Drawing : Drawing a cloudy day scene.

in Hindwhale Community2 months ago

Hello Everyone, I am @farjana123
From #Bangladesh

Assalamu Alaikum to all. Hope everyone is doing well and safe wherever they are,,, I am fine too. After a long time I have come to you with a wonderful drawing. The drawing that I am going to share with you today is basically a scene of a cloudy day when there are thick black clouds in the sky and the nature is silent, this is the scene that I have been sharing with you consistently and I hope you will like it.


Drawing Materials
  • Pencil
  • Art paper
  • Eraser
  • Oil pastel colour box
  • Black signature
Step 1,

First of all I drew a scene on an art paper and two palm trees in front of it. Next I painted a distant forest scene.


Step 2,

Then I drew the river with a signature black color and placed two boat scenes in the river and with an eraser I erased the pencil marks so that the pencil inks don't spread around as I paint. Then I painted a scene of clouds in the sky.


Step 3,

After finishing the drawing, I started the color of the sky first. Just above the jungle I blended the light blue color upwards with a piece of tissue paper. Then I painted the outside of the clouds gray.


Step 4,

Inside my clouds I mixed black at the top and dark blue in the middle with gray at the bottom.


Step 5,

Then I painted long lines with dark blue on both sides of the river and painted the middle part lighter.


Step 6,

In the next step, I painted yellow and green on both sides of the river and faded colors on the trunks of the two palm trees.


Step 7,

Then I painted black on the boat and yellow on the canopies, red on the far two houses and that's how I finished the whole job.


My selfie with the drawing


Thank you so much for reading my post
DeviceRealme Narzo 50
Allah Hafez