Are you involved in plagiarism? Be careful because someone is watching you!
Plagiarized content is easy to find, and many users alter parts of the work or replace words with synonyms. This is a form of plagiarism. It is better to work on new ideas, and if you want to prove your opinion, you should use appropriate quotes.

Also, plagiarism does not only happen in writing. This also applies to intellectual property such as music, images, videos, and even if you claim someone's work as your own with slight changes. Therefore, it is important to avoid plagiarism so that you can avoid being muted on this website or community.
Plagiarizing unknowingly becomes easier when you don't consider it wrong, and when someone advises you to do it right, you try to prove him wrong.
There are different types of plagiarism, one of which is direct plagiarism, which is exactly what is copy paste or it sounds like the original work. This is when someone copies the work of another without providing proper credit and instead tries to pass the work off as their own.
According to me, rewording is a form of plagiarism if someone takes different pieces of content from other sources and combines them to create a new post and passes it off as their original work. I have seen this in many diary posts. Avoid this because you cannot survive doing this for long.

Simply put, it is plagiarism when you attribute someone's work as your own or if you inadvertently miscite a source or forget to cite it properly. This is also a kind of theft. If you want to prove something, then do not forget to use quotation marks.
If you republish your posts, it will be considered self-plagiarism. In the case of publishing, the author should keep in mind that even if the work is a previous work of the same author, they cannot republish it otherwise, they are committing plagiarism. This will prove harmful for both you and the community in which you published your post.
If you publish the same post on two different websites without mentioning it, it's another breach of rules even if the website permits it but you need to declare it.
Paraphrasing is not plagiarism if you take someone else's work into your post and cite the source. But mind you, as I said, you mentioned the original author as its source. But if you are using images or quotes in your work without citing the source or, in some cases, obtaining permission from the artist, this would be considered plagiarism. Here are some examples of what could be considered plagiarism when using images, text or even music:
For example, recently I reviewed a post that was already available on Pinterest, but the publisher of that post did not consider it plagiarism but gave examples of other posts to prove his point. Both of these acts were wrong and against the rules.

The limit of the act was that user deleted that post from here and posted it in another community and a learned moderator passed it without checking it properly. The user thought he did a lot of hard work copying the original image and posting it on this website.
If you copy an image and use it in your own work without attributing it to the source without permission or credit in your post without attributing it to the original, use it in a painting, or recreate the image, it will be considered plagiarism and hence punishable.
Plagiarism is the direct theft of intellectual property. If someone is copying intentionally without mentioning the source, that would be plagiarism. This is a crime and can ruin someone's career.
Online material may be used, but the author must cite the online source according to the URL of the article and the rules of the website they are consulting. Otherwise, it will be considered plagiarism without any credit.
You should be aware that since Steemit has a zero-tolerance policy towards this, you may lose your membership or even be placed on the community's watch list. Plagiarism can cause you penalties if you are found guilty, as plagiarism is a violation of copyright rules.

When referencing someone else's work within the content you are creating, it is important to ensure that you are referencing the source and crediting the original author using a properly formatted citation.
I hope those who are doing this understand what I am saying, and in the end, no matter how long your post is, if it has no textual or literary meaning or keeps repeating the text to complete the word count, it falls into the category of spam, which I believe the member does for vote farming.
I have a lot more to say on plagiarism, duplicate content, duplicate accounts, and vote farming but I will post it in my next article.
I would like to invite my friends @ripon0630 @wyleska @muzack1 and @waterjoe for their expert opinion.
Ketika kita membicarakan tentang plagiarisme, maka kita harus pandai menyikapinya dengan mengandalkan ide-ide sendiri. Tidak mengcopy paste tulisan orang lain. Memang terkadang tanpa kita sadari bahwa kita telah melakukan plagiarisme. Bahkan ada yang berani mengatakan ini adalah miliknya sendiri bukan plagiat. Untuk itu kita harus berani mengatakan tidak untuk plagiarisme, baik tentang tulisan, photo maupun akun. Karena itu marilah kita berkarya sesuai dengan kemampuan diri kita sendiri. Terimakasih telah mengundang saya dalam postingan anda. Postingan yang sangat menarik.
Thank you so very much for your views on this topic. As a mod of a couple of communities, I chanced upon a few posts that were purely against the rules. I was surprised to see that there is no action against erring members but they are posting freely. Thanks for your kind support!
Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.
Mistake (network issue)