The Diary Game (29-06-2024) Pharmacology Practical!

in Steem For Pakistan9 months ago
IMG_20240629_185346_172~3.jpgSlip For Exam
Hello Friends !

Assalamualaikum Friends! How are you? I hope you are all well. First of all, I want to apologize to you all for not posting for so many days. Because I was busy with exams. So besides being enrolled in University of Sargodha, I am also a Pharmacy Technician student.

This diploma is of two years' duration and I am a student of Al Rehman college of health and science Sargodha. After completing this diploma, the Punjab Pharmacy Council gives you a license on the basis of which you can set up your medical store anywhere in Punjab.


So last month on May 25th and 26th I had my pharmacy technician exams. Which I was busy preparing. After I gave the Pharmacy Technician exams, my University of Sargodha Law exams started soon after. Due to which, I became very busy and could not give time to Steemit. After clearing the exams, the date sheet of my pharmacy technician practicals appeared. So I started preparing for the practical.


I made three copies for practical exam and after making copies I also had to memorize them. My first pharmacy technician practical is on the 28th, the second is on the 29th and the third is on the 30th of June. Today was my second practical, so I am sharing my daily routine with you guys. Hope you all like it, friends.

IMG_20240629_071524_920.jpg Practical Note Book

My second practical pharmacy technician was pharmacology in which I had to do different types of experiments, so first I wrote 10 experiments on my copy. Which were issued to us as per instructions of Punjab Pharmacy Council.

After writing the copy, I put different types of images on it and after putting the images I wrapped the copy with a cover. From which she looked very beautiful, as you can see.

Then I started preparing to go for practical. This is the slip photo I have uploaded to you. This was my theory paper slip photo. But the slippage of the practical does not give us the Punjab Pharmacy Council.

They say that you took the slip-up of the papers given by you and you took your original ID card through which you will take the practical exam. I woke up in the morning and prayed. After praying, I started preparing to go to the practical.

IMG_20240629_074026_045.jpgMy Friend Asif Abbas
IMG_20240629_074007_913.jpgOn Road

Our practical was to start at nine o'clock, so me and my friend Asif Abbas left home together. The practical was to be held at Al Rehman College of Health and Science, Sargodha College. We are also students of this college and our practices are taking place in our own college. After an hour, we reached the college.

Mobile phones were not allowed in the exam room. That's why I couldn't take photos there. At nine o'clock our practical started. The practice was for 30 minutes. They asked us to write two experiments.

We wrote experiments and then they made us perform. We performed them. After performing, we had to give a viva. In Viva, they had to ask different types of questions, then we did Viva, Alhamdulillah. I got good.


Then we became free at 1 o'clock, then I told my friend that now we are going home, so we started the journey towards home. When we were coming back, I felt thirsty, so I asked my friend to drink sugarcane juice. My friend said ok my friend was riding a bike, so he stopped at shop and asked him to give us two glasses of sugarcane juice.

He gave us two glasses of sugarcane juice. We drank the juice and after drinking the juice we gave him money and started our journey home. After an hour, we reached back home. When we got back home, I didn't eat because I wasn't hungry, so I went to sleep and then I woke up at five o'clock.

IMG_20240629_184457_897.jpgMy Rooster Birds

After waking up at five o'clock, I was refreshed. After freshening up, I had to put my chickens outside now that the weather was fine. I keep my chickens inside during the day because it's cooler. Then before dusk I take them outside to let them air out.

The evening time is fine every day. So I have built a proper place for my chickens. Where I keep my chickens. First, I pour water over the area so that if the area is hot, it cools down. After cooling the place, I put sacks under my chickens soaked in water. Due to which they do not feel hot all day, the sacks stay cool.

So they don't feel so hot. Then I took my chickens out in turns. After they were taken out, I fed them. Today I soaked my chickens in wheat grains and millets. It is a very good food for them.

This was my post. I hope you all will like it. Allah Hafiz will take care of you.

All pictures are captured by my cell phone Infinix Smart 8 Pro
Thank you for reading my post!
Allah Hafiz
 9 months ago 

حامد بھائی میں نے اپ کی پوسٹ پڑھی اور مجھے بہت اچھی لگی اللہ تعالی اپ کی عمر دراز کرے اور اپ کو سلامت رکھے

 9 months ago 

بھائی جان میری پوسٹ پڑھنے کا بہت شکریہ اللہ تعالی اپ کو ہمیشہ سلامت رکھے خوش رہیں آباد رہیں ۔

 9 months ago 

Hi @hamidrizwan

I hope you are well. and you got admission in sargodha university, Congratulations for that.also i think You have struggled a lot to get here.
You went to give your practical with your friend and gave viva.After that you also drank sugarcane juice.

Best Regards


 9 months ago 

Thank you for reading my post and comment on my post.

Best Wishes. Always be happy.
