"HWC contest #98: Food Diary Game - WEEK -28 by @etette(04/12/2024 )".

in Hindwhale Community4 months ago (edited)
Steem greetings to you all and contest greetings. Am so greatful to join this contest. So I will like to write it in 3 phase,the morning, Afternoon and evening, meanwhile I welcome everyone to my blog.

Breakfast in the morning

In the morning I was preparing my breakfast by using some ingredients to prepare Indomie and Tea. I bought Indomie Noodles #1000 Naira and egg 5/#600 Naria. I bought these few ingredients:

• Egg
• Indomie Noodles
• Onion
• Groundnut
• Fresh Pepper
It was so delicious and I like it.

My Breakfast

My Lunch (Afternoon Meal)

In the afternoon,I was so hungry and I like eating Garri,so I went to the market and bought some certain stuff for my soup preparation. Afang soup is one of the soup that is love by almost every person and it is common in every event. The ingredients for this soup is expensive but if you want to cook it in a small pot you have to adjust your list of items. So I bought this few ingredients:

• Stock Fish
• Dry Fish
• Crayfish
• Afang Leaf
• Water Leaf
• Palm oil
• Maggi
• Dry Pepper
• Salt
• Garri

When I came back,I just went to the kitchen and prepared my lunch, that is afternoon meal

My delicious Afang soup

My Dinner (Evening Meals)

In the evening,I was preparing another meal that was white yam,it was so delicious. But the yam was costly and I have to buy it. It took me some minutes before it was done. I need to Peel it and cut it into piece. After that,I set up my gas cylinder. The Meal was delicious. Before eating I took a selfie of the Dinner


I invite my friends to join me in this contest



Amigo @atette, esto eslo maravilloso de Steemit, comenzamos a conocer muchos términos culinarios, pero siempre coincidimos en alguno porque somos humanos y lo importante es incluir en nuestra dieta alimentos que nos aporten proteínas, carbohidratos, lípidos, vitaminas y minerales; puedo notar que posees una alimentación saludable.

Un placer haber leído tu contenido; en tu desayuno conozco todos los ingredientes, pero en el almuerzo, sólo conozco el pescado, cangrejo, pimienta y la sal; en la cena el ñame es muy delicioso, si te refieres a una verdura la cual el fruto es subterráneo.

Saludos cordiales y éxito.