Weekly Diary Game For Week 11 Of 2025: My Hectic Monday (17-03-2025)

in Hindwhale Community11 days ago (edited)

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, how's your evening? I am Idara-abasi Sunday and I identify with the Steemit username @purpleidy23. One of my favorite contest is the diary game contest and I tend to join any community I find such contest so it's safe to say that this community just got an active member. I can't imagine going a day, talk more of a week without writing about my day. I love gist and will never trade it for any unpleasant event.

next most active member on this community

Yesterday was hectic because I had lots of activities to work on and it started with fetching water, I fetched about three gallons of water and after did my laundry. I was supposed to do the laundry on Sunday evening but since I had visitors on that day, I couldn't do it so I had to postpone it till yesterday morning and it was kind of exhausting but since I had no one at home to help me, I had to do them all alone.

doing my laundry

Few minutes later, I was done with the laundry and I went on to wash the dishes. I had some dirty plates I used the previous which I couldn't wash that night so I ceased the opportunity to wash them that morning before proceeding to taking my bath and preparing for school. By the time I was done, I found out I was late for class but it's better to go late than not going at all.

dirty plates I had to wash too

After having my bath and getting dressed, I picked up my bag and left for school. Don't ask me about breakfast because it wasn't on my list that morning. When I got to school, I went down to the venue for the class and lectures was ongoing so I took the back door and sneaked in without being noticed by the lecturer. I got a spot to sit and I listened attentively to be able to understand what she was teaching and in no time since I had the textbook, I caught up with them.

when I arrived school

After lectures, I was famished and needed to eat something quickly before I passed out so I went down the stairs to look for where to purchase snacks. I spotted one and bought few things to snack on and even took the vendor to class so others who wanted to buy would patronize him too. The next class was scheduled for 1pm and it was almost time for the class but we got an information that the lecturer won't come early because they were all in a meeting so some people went out of the hall to get fresh air since it was very hot inside.

I bought some snacks

I wasn't among the 'some' who went out to receive fresh air. This particular course is a general course and if you step out even an inch, your seat will be occupied by someone else and you won't possibly confront the person to get up. So to avoid stories that touches the heart, I had to stay glued to the seat and soon, the lecturer arrived and began his lectures. He taught on the 'school of thought' and gave plenty definitions with types and the major proponents of each school of thought. The class was an interesting one and lasted for two hours.

students who came late and there was no space for them to sit

After the class, I went back home, had my bath and prepared rice and beans for dinner. I had the foodstuffs at home so I just went ahead and prepared it and when I was done, I ate it to my satisfaction. Just then my mom called to know how I'm doing and how I'm coping with school and work. Well, I told her God is in control and he's taking care of me so I don't have anything to complain of. She was happy and I asked about how my siblings are doing and herself and dad and I got a positive response.

dinner's served

So y'all, that's how I explored yesterday. Hope it was interesting to read and thank you for reading through, engaging on the post and supporting me. I do not take it for granted, see you on my next diary but till then, take care of yourself and know that I'm rooting for us all. I'd like to read other diaries so I invite @bela90, @jemilatbuhari, and @megareigns to participate in this contest.

Thank You For Engaging.🌹