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RE: One Picture And One Story Week #65

in Steem For Pakistan3 months ago

Wa Alaikum Salam dear 😊@suryati Allahamdulliha, I'm good by the grace of Allah Almighty and how are you?

After reading your post, the best thing you said about this mosque. That in 2004, many buildings were damaged due to the tsunami wave. But thanks be to God that nothing happened to this building.

Indeed, this is the house of Allah and nothing could happen to it even with this wave. And the rest of what you said, those who managed to reach this mosque were completely safe. So this was also the fate of these people and Allah Almighty had a special grace on them. I enjoyed reading your story.

Best Wishes 😍 Always be happy.



 3 months ago 

Terimakasih teman sudah membaca postingan saya dan meninggalkan komentar yang sangat bagus.

Daerah sekitar mesjid ini juga terdapat orang non muslim bangsa Tionghoa yang berniaga, mereka yang selamat masuk ke mesjid kemudian memeluk mereka agama Islam,,

 3 months ago 

Masha Allah Masha Allah. These are the miracles of Allah and Allah guides whom He wills. And Allah has also said in the Holy Qur'an that I guide whomever I will.

 3 months ago 

Benar sekali teman, saya sangat suka dengan yang ada katakan

 3 months ago 
