Contest || My Colors of Emotion
Hello friends how are you all doing today I hope all is well and you all are having a nice and wonderful day, today I will be sharing with you all my colors of emotion which is a contest organise by @deepak94
To a lay man colours are just some set of things that are visually seen and it isn't black or white, meanwhile colours definitely means a lot of things upon closer inspection.
To me personally colours means so many things and after being exposed to the field of art I have gotten to learn so much about colours, what they can be used for, how to use them and what they stands for.
And in this case the colour of my emotion is the one and only red colour, at this point I know that the one thing that crosses all your minds is love, but trust me it's far from that.
The reason why red colour seems to trigger my emotions is as a result of my experience some few years back when I was still young and when I started my own journey of life.
Image gotten from Instagram
There's this set of people who are well known in our country as the vikings, there are a group of cult members who are very known to be brutal and deadly
So unfortunately for me when I was on the street hustling I happened to have an issue with one of them and as a result of that the person called the rest of his crew and I received the beating of my life
I barely survived the tragic incident though I tried to defend myself but they were too many and it even made things worse
So eversince then when ever or wherever I see a red colour I remember my tragic flew, how I fell a victim to a deadly group that almost ended my life in the course of hustling.
And believe me when I say that the needs of the many outweighs the need of that of the few, because after that I tried fighting back but they were too many and I didn't know where to start and the worse part of it was that I was too young to act.
This will be where I'm going to call it a day and I will like to invite @nishadi89, @wuddi @max-pro
Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.