"Pick a Word, Paint a Story #14"

Hello my friends! I believe this post finds you working well and I am good too. In this week, I'll share a story which you will enjoy InshaAllah. I pick the word "BOTTLE" for story in this week. This story is about a young man. Fahad is a young fisherman, he has big dreams. He sends a message in a bottle with hoping for a better future. After some years good luck brings his dream back in an unexpected way. Friends, be with me.


One day, Fahad was sit on the bank of river. He was throwing small stones into the water. He loved to watch the ripples spread, like small waves carrying his thoughts away. His village was very small, quiet and simple. But he had carried big dreams of traveling, seeing new places and doing something different.
The problem was that there was nobody in his family who had ever left the village. His father was a fisherman, just like his grandfather. Every was expecting that Fahad also will be Fisherman. He felt stuck, like a bird in a cage.


One evening, while walking on the bank of river, he saw something shiny. A glass bottle was floating near the shore, gently pushed by the waves. Fahad picked it up. The bottle was old but strong with a golden cap. He took it in his hands and start thinking.
An idea came to his mind.
He took a page of paper and wrote.

"I wish to see the world. I wish to do something great. If you find this, may luck be with you too."
He rolled up the paper and put it in the bottle. He threw it into the river. He saw how water carried it away. It was just a small act, but it made him feel hopeful.
After that life happened, few years passed. Fahad grew up and became a fisherman just as expected. His dreams of traveling slowly faded. The river that once held his hopes now only brought him fish.


One morning, while he was repairing a fishing net, a strange man arrived in the village. He looked different tall, well dressed and confident. He had something in his hand.
An old glass bottle.
“Who is Fahad?” the man asked, looking around.
Fahad waved his hands and stepped forward. “I am Fahad.”
The man smiled and gave him the bottle. “I picked up this bottle from a distant coast. The note which was in this bottle touched to my heart. Once I was like you, dreaming of something big. Your words reminded me of my own journey. So I decided to find you.”
Heart beat of Fahad became very fast. He opened the bottle and unrolled the note. His own handwriting stared back at him. Words from a younger, more hopeful version of himself.


The man said, “I run a travel company. I help people explore the world. Your message reminded me why I started. So I want to offer you a chance to travel, to see the world. Will you come?”
Fahad was surprised. He looked at the river, the same river that had carried his message. Now, after few years it had brought an answer.
Fahad said, “Yes" with having tears in eyes.
In this way, Fahad’s life changed. He traveled to places he had only seen in books. He walked on foreign streets, met new people and felt the thrill of adventure.
One day, sitting by a different sea, he picked up another bottle. Smiling, he wrote a new note.
"Dreams never die. They just wait for the right moment."
He sealed and put it inside the bottle, and threw it into the waves.


Who knew where it would go next?

I invite to my friends @max-pro
@azeem22 , @bossj23 for this interesting contest.

Thanks Everyone!

Best Regards:



Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.
