The abusive words of @diamondexclusive (what I get for sharing my knowledge)
Hello friends I have a rather sad news to share concerning my Steemit promotion activities which has indeed lead to a huge regret.
9 months ago I promoted Steemit in our community which of course led to many interest and some of them registering and becoming steemains, and amongst the people that registered included @diamondexclusive.
He is a mature guy who showed huge interest in the platform which of course I explained to him everything about the platform and I even took him pictures that same day for his achievement 1 post
But I remember very well that the pictures were shot in the evening so it wasn't clear so he had to snap another one some other time, I don't know were he stays and basically base on the type of phone I was using them which was the galaxy S21 ultra I do not like visiting anybody for safety reasons though now I'm using the Galaxy S22 ultra which is worse.
So I guided him through his achievement 1 post link to his post
and as you have seen it is well arranged with good and professional mark down usage, but that was like 9 months ago.Ever since then I was still working as a POS agent me and my brother and he was in school so sometimes when I see him in the street I will keep asking him have there verified your post he will say no, then I will try and assure him that they will.
Some weeks passed and later some months then I see him again and I asked about the post and the platform as a whole then he said I quote "those people never verify me oo, and it's long I even checked it self, I've been very busy with a lot of things and I have been doing this ongoing airdrops that one will pay faster"
At that point what would you have said? Can you force a person older than you to do what he ought not to do "No" you won't, so I just say to him nice meeting 🤝 you and I left.
Another few months passed I started working at a hotel and it was a all night business which I resume work everyday by 4:00pm and till morning, it was a profitable business no doubt but I just didn't have time for anything because when I'm back I will have to sleep 💤 in the morning and wake up by 3:00pm to eat and go back to work everyday.
And last December I had a call and it was from him @diamondexclusive he asked me to validate his post for him, I told him that I'm not the one to validate the post and that his call was wrong time that I'm very busy because it was in the evening 🌆.
So I sent him a voice note on WhatsApp so that he will listen to it and on the background he would hear how noisy it was with the DJ mixing and many customers to attend to.
Note- The key word he used was "Validate", if only he said that I should go and comment on the post I would have done that after work or in the morning
And before I even have the chance to pick his call he was very lucky because imagine being so busy that you don't even have time to answer calls, infact I lost my 2 years relationship because of that work she said that I'm ignoring her of probably with someone else and then brokeup, so he was even lucky I picked his call
So ever since then he didn't contact me again until 4 days ago my brother came and told me that one person said that I should go and comment on his introduction on Steemit so that they will verify him
I didn't know the person, then 3 days ago he called me then I asked him to send me his link on Whatsapp which he did, but I didn't see it due to bad network, I wasn't even able to post my articles that day and the next so yesterday I went and commented.
Only to see that he had went ahead to condame me to everyone on the platform that I refused to help him, and talks to my brothers and even me that taught him everything anyhow in an insultive manner which has made me to be very surprised, just take a look at the screenshots
He said all this things amongst many others which was on Whatsapp, it was to offensive that's why I wouldn't want to post it here, he even went ahead to call me and illiterate which I considered very offensive, that's what I get for sharing knowledge of the things I know.
I will like to invite @goodybest @heriadi @xkool24 @senehasa @suboohi @abdullahw2