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RE: "hwcstory-04"

in Hindwhale Community4 days ago

Respected Madam, the attempt made by the students in this story to cheat in the exam question paper is a crime and not a prank, but still I am happy that he failed in his attempt and escaped from getting caught. Otherwise all those students would have been expelled from the college or a police case could have been filed against them. And then their future would have been ruined.


You are correct. I only heard stories like this in college, when it was my turn to do my studies. But if this was a crazy idea for students at the time, my respects to students now. There are a lot of crazy things they come up with nowadays.
Thinking back to my life 40 years ago.

My dear sir @sur-riti what is strange to me is that my post has not yet been verified. My fear is that my post has some inconvenience for some reason unknown to me. Thank you very much for your attention.

 3 days ago 

Yes, I also know that the thoughts of students in today's time and in the past were quite different, probably the reason for your post not getting verified might be that your post went out of sight of the moderator of that day. But you don't worry at all.

Thank you, I was worried.