Exploration-s23w5/Track Signs.
Greetings and blessings to all the Steemians who participate in these challenges and to our teacher @karianaporras , for introducing this practical course which helps in imparting new knowledge to other users. I enjoyed this week exploration in outdoor activities.
Locate 3 natural trails and 3 artificial trails in your area and explain what each of them is about.
From my understanding of this course Natural trail signs are those found in our environment which provide us with valuable information about the path we should follow according to our location.
They can help us reach a right paths. The one I always like tracing is human footprint. Human footprint 👣 is very good Natural sign which helps investigating a path. You can easily find it in a mud or on sand.
I also want to share that Cow defecation which is commonly referred to as manure or cow dung can be used to investigate a path. It's one of the natural trails. I love investigating where the live and it environment.
Another sign is a big trees with branches on the road, Here in my environment people that are using public transport (passengers) wait for vehicles especially buses under this tress. From the picture you can see some one waiting for vehicle.
Human footprint on sand
Passenger Trees spot
Cow dung
Artificial tracks are quite easy to investigate and recognize because the are things we see on the 🛣️ road side that helps us to identify where are.
It is very true and common that we got directions from banners, Billboards, names of schools, name of hospitals, popular market and place of worship.
Private School
My frist picture artificial tracks is school. From the picture we can use the name of the school to show direction and in their sign board you can easily read the name of the street where you are, it can be used in locating an individual.
The second picture shows a church. A famous places of worship, that has exit for many years. Since it is located along the road side, people can easily be reached here.
.A place of worship
The third one is road sign board. In this picture, you can clearly see the name of the secretariat. Here in my environment.,any copper that comes to serve in this Local government, the sign board is what we use in showing them the get in to the secretariat.
Sign board
Trace a path in your area and use the clue signs to locate each space on the map accordingly. Remember to use elements of the environment and nature to form the clues.
Explain in your own words the path you followed, the elements you used, and where you arrived.
The path am going right now with my daughter is a mall that is not two far from our house. We want to get Hollandia yogurt since it is her favourite drink.
In creating sketch the first thing I do was shows the route from my house to the mall . We leave home with a sign "# ",In the picture above it I use four woods to mark the starting point. As was described by my teacher.
After some minutes walk in the street, we turned to the left-hand side and assigned a trace mark on both sides. I use small stone to make arrow showing the right path.
I used a cross sign ❌to indicate the wrong way, since we're going left,l place the cross sign in the straight way and in the right using wooden stick.
We continue our journey to the left following ⬅️ the left arrow. The arrow signifies the right.
As we are enjoying the walk we meet a T-shape junction. At this point, the left side and down side of the road turned wrong paths,❌ so we followed the straight up side of the road. I marked the straight side ⬆️ using a small stick.
We continued walking straight on the road until we reached a point with a straight and left turn. We needed to put a cross ❌on the straight road and turned left ↖️. While entering the left Booom!! We reached our destination which was the mall. We make end of the track. ⏺️
In this picture, all red colour is for wrong paths while Green colour show our journey from the start to the end.
What did you think of this week's homework? Did you know you could leave clues in a very simple way? Was this course easy for you to complete? What was the most difficult part, and what did you learn?
In my own opinion, Am individual who has not missed in the forest before will take this week this course as common. But if you have experience a situation where by which needs natural and artificial tracks to return to your destination, such individual will know that it great outdoors experience.
I have encounter lot in the farm as such seeing the contest remind me of my childhood day. Anytime we enter long distance farm with my grand father he will use a tiny red cloth an tie on small trees whenever he turned left or right, this sign help us to track him without missing. Other people hardly understand unless it is explained to them.
Going through this course at first, I was delighted to know other clues, as I explained above I knew of only one but with this course, I realised alot. It is fun because it helps in guiding people who follow us on behind.
In this course, the most difficult was for me to sit down an make sketch, determining my start point, where we are going, the right and wrong paths and arriving at the right spot, I have never make a sketch of our road to the closet mall but this contest help me to do so.
I greatly enjoyed this week course, gladly waiting for the last week,I believe it will with awesome experience.
I would like invite @shiftitamanna, @ulfatulrahmah, @sdutaskitchen to join this course and share their experiences with us .