Nature Photography Weekly Photography Challenge 49 | by @imadear
Hello everyone, blessed greetings to you all ❤️
So happy to participate in this amazing nature photography challenge organized by @uzma4882
Nature is a beautiful thing and also free gift from our creator. Our surroundings would be boring without the work of nature, the sky would be so boring without beautiful birds flying around it. Everything thing nature gives is good and add beauty to our surroundings.
The breeze and air we enjoyed when we are outside is also a beautiful work of nature, the trees that responds to the breeze and air is still nature.
In picture 1 we can see the beautiful and amazing nature. This picture was captured from my way back home from church. The bird was flying in the sky, there’s this saying that when you saw this particular bird flying low then he’s looking for chicks to catch. On a sunny day he was flying low in search for something which he finally got. Now take a look at the beautiful sky, so white and blue. Now this nature makes this photograph looks good and also our surroundings.
Here in picture 2 you can see how beautiful and green the field/road is because of nature. This particular place here in Uyo is the finest and very attractive to the eye cause of how it’s been decorate with lovely trees of different kind. This would have not be possible with nature been involved.
Nature is beautiful 😍
People love passing through here, some sit here and some use here as their photography studio.
The trees add beauty to each pictures taken, the field and the surroundings are beautiful and lovely too.
Nature is beautiful and unique. It’s good to have it as part of our lives Glory to our creator who created them for us. To make our living colorful and beautiful.
I invite @mybest, @josepha and @naina9 to take part in this contest.
Thank you for visiting my blog ❤️
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This view is awesome. You have picturized nature very well and beautifully.
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