Pick a Word, Paint a Story #14
Juan worked hard, he wanted to make good money. Although he is a man in his 30 years of age, he wants to continue obtaining material goods while he can.

Juan's heart
He is an immigrant who left his country about 10 years ago. He promised to return when his economic situation allowed him some financial freedom. So he started out as a small distributor of good quality cleaning products. His eloquence when presenting the product to the customer made him the number one in the area.
Soon he gained a lot of knowledge about the purchase, sale, and distribution of materials of renowned categories, which earned him over the years, his own business and being a great entrepreneur.
He was a hard worker, a tireless fighter, and a good son. He sent remittances to his parents every month without fail and without complaint. But the hectic and sedentary life he led would soon take its toll on his health.
Oh, my goodness! These steps are going to kill me one day. They're getting steeper every day, it's getting harder and harder for me to climb them as time goes by...phew!
I'm going to get some rest before I go up to the next floor... I think it's, I think it's the fourth- umm-
-Yes, it's the fourth floor.
You should feel sorry for the owners of this commercial building; it's a commercial building and they have a damaged elevator.
He pulled out his handkerchief and wiped away the sweat that was pouring down his temples, cheeks, and neck. His shirt felt like it was pinned to his body.
As he wiped away the sweat, he thought that only a few months ago he had been able to climb the steps at a faster pace.
-Maybe I'm losing my form, I'll try to get some exercise to regain my stamina.
Wow!, my HEART is beating so loud I think I hear it.
Come to think of it I have been skipping the doctor's appointment with the cardiologist.
This is already something that strikes a chord with me; why is it that when I walk up the steps my heart rate gets so strong and my heart rate speeds up?
Well, I think I will leave this discernment for tomorrow. I have rested enough, now I must continue my ascent to the fifth floor and tomorrow I will see what I will do with my life.
Juan continued on his way but was suddenly stopped by a loud scream he heard behind him. He was shocked and said to himself...
-If it doesn't kill my heart, I'm sure these scares I'm having will, hehe-.
She stepped back to see a woman staring at the steps leading up to the top of the fifth floor. Meanwhile, Juan saw other people running up and looking in the same direction as her, the woman who screamed.
There on the floor, at the top of the last step to the fifth floor, lay a man, his sweaty shirt pulled tightly to his chest, his right hand resting on his left breast as if he wanted to remove something from it. His countenance was very pale and his eyes remained open, staring into nothingness.
For a moment, Juan thought... I think I know him... and as he became more focused on what he was seeing, he realized that he was looking at himself. He was standing spectrally over the figure that was once the frame of his spirit.
He knelt over his body and thought... I will have no more time to go and tend to my Heart, I am dead.

This is my participation for the second time in this community and for the first time in this contest, from the @hindwhale community, sponsored by @senehasa, thanks to my friend @paholags's invitation.
I invite friends @sariana23, @suryati1 and @alanasteemit to participate.
I am @gertu from Venezuela to the world.

Thank you for sharing on steem! I'm witness fuli, and I've given you a free upvote. If you'd like to support me, please consider voting at https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses 🌟
Thank you very much.
Cerita yang sangat mengharukan, mencari uang untuk mengubah ekonomi keluarga sehingga lupa akan kesehatan sendiri ini namanya kalau pepatah mengatakan
" Berakit-rakit ke hulu
Berenang ke tepian
Bersakit-sakit Dalu
Malah mati kemudian"
Senang tak dapat, malah mati ujung-ujungnya...
Ini cerita yang sangat bagus, terimakasih sudah mengundang saya temanku, semoga anda beruntung 🌹
Thank you for visiting my publication accepting my invitation, I hope you can participate to read your literary creation.
In a certain way this is how we human beings act, in a continuous struggle to survive in the consumerist world and we forget that without health, nothing remains.
Ya anda benar sekali... terlalu mengejar yang tidak pasti itu tidak akan berakhir dengan baik, saya harap anda selalu bahagia dan sehat selalu sahabatku 🌹
Thank you very much, I also wish you a long and healthy life.
Amin, terimakasih atas doa terbaiknya temanku 🌹
¡Holaaa Gertu!🤗
El descuido de nuestra salud suele salir super caro. Juan tuvo las claras señales de que su corazón ya no estaba marchando bien y, aunque parezca cuento, esto sucede con mayor frecuencia en nuestro entorno. Por ello, el afán al igual que sedentarismo es peligroso y, más en las personas que han emigrado.
Excelente relato amiga... Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica. Un fuerte abrazo💚
Gracias amiga por su acertado comentario.
Aunque es una trama de ficción es un tema muy álgido en la actualidad en el área de las enfermedades actuales. Hemos leído con preocupación con mucha frecuencia como nuestros jóvenes están muriendo tanto fuera como dentro del país. Al leer las reseñas notamos que son jóvenes trabajadores, quizás con demasiado stress en el día a día.
Hola amiga excelente historia donde resaltado la importancia de preocuparnos por nuestro bienestar físico y luego por lo económico.
Muchas personas, descuidan sus consultas médicas porque hay otras prioridades en sus vidas, si embargo, nada es más importante que nuestra salud.
Juan es el claro ejemplo de ello.
Saludos y bendiciones.
Gracias por tu apoyo y gran comentario.
Juan es un claro ejemplo de nuestro constante procrastinar. Siempre deseamos tener muchos bienes materiales pero en relación a la salud siempre la postergamos.