A Contest : What’s Your Choice : Money, Peace, or Happiness

What is the major issue society is facing today?


The major issue which society is facing is the climate change.Most common cause is human activities like burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and pollution.These activities cause the emission of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide and methane into to atmosphere,these gases trap heat and play a huge role in elevating the temperature day by day.The results of climate change are severe and devastating . Rising sea level play role in destruction of coastal communities,extreme weather changes are responsible for decline of ecosystem.In addition climate change affects agricultural sector also through limiting water supply.If this condition is left unchecked there will be unmeasurable effects on human health,animals and natural wildlife will suffer a lot.



What solutions do you propose?

A well organized solution require to control climate change is needed.There should be policies at government level, cooperate level and most importantly individual level.
Government action

  • Implant strict rules and regulations in order to control carbon emissions.Pay attention to use renewable energy sources like solar,wind and water. They should work in reforestation and valuable agricultural practices.They must impose restrictions and follow them.

Corporate responsibility
Companies should reduce their waste and switch to environmental friendly methods of production in which less waste products are made.They should invest in off carbon program and raise compaign.If they are not following this there should be legal work against them.

Individual efforts
Everyone should shift to public transport instead of private in order to protect Switch to energy efficient appliances this will reduce the pollution.

How can people work together to bring the change?

For getting climate change from wrost to good require collective effort like in case of polluting.


Community initiatives
Everyone should encourage and plant trees in order to clean environment and to get cool environment.We should organize awareness seminar on climate change and encourge people for plantation.
School and universities must held such activities and organize contests for tree plantation. Awareness must to provide to underprivileged areas of country.Socail media is a huge platform in spreading our messages throughout the world.In this regard influencers must play their role.

Political influence
Citizens must their leaders carefully. They select only those people who are willing to protect our atmosphere and protect our generations. Political people have relations with other countries and they must work together for the welfare of this world.
At the end I must say the survival of mankind is only possible with the existence of clean environment. If it depleted than life on planet earth will be depleted. So we should not take it for granted and take safety measures to protect the survival of coming generations.




Global warming is increasing day by and its impacts will also be revealed in this Summer season. In my country, this winter was not much cold but smog was in higher density. The signs of heated Summer in 2025 has also been exposing by the changing season in these days. This is effective most on biodiversity and human existance.

Great write up dear friend
Wishing you success for the contest.