The Diary game. Chronicling a Day: Work, Worship, and Wisdom
Greetings, dear friends, how are you all? I hope you all are fine and enjoying your day. I wish for you all good health, wealth and a prosperous time ahead. Today I am here to share with you yet another day of my life and I hope you all will get time to read and know about one more day of my life and also find it worthwhile to read and vote.
I got up early in the morning as the days have now started getting longer and the morning prayers have shifted back toward the early hours of the day. Due to the significant change in the temperature right after the winter ended, it has now come back on track and has actually started getting easier. Getting up early in the morning is no longer a difficult task, and it is quite easy to get up and perform ablution with lukewarm water.
Today, I couldn’t stop myself in bed for long and kicked myself out to go and offer the morning prayers as the holy month of Ramadan is approaching. Spending my early morning in bed was never a prudent decision, and I was quite quick to go to the mosque to offer the morning prayers. On reaching there, I was happy to see a good number of people already present.
I spent a good one and a half hours in the mosque, and after making supplications, I returned home to do some physical exercises to help myself burn some calories and maintain a healthy balance within my body. The exercise helps me get rid of some waste and also helps me stay agile and fit throughout the day. It fills me with positive energy and helps me face challenges with a positive attitude. It’s my way of starting my day, and I can see that it’s a good way to start a day.
These days, we have been assigned a new job of registering the eligible or desiring beneficiaries for solar plants under the Suryaghar Bijli programme by the Government of India. The programme aims to increase solar power generation and help households minimise their electricity bills by providing them with an opportunity to generate power on their own and also consume it, acting as an alternate source to the electricity supplied by the government.
After researching the scheme, I found it to be a good option as it would help people save a significant amount of money, which they otherwise spend on electricity bills for the power they receive from the Power Development Department, a private corporation. By installing the system, they can actually generate more electricity, which they can share with their neighbours and even earn money from it.
It’s a good scheme, and I myself opted for it and registered myself at the first instance. In addition to my other duties, the registration of beneficiaries for this scheme is another time-bound assignment I have received, and for this reason, I hardly leave the village where I have been posted until I make sure I accomplish the assigned tasks.
I Returned home exhausted and tired as I had eaten nothing throughout the day. Upon reaching my place, I first got freshened up and had some warm tea before taking a nap to refresh myself. Later in the day, I resumed reading Indian Modern History to know more about the past events that actually led us to freedom.
Later, as I finished my dinner at around 9:30 PM, I ended my day by going through social media for a while before feeling sleepy at around 11:30 PM.
It was all about my day.Thank you for going through my post. Have a great time ahead.
Do physical exercises to keep your body fit. We can always stay healthy by exercising. And the sunny photography of your city at noon was great. Reading your diary game post today. I got to know about your day. You spent the day very well.
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