial for health, skin, eye and hair. It supports the digestive system.
This fruit is available in my country Pakistan. I can buy it when I need it easily.
The price of this fruit in Pakistan is about 1500 rupees for 1000g. Rupees are Pakistani currency. If we convert it in steem, it will be about 30 steem for 1000g.

Thank you so much friends. I need your kind support.

Last I invited my friends @sadaf02 , @graceleon and @bonaventure24for taking part in this contest.

Thank you for being with me.

Best Regards:


Big Thanks to


 2 days ago 

Hey @m-princess !
How nicely you draw the drawing of gooseberries. It gives an aesthetic look. It is really appreciative and inspiring. Keep it up dear. Good luck for the contest.

Thank you so much dear.

 18 hours ago 

Beautiful drawing of star gooseberry I must say that your step-by-step guide is informative and easy to follow well done 👏.