"Let's do some creativity- WEEK 4 :A wonderful image of Women's Day

in Hindwhale Community10 days ago

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"

Assalamualaikum Everyone.
This is @tammanna from #Bangladesh.

I took this picture with oppo 11 pro mobile

How are your friends? I hope everyone is well and I am well too Alhamdulillah Today I have come to participate in a creativity contest organized by @jyoti-thelight ma'am. I would like to thank her for organizing such a beautiful contest for us every week. In today's contest, I will present a picture. Here I will present a picture on the occasion ofwomens Day, where the entire activity of a girl's life is presented. My picture will contain all the details of where a girl can spend her life from birth to old age, so let's take a look.

Drawing tools 👇🏾

◉Drawing paper
◉ A pencil
◉An eraser
◉ Black marker pen and
◉Colored pencils

The Process of Drawing

Step 01

First, I drew a line around the drawing book with a marker pen and filled in some of the lower parts completely with a black ink pen.


Step 02
In the next step, I drew a little girl playing on the ground on the left side of the drawing book and another five to six-year-old girl standing next to her.


Step 03
Then I drew a slightly older child, a child of 10 to 12 years old, walking forward, and then I drew a young girl, then I drew a pregnant girl standing with a baby in her belly,


Step 04
then I drew a girl with a baby in her arms, holding her baby upwards, then one old women and finally, I drew an old woman with a stick in her hand.

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Step 05
After that, I filled in all the girls completely with black marker pen, starting with the baby girl, then the little girl, then the young girl, then the young girl.


Step 06
In the next stage, I filled in the pregnant girl, then the girl holding the baby in her arms, then the old woman, and finally the old woman standing with a stick.


Step 07
In the next stage, I wrote Happy Women's Day in English letters at the top of the image and eight below it and there is a girl's face with a plus sign next to it and March in English letters and I drew some long lines at the top and love below it with a black pen.


Step 08
In the next stage, I will colour the image and fill it in. Then I will draw my picture. Here I have filled some of the space above with blue.


Step 09
In the next step, I filled the empty spaces with green, yellow and orange under the blue.

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Step 10
After that, I have completely completed drawing a complete life portrait of one of my daughters.


My selfie with the drawing


I hope everyone will like my picture today. I have tried to portray all the descriptions of how a girl's life is formed from the beginning to the end, what times and ages a girl spends her life through, through one of my pictures. By looking at our picture, you will easily understand the effectiveness and activities of girls' lives. I hope everyone will be well, Allah Hafez.


I invite these few people to join the contest. @strawberrry @event-horizon @denmarkguy

Thank you very much everyone

Androidoppo 11 pro
LocationBangladesh 🇧🇩
Short by@tammanna

Thanks alot for reading.gif


Greetings sister @tammanna !
I hope you are fine sister 😊. Dear you done a powerful and meaningful art work. I appreciate your choice and art work. It is a true woman's life journey from birth to old age is very impressive. The way in which you describe with detail and the various stages of life are remarkable. It's a beautiful truth to women everywhere, highlighting their strengths, challenges. women spend her life in any condition from birth to last stage of life.
Best of luck dear for your contest.👍


Очень красивый рисунок!

 6 days ago 

This Women's Day painting you drew was very beautiful and expressed the importance of women. I wish you continued drawing more paintings like this.